
Serapis Bey

November 8, 1992

I AM Serapis Bey, Master of the mighty Ascension Flame. I come to you this day in answer to the calls of all humankind, who are presently awakening to words which are stirring feelings deep within their beings. They are the same words used by beloved Mother Mary last Easter at sunrise. I will repeat them once again;

"Rise up, 0 Children of the ONE GOD! Rise up on the Mighty Wings of the Resurrection Flame into the Eternal Hope and Glory of your Divine Heritage"... that of the Ascension!

The hour has come when the Earth must begin a process that will ultimately lead to the fulfillment of her destiny, thus allowing the other planets and stars within the universe to also fulfill their part in the Great Plan. More information concerning the various aspects of this mandate, how it will work, and most importantly, how you―as chelas―can assist, will be released over the next several months and years. The rate at which it will be released is dependent upon the development of your consciousness, for it may only be received as you are prepared!

I would like to begin today with some information I believe you will find helpful, as it will allow you to look at some old ideas in a new light. As you are aware, each day of the week is designated by a specific Ray, having certain activities linked to it, with a specific energy, vibration, quality, color, and music. Many great Beings of Light and Ascended Masters, as well as yourselves, also have an affinity to a specific Ray.

Consequently, each and every day, One of the Chohans, One of the Elohim, and One of the Archangels, along with the Divine Complement of each, pour forth Their qualities and radiation as a blessing to all life on the Earth. You, as chelas of The Great White Brotherhood, also enter into this activity, further expanding the power of this work by combining your energies with Ours.

In January of this year a precipitation meditation was published in the Bridge Journal, allowing the chelas to once again realize the importance of concentrating upon and working with the Precipitation Flame. Over the ensuing months, We have observed that many have taken the opportunity to use this activity, not only for themselves, but for others. During this month, when My Flame blazes brightly, I desire to add My particular quality to every endeavor and sustain it from this time forth.

There are seven consecutive steps in the process of Precipitation. During each step you must concentrate your energies on one specific quality, to assist in the actual manifestation. By enfolding each step in the Ascension Flame, you can expand every activity still further.

Allow me to give the following example. Your I AM Presence knows only the perfection of God, and constantly pours forth that perfection to your Holy Christ Self. This is the way in which God's Divine Plan is released to each of you. The Holy Christ Self, acting as the step-down transformer, patiently awaits your recognition, and the opportunity to show you the Divine Pattern. This can be revealed to you through your consciousness, when you have sufficiently progressed along your Path to use the information for the good of all concerned.

Upon seeing the beginning of the Plan, the tendency is to tell everyone, because you desire to put it into immediate action and receive a tangible manifestation instantly. However, even though it is not easy, you must develop the patience and humility to ask what needs to be done. You must enter the Silence and listen for the answer.

It is also easy to feel that your way is the only way, but, of course, that is not always true. Everyone wants to believe that they have grown to the point where they have the perfect answer. However, every day you become aware of new ideas and deeper truths, just as others around you are also doing. You must take the necessary time to observe the situation, perceiving the various concepts involved. Then, calling for illumination, you need to look again at the Divine Plan, discerning the perfect thing to do.

Divine Love now comes into action as the force which magnetizes the actual electronic light substance, allowing that which you want to create, a place to begin. Thus, it is one of the most important steps. Love is also the power that brings every individual to this point in the creative process. It then continues to act as the sustaining force, keeping you hard at work to manifest your creation. Without the great love each one of you have for others, it is doubtful that you would even be here listening to My words.

You may feel the desire to change the Divine Pattern, but through purity of intent, you must not allow this to happen. Remember¾any plan of creation, no matter how big or how small, was given to you absolutely perfect by your I AM Presence, through your Holy Christ Self. You must then hold the Immaculate Concept given¾without deviation.

Now fully aware of the Divine blueprint, it is up to you to use the power of concentration to hold to the Plan as given, until its physical creation. This portion of the work is absolutely essential! Once a project is started, you must stay with it and see it through to completion. Many individuals have an idea and begin the process of precipitation, but few follow through with the work involved in manifestation. Through the activity of consecration, you must dedicate yourself to complete each and every endeavor you begin.

To stay with the work you have begun, you must then establish a rhythm of application, finding the best way of working on the project. Complete harmony and perfect balance within yourself, and with whatever you desire to create, is the ultimate point to reach. Remembering that all tasks become difficult if you are unhappy with the work you are doing, call for the qualities of joy and enthusiasm, to assist you in manifesting that which you desire.

This brings Me to the seventh step in the Science of Precipitation. You must enfold your plan in peace, being completely comfortable with all aspects contained within it¾never wavering in your desire. You may ask how this is possible! The answer is simple. You must find and remain always in the state of perfect peace, no matter what the outer appearances are. This, My beloved ones, is mastery!

Finally, you must call upon My joyous, buoyant Flame to raise the new creation―which you so lovingly assisted to bring forth―into a higher vibration, and once that is accomplished, sustain it there. I ask that you take time to consider the result of adding My impetus to all situations and activities. You will then see that, if My Ray is used by every person as they precipitate their part of the Divine Plan from this time forth, the Earth will ascend into her rightful orbit gracefully and easily, without stress of any kind.

This is the beginning of many teachings to be released, first to the chelas, and then made available to all humanity through many avenues of instruction. As of today, begin to use this information, starting with yourself. Great things will begin to manifest in your life and in the lives of others! Step into My Flame, beloved ones. Rise up on the Power of My Love, for I AM here to greet you. Together, we shall heal the world!

Serapis Bey

Holy Day this Period: 

Asala Festival                                   Saturday, July 3





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