Prayer to Beloved Kwan Yin for the Children

In the Name of the I AM Presence and the Holy Christ Self within our hearts, we come to you, beloved Lady Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy and Compassion. We ask that You open Your arms of love to the children of Earth, enfolding each one holding them close to Your Heart Flame.

Protect each child as they seek to accomplish their mission here on Earth. Purify their parents, homes and surroundings, so that they have a clear atmosphere in which to develop and grow. Teach them at inner levels that love is their essence and show them how to expand their radiance into the lives of their families and all those around them.

Guide them each day until they awaken to their own True Selves, knowing they are the beloved sons and daughters of God! Be by their sides and blaze the Violet Fire into their auras and worlds until that glorious day when they are raised up into the full Light of the Ascension.

We make this call with all the love of our hearts, with gratitude for all the love of Your Heart.

In God's most Holy Name, I AM!