Decree to the Great Beings of the Violet Fire

In the Name, Power, and Authority of the beloved Presence of God I AM in us and through the activity of the Holy Christ within our hearts and those of all humankind, we invoke all the Beings of the Violet Fire to come forth now!

Oh, beloved Master, Lady Kwan Yin, ENFOLD us in Your perfect Love. ASSIST us to accept forgiveness for our own misuse of God's Holy Energy, as we forgive all misqualified energy directed toward us from any source, at any time.

BLAZE (3X) the full cosmic momentum of Your Love, Forgiveness, and Compassion throughout humanity, gently bringing to all the understanding that forgiveness is the key to Peace and Harmony.

Expanding this activity further, we now call upon the added assistance of Mighty Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Holy Amethyst and all the Legions of Light serving the Seventh Ray to:

BLAZE (3X) the Violet Transmuting Flame in, through, and around all life on our dear Earth, and TRANSMUTE (3X) the mass karma of the races and every vestige of effluvia of any kind that remains within the astral plane surrounding our blessed planet.

Beloved Ones, we thank you for this service and accept it done, right here and right now. May we always strive to hold the vision of Perfection as the Earth truly becomes Freedom’s Holy Star.

So be it, beloved I AM!





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