Easter Conference

Lady Hygeia

March 31, 1994

Beloved healers of the New Age,

I come with great love and respect, born of my closeness to your most precious hearts of compassion. As you consider the needs of your brothers and sisters in the human family, you call forth a great light―currents of God's love that have brought much healing to the Earth from the Fifth and Sixth Spheres. Of course, much remains to be accomplished, but as you work with constancy and dedication upon the tasks at hand, you have opened doors through which this ever-increasing light may now flow.

At every Healing Class, you invoke my presence, and I always respond, enfolding you with the full intensity of my power of healing. Yet, many of you have not come to know me as well as I desire. At this moment, I ask that you close your eyes and place your attention upon me. Open your hearts with trust and expectation, so that I may direct my love into your heart flames right now.

I previously spoke to you of the Ruby Temple, and I wish to expand upon your knowledge of this powerful focus of healing. The Ruby Temple exists in the Sixth Sphere. As you are aware, the Sixth Ray is also a healing ray, along with the more scientific aspects of healing that emanate from   the Fifth Sphere. The Ruby Temple, of which I AM Hierarch, has several specific functions. One of these is to connect the Fifth and Sixth Ray aspects of healing, to expand and strengthen the qualities of both rays, as they affect the healing efforts of the chelas. 'In other words, this temple acts as a bridge to span any possible differences between the scientific aspects of the Fifth Ray and the more esoteric aspects of healing radiated to the Earth from the Sixth Ray.

Beloved Master Hilarion, who is Hierarch of the Temple of Truth over Crete, directs the Green Ray of truth into your healing work. You have discovered that, as the Green Ray enters the Earth and the four lower vehicles of humanity, it pushes to the surface the symptoms that reveal to the outer consciousness the cause and core of various manifestations which require healing. In concert with his work, I direct the Sixth Ray energies of ministration and peace into the planet. This awakens in the consciousness of humanity the compassionate desire to heal the cause and core of all discomfort being experienced. This, of course, takes place through transmutation by the sacred Violet Fire. Then the quality of peace—which is required to hold the Immaculate Concept of perfection until the healing is complete—may be received into the emotional body. Perhaps this explanation, while simplified, will assist you to understand the necessity of combining your feeling natures with your intellectual perceptions, while you function as the healers of the New Age you came to be.

At this time, it is necessary to bridge the gap that exists in the outer world between the two schools of thought among people working as healers. You—our chelas—are working from the inner realms with us, but in the fields of science, medicine, and holistic healing, there are countless people who are also working on the Fifth and Sixth Rays, as they develop their spiritual understanding about their fields of endeavor. You can do much to help overcome differences between these individuals and groups, through visualization and decrees, as well as developing your own spiritual understanding of the interconnection of scientific and spiritual healing work.

The color of the Sixth Ray is ruby-gold. I AM aware that there is some confusion about the way in which this color is described, and I wish to clarify this for our chelas.

I would like for you to think of the Sixth Ray as it emanates forth from the Great Central Sun and enters the Earth plane. Near the source of the ray in the aura of the Sun, the color is the purest golden-white light. As it descends toward the Earth, the color changes gradually, becoming a stronger, more vibrant gold, and gradually begins to display a golden-pink tone as it moves closer to the physical realm. Moving yet closer, the pink becomes more dominant and brilliant in color, eventually displaying tones of a deep ruby-red color. This is due to the fact that, to serve well within the physical realm, much physical energy is required to promote healing energies in the physical bodies of humankind. This is one reason why people often desire to surround themselves with the deeper shades of pink and clear, bright tones of red and orange, when their physical energies feel low. Also, many healers are drawn to these colors, because a great deal of physical energy is required in the care of those who are experiencing physical illness of any kind. The ruby aspect of the Sixth Ray brings vitality to the mental and emotional bodies as well, and acts to externalize the qualities of peace and service into the outer consciousness of humanity. This color aspect may also be used to call your attention to circumstances or conditions requiring your illuminated attention, brought to bear in some important way.

Each chela, when they begin to call upon the Sixth Ray qualities to balance the work of the Fifth Ray, receives an anchoring of the ruby-gold ray into their hearts flames, thereby expanding their ability to serve as spiritual healers immeasurably. They may then infuse the field of science and medicine with the spiritual understanding of the holistic nature of humankind and the need to heal the emotions and minds, as well as the physical bodies of the race.

As my representative, beloved Mother Mary assists me greatly in the incorporation of Sixth Ray healing aspects into the field of science and medicine. She acts as Hierarch of the Ruby Temple in the etheric realm over Arabia. The flame within this temple is ruby in color. As well, Lady Nada magnetizes my flame into the Temple of Transfiguration at Mount Meru, in Tanzania, on the great African Continent. The flame there is also ruby, with a violet radiance.

There are other foci of the ruby-gold ray around the planet in strategic locations, which may be discussed from time-to-time to assist your understanding, as well as your efficiency as healers, in the New Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom.

I sincerely hope that my words have brought you some measure of enlightenment about the Ruby Temple, and the other healing foci that draw upon its great power. I also hope it has brought you―each one, the feeling of my presence, as I enfold you in the love of my heart. I AM grateful to you for acting as my hands upon the physical Earth, bringing God's healing and love to the lives of all you contact. Our God is truly one God, and we are forever united in this truth.

Your friend,

Lady Hygeia




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