Spring Conference

Lady Nada

April 1, 1994

Beloved ones,

It has been some time since I had the opportunity to address you. However, I have been constantly watchful of your every interaction with others. The challenges and tests offered to you have been many and from my point of view, overall―you have each done very well in your personal responses. This shows that you are receiving our instructions, studying them at great depth, and then putting them into action in your beings and worlds.

Many of us in the ascended realm have come to the same conclusion, that the time has clearly come to further your initiations, and a more intense program along these lines will soon commence for those of you who desire these steps.

You know from your own experience that some of the hardest lessons can be learned from your relationships with other people and I AM sure there have been many times in your lives when your only desire has been to find a private place where no one else would intrude, going into the caves, just as the wise men of ancient times have done. There were good reasons given for that decision―however, to work at the level of consciousness each of you now desires to attain, this option is no longer a choice for our students, except for relatively short periods of time to rest and reflect.

Your quickest progress will be attained as you eagerly enter into group work and relationships with others, and I ask that you focus your attention upon this endeavor. When working closely with other individuals―be it family, friends, or co-workers―the opportunity to use your many gifts from God increases greatly. As chelas, you have shown your tremendous love and joy for life. Now, as you fully enter into the activity of unified group service, you will rapidly step forward on your personal paths, receiving expanded understanding of―and putting to use―the gifts of tolerance, patience, cooperation and humility, to name just a few.

Chelas, who are working toward their ascensions, must develop within themselves every gift and talent that they vowed to fulfill and give to life, after being shown their divine plans before taking embodiment. Taking this requirement one step further, you must also be able to share these gifts with others. This is not always easy, for―as you begin to offer these gifts to your fellowman―you may find much resistance to your thoughts, ideas and actions. This is due in part, not only to the human consciousness of those with whom you are working and sharing, but also to the human consciousness within yourself.

Always be on guard, for your human ego is forever trying to convince you that you are special, thus removing you from those with whom you are working and learning. Whenever there are actions or feelings of separation, let this be a red flag of warning to you. If possible, immediately stop what you are doing, enter the silence, and look within. Ask yourself; "what am I feeling?" If intolerance or judgment comes into your mind for whatever reason, you must immediately transmute this energy and return to your center, the Holy Christ Flame within your heart. You must learn to always remain centered within pure, unconditional, divine love!

As the heart center for this entire planet, Shamballa serves the Earth in many capacities. Of the utmost importance at this time is the unifying of all activities working for good on this planet, with the final goal being the full establishment of beloved Saint Germain's permanent Golden Age. For this to become a manifest reality, every chela and light worker must learn to live and work in unity, harmony and brotherhood.

This will happen only after you each put your personal egos to rest and look past all outer appearances, knowing without a doubt that every person―including yourself―is a God-being. You must rise above the personal and forgive all past mistakes. You must know that whatever is going on around you at any time is a manifestation of the perfection of God.

Some of you may feel that this is an easy task to accomplish. We will see if this is true. During the rest of your stay here at Shamballa, put this activity into practice.

Consciously outpicture unconditional love for your fellow chelas, no matter what the outer appearances. Each day, evaluate your actions and responses to the others. What conditions arose where you felt off-center? Thank God every time you see the Presence of God in another person, or within yourself.

To many of you this may be an easy assignment, but for others, you will quickly begin to see clearly that there is much for you to learn. When this happens, turn your attention to the Presence of God within you and those of us in the higher realms, for we wait patiently to assist your every step of the way along your path toward enlightenment and freedom. We have lived and worked where you are now and we do understand!

Lady Nada

Holy Days

Transfiguration of Jesus                    Monday, August 6

Mother Mary's Ascension                    Tuesday, August 15





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