Along the Path

Pallas Athena

May 1970

Blessed ones, I so desire you to have a compatibility with my BeingI wish to show you that true communion between a Cosmic or Ascended Being is an ecstatic feeling when the neophyte has surrendered self and blended his consciousness with the Cosmic. This is the state of being which we are endeavoring to have you express at all times.

I come not to scold you, children of my Heart. I come in deep Love for the pulsating Center of Truth within your Christ Self. Please believe me when I re-state the urgency of the hour, the time for you to do something about the dispensation of Truth to others upon this Planet!  

When we in Heaven's Realms see the turmoil in the consciousness of the Youth, we pray with all the sincerity of our Beings that some among our chelas will throw off the cloak of their staid and rigid consciousness and seek out constructive lifestreams among the youth who can and will lovingly carry the Banner of True Spiritual Freedom to the masses! You will witness mass awakenings taking place among the younger generationare you going to choose to be a part of their God Illumination? You see the dissonance of the few, but there are millions of young people, who are willing to listen and they will do so if they are not approached with the dictums of "thou shalt not". The way to interest the youth is to have trained members of their own generation who are expressions of God's Way of Living go among them to find out their interests. It is not wise to go with a closed consciousness and turn a deaf ear to what they have to offer. There may be some beautiful jewels of Truth in their credo which can be blended with what you know of God's Way of Living and, combined, can be an ever-widening magnet to bring others into the fold!  

I know you will feel the necessity for action while you are listening to my words or reading them, but I counsel you TO DO something about it. I have aforesaid that your responsibility is great. Do you love the Father-Mother God with all your heart or are you going to settle back into the groove of complacency! I have come this day to tell you that I shall not let go; I shall keep after you until you express the dignity and Divinity which is befitting the Guardian Spirits which you are. You chose to come to the Planet Earth for the expansion of God's Kingdom and the Karmic Board acquiesced to your plea. Do you honestly think that your Book of Life presently shows a balance for all the Instruction which has been presented to you? I am speaking to you individually and to enjoin you not to consider what the other chela is doing but what YOU can do!  

No one on Earth can judge his fellow traveler. We, who use the activity of the All-Seeing Eye of God, know what you have accomplished and that which you are willing to do in the future by simply glancing at your auras! In those instances where YOU KNOW you have been recalcitrant, grasp the unprecedented opportunity of the activity of this year and use and use the Sacred Fire to clean up your lifestreamsit is not the other individual's world alone which should be cleansed. Think of all the energy wasted by releasing your energy in the disapproval of another's actions which could be spent holding the Immaculate Concept for that lifestream, and in so doing adding to the Light of the World. Let the Purification begin with your own world, each and everyone! I EXPECT your cooperation NOW!








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