New Year Conference

Lord Principa

December 31th, 1990

Beloved Chelas of the Light,

I want to thank you for the opportunity which was given to me to act as the Enfolding Spirit of 1990the first year of the final decade of the 20th century. This is a very important time in the evolution of the Planet Earth and all of her attendant evolutions. Much has been accomplished in the preparation of the Earth for the forward movement into the full Light of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom that will come. Much yet remains to be done, and it is this with which I AM concerned.

The City of Shamballa in the etheric realm over Long Island forms the most complex center of Spiritual Energy for the planet Earth at this time. It is the Heart Center for this entire Activity of Light, and as the geological point where the Planetary Threefold Flame is anchored, it must nourish and sustain the entire system of Spiritual Foci that surround the Earth. In order to do this, much is required from the Chelas of the Great White Brotherhood who govern the Earth.

It may interest you to know that whether the inhabitants of a given planet know about the Hierarchy which governs it, and the system of spiritual foci that are established around it or not, this does not affect the fact that such governing forces exist, and that the inhabitants are affected by them. It is to your advantage to be aware of these facts, and it is to our mutual advantage to have your life energies aligned with the Planetary Government, as it will help those who are awakening in consciousness at this time.

You are all familiar with the decree that you give for Shamballa, and although you are well versed in the understanding of the importance of using decrees, many of you still do not quite comprehend the power of this decree, orin factof Shamballa, itself. It is the power of this Decree, consistently given, which called me forth from the Great Silence, and it is the power of this same decree that holds me close to the chelas at this time. Many of the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Cosmic Beings from the Octaves of Light are concerned with Shamballa and have aligned their Forces to assist the Earth through this Center.

The Love of your God-Parents is beyond your comprehension, and so, also, is the scope of the work to be done. It is not my place to ask of any person what he should give to this, our mutual endeavor. It must be entirely up to each individual, and must be given from the heart, head and hands of each lifestream, as the best that he can offer. Otherwise, it might not be freely given. The giftfreely givenis the only gift that is truly acceptable to Godthat Perfect Presence "I AM" that is your true identity.

As you come more and more into alignment with that Presence, it is much easier to give, because your alignment is not only with your feeling worlds, but also with your mental worlds, through which you will know what it is truly possible f or you to do. I speak of balance. In looking at your hearts, I see that you are willing, and that you have a great desire to help all life, but more than desire is needed, and that is a steady concentration and determination to complete each task as it is given to you. A building is completed one brick at a time.

The Master Jesus once said "I have much more to tell you, but you could not bear it as yet." I tell you that now is the time when the things of which he could not speak must be brought forth!

There is a story told by one of Lord Maitreya's mighty sons. It is this: A great and prosperous lord offered a very important task to two of his most trusted workers. The first man immediately accepted the job. The second man refused feeling that the responsibility was beyond his capabilities. Later, the first man did not fulfill the task as he agreed. However, the second man, upon thinking it over, came forward, accepted the responsibility and did the work required. The question is, which man responded correctly? The answer is: the man who did the job.

When an expanded opportunity is offered to you, it is better to think it over than it is to accept it based only on your feelings, and then to regret your decision. The Divine Plan for the Earth requires the cooperation of each and every person who has agreed to help, merely by fulfilling their individual Divine Plans. This, in itself, is a monumental undertaking. If additional assistance is requested, and you feel it will disturb your inner balance, it is better to say "I am doing all I can right now", than it is to accept an added responsibility, and then leave a task incomplete, for then it must be fulfilled by another.

Although we ask you to stand at the ready, we do not ask that you agree to the deeper commitments that may be offered without thinking it over and deciding if you are ready to take that step. We merely offer, and it is by your free will that you may accept or reject that offer.

You may have heard that we speak but once, but this is untrue, for if that was the case, humanity would long ago have left the Earth. As an individual moves upon his spiritual path, there are repeated opportunities to fulfill the lesser initiations. Then there comes a moment in time that exists only between himself and the Masterand at that moment the chela's love for what he is doing will cause him to cross the boundary without hesitation, for nothing else will exist for him at that time. Until that moment arrives, each step must be carefully considered, for truly, it is not easy to be in the world and not of it. It is not wrong to choose the longer path, nor does it lessen my Love for you in any way! The shorter path is not one of glory, except to the man who walks upon it, and he must walk in silence.

I speak thus because I love you from the depths of my Being. My offer is to work with you on an individual basiseach one who asks from within his heart, after deep contemplation, and holds his Silence in the outer. I will accept you as My student and prepare you for the Higher Initiation, which will be administered by beloved Lord Maitreya when you are ready to receive it. Know in advanceif you ask, I will respond!               





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