
Feeling a deep desire to meditate and commune with the Presence of God anchored within your heart, you close the door to all outer distractions. Sitting down in your own quiet place, you begin to concentrate on relaxing your body, stilling your mind and calming your emotions. You call upon the Blue Ray of God's Protection and the Violet Ray of Purification, using the power of the Holy Breath to draw in these Rays and expand them throughout your lower vehicles and aura. This done, you continue to breathe rhythmically and quietly, beginning to connect your consciousness with the sacred Flame in your heart center.

Within your mind, you speak to the Flame, saying "My Dearly Beloved, my Divine Essence, I love and adore you! Shine through my every effort at becoming ONE with Thee! Oh, flaming Presence of Light, let the gift of Divine Love which is Yours alone to give, flow through me to set life free! I ask that I might be Love's open door."

With these words, a deep and abiding sense of peace and love descends from your Presence and fills your entire being. You see and feel a brilliant white light open and enter your crown chakra. The light descends to your heart center, and begins to pulsate in perfect rhythm with your physical heartbeat. Remaining completely calm and totally centered within this brilliant light, you listen to the silence that has entered your soul.

From within the silence you hear a voice of such beauty and perfection that you thrill with the love it brings. You realize that your I AM Presence is speaking to you.

"My BelovedI AM here! I AM always with you, although you are not always aware of My Presence. I love you! I love you with such intensity thateven at this moment when you hear My voice and feel My peace encompassing your beingyou cannot imagine the totality of My love!

To see My Face is to see the Face of God, and is the fulfillment of every desire and need you have ever experienced through all the time that has ever been. When every part of your human experience has been fulfilled, purified and redeemed by My Light, thentrulyyou shall see My Face and enter completely within My Being.

Although you cannot as yet bear the fullness of My Being, you have opened your heart, mind and physical body to the reality of My Presence as your true and total Self. Therefore, nothing I have will be denied to you from this time forth. As I speak to you, My message will be engraved within your consciousness. Never again shall you wander from the beam of My attention, for you have invoked My Light into your lower vehicles and heard My voice.

My message is simple, Beloved One! I wish to say Thank you! Thank you for being Myself in action in the world of appearances, for in no other way may I gain access to this world! In no other way may I gain the completeness of mastery in the world of manifestation! We are, you and I, ONE BEING OF LIGHT! Thank you for your recognition of ME! Now, beyond all doubt, you know that I AM IN YOU, and YOU ARE IN ME!

From this time forward you will never feel a sense of separation from God again! So it is and so shall it ever be, for "I AM THAT I AM!"

Remaining in the deep silence of your soul for a time, filled with the fullness of the Love of your Presence, let your attention return to your physical body. Take a few more moments to recognize that your every heartbeat and breath, and the blood that flows through your physical body is at One with your I AM Presence. Realize that your life has truly been restored!

Again you speak to your Presence, "My Dearly Beloved, my Divine Essence, You are welcome!"






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