Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 1, No. 10                                                                                             August 7, 1952


Excerpts of the address of the Maha Chohan to the 200,000 lifestreams chosen to be the forerunners of the earth’s redemption period… address given August 7th, 1952: 

One of the Activities and Qualities of the Holy God from whose bosom came we all into being is that of a Comforting Presence. Do you know that the cry which rises from the earth is for “comfort” from pain, disillusionment, loneliness, uncertainty. The Presence of the Holy Spirit is God’s answer to this heart call, and I, who presently wear the name and carry the title of the Maha Chohan, am delegated to BE that Comforting Presence to all life, everywhere.

Those who chose to represent me among the world of men must begin to be a Comforting Presence in their present environment, their own personal sphere of influence. 

Until each man has learned to fill his aura with that peace, that hope, that healing, that balance, which is Comfort to life, so that his physical presence becomes a welcome and light bringing gift into the environment and atmosphere in which he moves, he has no right to carry my word to Life. 

I would rather focus my rays through a thatch roofed hut in the heart of the Himalaya Mountains where no human being ever sets foot, than have a temple of gold and marble among the world of man, where there was persecution and unhappiness and distress. I would rather take the foot of a wounded beast from the cruel jaws of a steel trap laid by the greed of unawakened man, or mend the broken wing of a sparrow, bringing gentle comfort to life, than speak from the housetops and cause Life to tremble in my atmosphere. 

The purpose of the Bridge is to bring the comfort of life to the wounded sons of men… to their sore hearts and confused spirits, to enable them through gentle guidance, to find the Comforter within the recesses of their own Being, requiring no mediator in form, and to be able to say, like the Master Jesus ‘come unto me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’. 

Those, who are willing to learn the gentle art of selflessness, to lose their lives that they may gain life eternal, to work (without adulation) from within the Light may write their names upon the Scroll at the Ceylon Retreat and into the instruction which will bring them to a point where my Ray, through them, may walk the earth in gentle Love. 

Every man has his own small orbit, his sphere of influence, into which are drawn by Karmic ties and circumstances, a certain amount of life energy. This life may be encased in human or elemental form, but its very presence within his personal atmosphere is the manifest sign that it is the responsibility of the individual who professes a desire to represent the Holy Comforter to life to love that life free. Until such a man has brought and sustained Comfort to the life which he contacts in his daily and hourly experience, he has not qualified to become a Radiating Center of Cosmic Comfort to the masses. 

Some men have a larger sphere of influence than others, and therefore, more lifestreams are within the compass of their daily influence. If such men would know me and my service to Life, let them enter into the radiance of the Holy Comforter, and connecting with my presence - bring peace and order out of Chaos - Harmony and Contentment out of dissatisfaction - Understanding and Wisdom out of ignorance - Health and Well-being out of sickness - Supply and Plenty out of lack - then and then alone may I walk freely through such men, as the God of Heaven has ever walked through his chosen Ones, bringing comfort to all who share the exile and present earth plane’s woes. 

Every son of earth, who has stood before the Karmic Board and qualified to become a son of heaven, was before his Ascension a Presence of Comfort to his fellowman. The exceptions to this rule have been bound out to schoolrooms in the inner spheres where they have had to learn the control of their energy until, such a radiation became their PASSPORT into the realm whose inhabitants are dedicated to bringing and sustaining Comfort to all who "touch the hem of their garments." 

The Great Lord Buddha achieved his Buddha-hood because of his burning desire to bring comfort and blessing to life. The grand exemplar Jesus was and is an example of a lifestream whose essence has been blended with the quality of the Holy Spirit... in its fullness. 

Asking the pardon of their great Presence in this Assembly, may I ask if you have any concept of the vibrations of the aura through which must pass those healing rays to make a blind man see… a seemingly lifeless form to rise from the dead and join again his grieving associates. What exactly is convoyed through such a Transmitter? Comfort to the afflicted? If you cannot practice becoming a Comforting Presence in the breaking of your daily bread, in the course of your everyday living, can you in good reason’s name become a Cosmic Comforter to some ten billion souls, bound so long beyond their allotted time, in the heavy karmic chains of mis-creations whose very sight would turn a sane man mad. 

What you are hourly is the measure of what you represent as an Outpost of ourselves. Ah yes, in time, of crisis, it is true that the Higher Mental Body for the moment sweeps aside the outer self and performs on rare occasions feats of great heroism and merit. BUT YOU who have been chosen to become the Higher Mental Body all the time are not measured by this spasmodic scale. 

You who stand here before me do so at the request of your own Christ selves. Let me remind you of something. These beautiful Christ selves have waited for so many centuries to fulfill the God Plan through your personal egos that it would not be within the dictates of my Consciousness to remind you of the time, the energy, the love, and thought entailed in sustaining you, as personalized and individualized beings. From among the ten billion souls who belong to this earth chain, and who are dependent upon incarnation through the earth today, you have been chosen to become “the first fruits of them that slept." By your cooperation and by the manifest activities of your outer selves, will the Karmic Lords determine how great a dispensation they will give in the January Council which is not now too far ahead. 

You chose to work through the Chain of the planets around our sun, to become co-creators with the Father in his Kingdom, to learn the lessons of cause and effect through the generation and projection of energy. For countless eons of time you have worked under the Chohan of the Seven Rays and your lifestream’s record is written in the Cosmic Library of the four Chohans and responsibility to life to thus address you and to tell you that you must ascend on your particular ray to its Apex... and become not only Lord of that Ray.... but ultimately great Lord, which is the meaning of the title that I carry (Maha - great... Chohan - Lord). And as a Great Lord you must embody Comfort to Life. 

Let us see now, if there are any among you, who are willing to subjugate the personal ego, as to become such a Comforter to Life. The amount of life comforted is not as important as the Motive, for when it is pure and earnest; life will increase the sphere of influence accordingly. 

As the far greater majority are receiving this address within the etheric body, with the exception of the few who were enabled to be with us in the flesh, I would like to emphasize that this talk is in no way to be taken as license to pamper the human appetites and demands of the flesh, but to remember the service to God, for God and in God's name... with the Inner Eye ever turned toward the Source from whence ALL Comfort flows, until the aura is suffused with that Peaceful Presence, but the Heart is "STAYED on HIM" from whence the life of the universe did first proceed and into which one day - when you have qualified as such a Comfort to Life - you shall again return. 

I give you the Blessings of the Holy Spirit, whom I represent in relationship to the planet earth at this time… may you come to understand his Gift of Life, and not only abide within its Comfortable presence, but become that Presence in his name.

Love and Blessings,









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