Use the Gifts of the Violet Fire

Excerpts from an Address by beloved

 Archangel Zadkiel

The Bridge 1961

Now again, we come to the new day when the Seventh Ray is magnificent in its outpouring to the Earth. We ask you to learn this Power of Transmutation of small things first in the orbit of your own blessed and individual worlds. You have opportunity within every twenty-four hour period of invoking the FULL POWER of that Violet Fire, which is Mercy and Love, to blaze through any appearance where there seems to be temporary shadow. You have the FULL POWER VESTED IN YOU BY GOD, your own "I AM" Presence, of seeing the change in energy, even though you speak not a word.

The Power and Activity of Transmutation combines the Threefold Flame in your Heart; the Power to be a representative of the Ascended Master Saint Germain; the Wisdom to use the instruction that has been given you and the Love that desires to remove shadows wherever they may be. That Love, beloved ones, truly does surpass the understanding of the human mind.

For a good many ages, humanity has endeavored through various processes to transmute their limitations but they have only succeeded in pushing them back into the deeper recesses of the etheric, mental and emotional vehicles. At the first opportunity, they press forth again and are manifest in the world and experience of the same individualembodiment after embodiment.

Now, beloved ones, you have the Scepter and the Power of Authority to use this Violet Fire, and in the using it to know that where there has been shadow, there can be light; where there is unhappiness, there can be happiness; where there has been disease, there can become ease. THESE ARE GIFTS THAT ARE HELD WITHIN THE VIOLET FIRE WHICH WE REPRESENT! The great Elohim Arcturus and mighty Diana, My beloved Amethyst, Ascended Master Saint Germain and beloved Portia are all giving to you Our Full Power and Confidence in the use of this Violet Flame. No knowledge, beloved ones, written or read, unless it is utilized, can be of benefaction to an individual.

You have the Power, because God, Himself, in the glorious Chalice in your heart, has anchored It in you. You have Wisdom because the Cosmic Law has repeatedly given to you these words of the Ascended Host of Light. You have the Love for God, or you would not be here. You have Love also for your fellowman to spread what may seem yet to you an invisible radiation of that Violet Fire and CHANGE the quality of energy. I challenge you on behalf of Love to practice this and see wherein your own and others' lives are freed!

Think on this also: The life, which flows from you through free will and attaches to any person, place, condition or thing on this Earth, is a stream of electronic force which moves so rapidly that the human eye cannot see it.

For the sake of clarification, we will say that we will slow down that life for a moment and when it reaches the ultimate in the point of your attention, it draws back into your emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles, the actual substance of that on which your attention has rested.

Therefore, when your attention rests on imperfect conditions; on that which is not of God and his goodness, you are drawingconsciously or unconsciously for it is the Lawmore and more of the substance upon which you dwell into your world; constructively when your attention is upon the Ascended Host of Light, the Divine Beings that represent the Hierarchy of Heaven.

You are drawing, through your life energywhich is pointed upward and, through free will back, into your emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehiclesthe substance and energy of the Divine Beings in the form of emotional peace, mental alertness, etheric purity and physical stamina, which is so required in this hour and day.






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