Assimilation and Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern

July 1995


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Visualize chelas and lightworkers everywhere standing before beloved Micah's crystalline flame with its soft blue radiance. They now join hands and vow to serve the cause of freedom by bringing unity and brotherhood to all life on planet Earth.

Beloved of my heart,

During this year of 1995, I see many of you striving with all your strength and energy to transmute and purify your lower vehicles, so that any time you take a step forward in your evolution you are aware, not only of raising yourselves, but the entire planet Earth into a much higher vibratory level. Along with this understanding you also realize that, throughout this entire process, there is much to be learned as you tailor your activities to this stronger and more powerful energy. The fact you are aware that any forward movement on your part allows all life to also move forward shows how far you have come in just this lifetime. You are truly integrating the oneness of all life into your beings!

Several years ago you were told of the great importance of the final decade of this century and it is now the fifth year of ten. Let us examine what has taken place during this time and also receive some enlightenment concerning the future. At the very beginning of this cycle, the purified planet Earth was gently and lovingly handed back to its children. Do you understand the importance of this act to all life residing upon it? The responsibility of the evolution of this planet was actually given back to you―each one―for the time had come when you were finally prepared to accept this challenge and opportunity. During the following year, the Christ Presence was awakened within your hearts and chelas and lightworkers everywhere began to rekindle this flame in all their brothers and sisters.

With this activity, many hidden thoughts and feelings began to surface to a conscious level. Thus it was quite appropriate and necessary that the year of 1992 was one in which you worked constantly, purifying all outstanding energy within and around you, preparing a perfect foundation for the Seven Steps of Precipitation to have their natural effect through your lifestream and the entire Earth as well. Also, the fact that beloved Saint Germain served as the Enfolding Spirit during that time is very significant, as he is the guiding force upon this planet during the next two thousand year period.

The next two years you were extremely busy with many magnificent beings of light from the First and Second Rays, strengthening your personal power and faith; understanding more fully and accepting within yourselves the qualities and blessings those great ones embody. If you look back on this time of extremely rapid spiritual growth in your life, you will quickly see you have done well in fulfilling what has been asked of you and actually come quite far along your individual paths.

This brings us to this year, filled with all the attributes of pure divine love. As most of you have already learned by now, this has not proven to be the easy year you may have expected. It has been filled with change and many opportunities to use the gift of unconditional love, as you are now truly becoming your brothers' keeper. During the second half of this year your attention will be focused primarily upon the activity of using the quality of love to balance your threefold flame, so that next year you can lovingly and joyously work with the flames of purity and ascension. In this way you will further raise―not only your vibrations, consciousness, and activities―but those of all life around you.

The next three years after that will then be ones of service, as you quietly and easily work with the many qualities of the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Rays, allowing you to become the God-free beings you truly are, finding and remaining always in a state of perfect peace. You will then be fully prepared for the 'New Beginning' that will take place in the year 2000. Beloved ones, so much more than words can say has happened and will continue to happen during this time in the Earth's evolution. As you look around, you are finding that all life is experiencing many of the same challenges, changes, and blessings as you are. The only difference is what your individual circumstances will be, depending upon what you need to learn and also share with others. Be not afraid of this process, beloved ones, for it has been going on since the beginning of time! So many of us have successfully completed this part of our evolution, moving on to higher initiations and so, too, shall you! Even now, you assist others walking the path behind you to also succeed in their quest, and for this part of your service to life, we shall be ever grateful!

Consider the information I have shared with you today and take some time to see exactly how far you have come and even where you now stand, for the time has come to look ahead to the future. I love you and enfold you in my cloak of unity and brotherhood as, together, we continue to create God's perfection here on Earth!

I AM Micah,

 the Archangel of Unity




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