Petition Class

Saint Germain

December 31, 1994

Beloved friends walking the path to Spiritual Freedom,

As I speak to you tonight, the entire Spiritual Hierarchy stands by me, for as you know, the manifestation of the new and permanent Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom has begun. This is my responsibility and shall remain under my guardianship for the next two thousand years. During this time it will also be my great privilege to share this responsibility with beloved El Morya, for it is he who has mastered the ability to enter the diamond heart of God's holy will, drawing forth the ideas which will make this Earth freedom's holy star. Therefore, as you listen to my words, know that they carry his vibration and radiation as well. Beloved El Morya is also the founder and sponsor of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, so as you work through this activity of light, you will greatly assist in bringing forth the new Golden Age.

Beloved chelas, your perception of those of us who abide in the higher octaves of expression is becoming more intense and clearer, especially each time you put into practice the knowledge you have gained concerning the Violet Fire of freedom's love. As the planetary keynote of a new year―filled with divine love―rings forth at midnight tonight, each individual on Earth has the marvelous opportunity to experience the fullness of transmutation and purification through the activity of the sacred violet flame. The Violet Fire truly is the most powerful aspect of love that instantly transmutes all outstanding energy back into its original perfection. The only requirement is for you to be silent and listen, so that you may realize what is required of you at any given moment! God's blessings and miracles are always within reach, if you are attuned to God's holy will!

Tonight I bring to you some clarification concerning this activity of light as an integral part in the overall plan of precipitating spiritual freedom on a planetary scale. As you have felt and experienced many times, God's will is that Shamballa, which represents the divine perfection within each lifestream, shall one day be visible to the sight of all humanity. This, beloved ones, is truly being accomplished, as the glory of the ages touches the hearts and minds of every man, woman, and child, prompting them to turn their attention inward to the focus of Shamballa anchored in their own blessed hearts. Beloved ones, can you accept the responsibility of this knowledge? It is my sincere prayer that you choose to do so now, for we are depending on you to bring this celestial vision forth into the physical substance of this beloved Earth! Each time you use the Violet Flame to purify yourself, you are taking responsibility for this work―as you now realize and accept that you truly are an integral part of Shamballa in the physical world. This awareness further fulfills the reality of your divine plan, for Shamballa has always been with you in spirit, just waiting for the violet transmuting flame to release this knowledge to you.

In order for this activity of light to be of the greatest assistance in building and strengthening the bridge of consciousness through which all life will one day cross into the higher octaves of light, the radiation of the physical focus of Shamballa here on Long Island must be sufficiently balanced within the divine principle of the Holy Trinity—the perfect balance of love, wisdom and power. This has been successfully accomplished, and you have come to realize this fact through the much intensified radiation and blessings you now receive as you spend time attending classes or quietly walking the sacred grounds. You have indeed finally arrived home and we welcome you with open arms!

With the manifestation of the Holy Trinity in, through and around Shamballa, we have been granted by cosmic law a considerable dispensation of energy to release into the Earth through this, the heart center of the planet. The process will be a slow and gentle one, however, allowing all life the time to adjust to the much higher vibration that will spread throughout this planet.

Dear friends, due to this fact it is my earnest hope that you have come to the realization of the importance of manifesting only pure thoughts, feelings and memories into the physical substance of the Earth. Also, you must remember at all times―wherever you are, to be the Violet Fire in action! Do you remember how you felt when you arrived at Shamballa just a few days ago? The feeling of great joy welled up in your hearts as you arrived and once again witnessed the reality of your celestial home. You have come to understand the importance of this, the physical heart center of the Earth, as you realize how much you have learned concerning divine principle and benefited from the radiation and the close physical contact you now have with Shamballa and your fellow chelas. Expanding this understanding even further, think about the blessings from this mighty focus of love, wisdom and power that you carry with you every time you return to your friends and families in the outer world. You take with you the ability to manifest Shamballa in, through and around your own shining beings; taking with you the keynote of spiritual freedom to share with others!

There are many chelas who have not yet been able to make the physical journey to this great focus of light, but as all life is one, they are connected to the heart center in many other ways. One of the most important is that they receive our teachings and radiation through the printed word, such as the monthly magazine, the Shamballa Letters and many other books and publications. This, beloved ones, is their lifeline and their way of working in coordinated service within the Body of Light, so you can quickly see the importance of this work. The time is fast approaching when the activity of manifesting Shamballa on a planetary scale will expand considerably. The purification required for this step to take place is very well under way, and soon the day will come when the further teachings of this activity will be offered to all people who desire them.

As Shamballa is destined to enfold the entire planet within the diamond heart of God's will, any activity that is required here, at the heart center, will also be required in every part of the planet. This principle will be manifest on the physical plane through the group petition to which you have so diligently agreed to dedicate your energies during the next six months. By making the calls on behalf of this activity and all activities working for the positive needs of humankind, this process will be greatly accelerated. It may sometimes seem an overwhelming task, but as you are now able to perceive, the mass consciousness is rapidly taking major steps of a spiritual nature; and when they are ready to receive the many answers to their questions, this activity will be ready to offer its knowledge to them.

Beloved chelas, you know that Shamballa is connected to the glorious heart of beloved Sanat Kumara, and so are we all! This great being made the sacrifice of leaving his home planet to come into the atmosphere of Earth and serve all life here. Through this, his beloved planet also became more sacred. Beloved friends, it is my heart's desire that you meditate upon his example. Accept within yourself that, when you sacrifice the human consciousness and tear the veils of maya asunder through the use of the Violet Fire, the Earth, too, will also become more sacred and pure.

God's will is the perfect manifestation of divine love upon the Earth, and the living, breathing Violet Flame is the major tool which will bring forth this divine edict. I ask that you consider carefully what this means. Also, think about what you have experienced and the many divine ideas you have received during this conference, as you work with your personal and group petitions during the next six months.

Beloved friends of the ages, I have shared these words with you so that you may more fully understand how important and vital your assistance to Shamballa is. Know that we stand together and walk side by side, as we continue to work for Earth's forward movement into the light.

Your friend of freedom,

Saint Germain






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