Lord Michael’s Feast Day

Archangel Michael

September 29, 1996

My beloved ones,

I believe we all agree that God in his infinite wisdom and power is a God of love, mercy, compassion, understanding, forgiveness and comfort. Add to this the knowledge that all life is ONE, how can you perceive the Ascended Masters and other great Cosmic Beings as anything less; or for that matter, yourselves and all other lifestreams on this planet? This and other misguided information that has been carried forward from the long distant past must be corrected and all that no longer applies must now be put to rest once and for all.

This does not mean that the information shared in the past was not the truth, only that the individuals who controlled this knowledge chose to mold it in a way that they believed would be best received and understood by the masses or in some cases to improve the personal positions of power of the spiritual leaders in those times. As all has been and shall continue to be in divine order, the examples of the past should be looked at by the spiritual teachers and directors of the present to assist them in creating the perfect foundation for the new age of spiritual freedom, knowing that what one chooses to do today also helps in creating the future.

Beloved ones, you now stand at a time in Earth's evolution when the people of this planet are once again receiving the fullness of divine truth and then through the gift of free will choice will decide how this information will be used. It is my hope that you and other spiritual forerunners will listen not only with your minds, but also with your hearts and learn from the past.

However, I do recognize how difficult it sometimes is to change old belief systems and there are many people on this planet who are unable and perhaps unwilling to do so at this time in Earth's history. In fact, it appears that many people are clinging even more tightly than ever before to what they have already been told and believe, understanding this to be the fullness of God's truth.

In actuality this idea is based on fear, this time 'fear of the unknown' and they are afraid to look at life in a new light for they believe at some level of consciousness any change in their lives will make their life experience worse. I AM here today to say again as many masters and prophets have said before, you must come to know the truth for the truth shall set you free!

I am very aware that, by all outer appearances, many of my oldest and dearest friends and co-servers, seem to be going through incredible life-altering challenges this year. I want each of you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily, constantly enfolded in the divine love, wisdom and strength of the entire host of light even if at times you may feel you have been abandoned and forsaken by God. You must have faith beloved ones! Do not let go of all you have worked lifetimes to attain. Believe in the power within and know you are safe no matter the outcome of your current life experience.

Several years ago I invited all people everywhere at both inner and outer levels to come to my focus at Lake Louise. Last year during the conference, you were fully prepared and received everything you needed to face what soon would be taking place in your lives. Since that time, I or members of my mighty legions have always been with you and be assured we shall stay by your sides throughout your 'dark night of the soul,' in fact, throughout the entire process of your rapid spiritual unfoldment and enlightenment.

Those of you who face challenges of a physical nature seek your treatment in all avenues of expression. Do not believe you have failed in your spiritual development just because you must go outside yourself for assistance, for that negates the truth and reality of unity and brotherhood. Don't overlook or refuse the many gifts so called 'traditional medicine' has to offer. Remember, God works his miracles through all people, including doctors and practitioners in every area of the healing profession.

If you find your difficulty manifesting through your mental or emotional vehicle, your confusion and pain can be relieved in several ways. First, you must allow both of these bodies to work together in harmony. You must begin to think not only with your mind, but also with your feeling nature. There have and will continue to be many occasions, especially at this time in your evolution, when knowledge and understanding will come to you through your emotional vehicle and for whatever reason, your brain is unable to accept this information. You must have faith and trust God in you beloved ones. Your individualized I AM Presence already has all the answers if you will allow this divine part of yourself dominion over your lower nature, and as you well know, for this to happen your lower vehicles must become balanced.

Many of you are also experiencing times when long forgotten memories are coming to your outer consciousness, often overwhelming you with thoughtforms you may not know what to do with. Whenever this happens, enter the Threefold flame of divinity at your heart center and enfold yourself in the Violet Transmuting Flame. Then, and only then, examine each memory and consciously take the good of each experience and happily observe how this energy enters the great storehouse of your Causal Body. In the same token, through the power of love, purify and let go of all that you no longer need in your life further increasing your inner light and beauty.

Remember, beloved ones, none of this inner healing must you do alone. Reach out to others on the physical plane or in the inner realms whenever you find it necessary for there are many lifestreams who, having dedicated their life energy to helping others, are just waiting for you to ask for they have the knowledge, power, and love to assist you in your time of need.

I know for many of you your lives seem difficult right now, but if you will take a few moments during this time of chaos to be still, to quiet your body, mind, emotions and memories you shall begin to remember dear chelas, remember the reason for which you came into embodiment; to assist in rekindling the flame of life in all the other members of your planetary family. Through your light, you will share with them the higher laws of life and the true reality of their existence and this, beloved ones, will be accomplished by your example in every aspect of earthly life.

You must come to realize and accept that the mass awakening of your brothers and sisters on this planet is a co-operative endeavor between you, all our chelas and lightworkers, and those of us in the higher realms. Each lifestream involved must fulfill their part in this great divine plan so the Earth and all life upon it or concerned with it in any way may enter the new millennium just as God intended, fully manifesting in the world of form beloved Saint Germain's Permanent Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom.

As you continue to provide your great service to life, remain enfolded always in a brand new cloak of wisdom and protection that I now offer for your use as you go forth from this Sanctuary with renewed strength and faith to face whatever lies ahead without fear.

I AM Archangel Michael,

Defender of your Faith

and Protector of your Divinity




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