Spring Conference

Lord Maitreya

March 31, 1991

Beloved Chelas of My Heart,

It is with great joy that I greet you on this day, which commemorates the resurrection of beloved Jesus, the Christ, so many years ago. Through his great sacrifice, he created a living Path of Light for all humanity to follow, which will endure for all the ages yet to come. It was he and I, working as ONE UNIFIED FORCE OF LIGHT, who established a Bridge of Light composed of the Resurrection and Ascension Flames, from the Earth plane directly into the Realms of Light. Over that Bridge many have followed, having understood through his teaching and example, that the Christ lives within their own Sacred Hearts.

To know his Presence is to know mine.

Ascended Master Consciousness results, in part, from rigorous training in ignoring all outer appearances, and seeing only the inner Divine TruthCosmic Law in actionin every situation. Therefore, in the Ascended Master Octave, when we regard you in your day-to-day lives, we do not see the specific challenges you face from their outward aspects. Always, we observe the action of energy, as it either increases or obscures the Light, which is your Holy Christ Self.

To put this in more simple terms, let us say for example that the physical vehicle of an embodied man meets with an injury of some type, for whatever the reason. An Ascended Master does not see the outer appearancethe circumstancesof the physical demonstration in the same way that it may be observed in the physical realm.

Instead, we observe a rend, or tear, in the fabric of the Light intensity of the individual's four lower vehicles. We see a darkness appear in the physical garment where the lifestream initially experiences an injury. Then we see the outward spread of the vibration as the emotional vehicle becomes involved, emitting discordant energies which you may name as ‘fear’, ‘pain’, or ‘anger’, and so on. Similarly, the mental vehicle and etheric records are affected and altered, and the energy moves outward to affect all life around that individualin this instancewith negativity.

The example I have given holds true for what we see when any unascended being who is embodied, comes into contact with any type of discordant energy, be it to the physical, mental, or emotional vehicles, and does not yet possess the tools to deal with that discordant energy as a God-Free Being.

When you, our chelas, are working from within the Presence of God "I AM", and you immediately begin to apply that knowledge, using the tools you have been given, the activity we see from the Octaves of Light presents an entirely different picture! Not only does the Light of your four lower vehicles increase when you Love Life Free, but your own "I AM" Presence increases in stature, as well! Also, any discordant energy which approaches you is returned to its God-estate of purity, as well!

To some of you it may seem as though I am repeating knowledge of which you are fully aware. I say to you, that if you were fully aware of the efficacy of the tools which you have been given, and if you were to persevere in the use of these tools every waking moment of every day, you would not be experiencing any form of discord within your lives. You would be capable of ascending right now! Until such time as the manifest world reflects the purity of the teaching, please consider that the teaching is not yet fully understood.

Perseverance in the Spiritual sense means to persist in the face of all seeming obstacles and setbacks, through ongoing Grace. Beloved Ones, accept the Grace of God as the necessary ingredient in your education, for it is not an easy matter to remember all the lessons given, let alone apply them constantly. It is not intended that you accept my Words as a reprimand, but as a reminder of God's Grace, for without it, your complete Spiritual Freedom would be impossible of attainment.

Never forget that all discord in the outer world is but an expression of inner unrest. Never forget that all inner unrest can be transmuted through conscious application of the Sacred Violet Flame, which is a Gift of Grace to all humankind.

Right now, with all of the Love of my own Heart-Flame, I BLAZE into your consciousness that.....


It is with the greatest Love and Gratitude that I behold you, the chelas of the Great White Brotherhood, as you move ever upward into total unity with the Presence of God I AM, through conscious contact with your own Indwelling Christ. Remain within that Inner Christ at all times, and soon the lessons of this world will have been learned, and you can choose to live your life in service to the Godhead for all time!

I await your calls, as always, to present further initiations for your lifestreams, as We work hand-in-hand and side-by-side to redeem all life on this dear planet Earth.

I thank you.


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When God, the Universal "I AM" Presence, created man in His Own Image and Likeness, He also gave to man the use of free will and the ability to call forth as much or as little of God-energy as he desired. The resultant experimentation with the use of this energy and its molding into forms of limitation have caused the present planetary crises, as well as the individual distresses which plague the people of Earth and the Nature Kingdom. However, when the Divine Source and His Messengers saw that humankind was going to adopt the God-given prerogative of free will to create imperfection, the activity of transmutation was begun at Inner Levels and prepared for the use of those who would, most definitely, require its assistance when they "had done" with their experimentations and were uncomfortable enough to send up the cry "Oh God have mercy on us!"

El Morya

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