Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

July 1991



ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Visualize the Golden Torch of the Beloved Goddess of Liberty with a Flame of Pink, Gold and Blue, surrounded by a Violet aureole, expanding the Activity of Freedom, in, through, and around the Planet Earth.


Beloved Ones,

I ask that you now enter the Sacred Temple of the Most High by stepping within the Flames of Love, Wisdom, and Power that blaze in your hearts. Feeling the Perfect Balance within those Flames, know that "I AM" here.

Within this consciousness there is no judgment, there is no fear, but only the joy you experience when centered in your Heart Flame. The quality of Liberty, which "I AM" blessed to embody, is one of the most powerful and positive aspects of the Godhead.

To be taken in Its purest form, It must be also be given in like measure to those around you.

You have learned that Liberty is often distorted by the human consciousness, becoming what may be described as 'license'. This is an age-old problem brought about by a rebellion within the four lower vehicles, and fostered by oppression of the true spiritual qualities, with which the spirit of humankind is endowed by his Creator.

You may use my quality of Liberty to assist in the freeing of your four lower vehicles from this rebellion. One of the most important relationships in life may serve as an example; that of the parent and the child. I wish to tell you that balance is extremely important, even before conception takes place. The task of parenting is one of the most important duties given to lifestreams at this time. So often, the example set by the parents will be the most lasting impression the child will have to guide him as he moves onward, making his own decisions and creating his own individual experiences.

Experiences outside the protective environment of the home cannot be withheld beyond a certain point. At that point, some Liberty must be granted, for life is, above all, a hands-on experience, in which a good example must serve as a guide to lead the child to a pinnacle of achievement. Thus, the Blue Flame of Protection must be tempered by the Flames of Wisdom and Love, permitting this young person to 'test his wings' and truly learn to fly.  

The positive lessons learned in a protective family environment will then be expanded naturally throughout the entire human family. Personal Liberty then becomes the Full Freedom to arise and become the manifest example of the Holy Christ Self in action.

So often, as the young people approach physical maturity, the concerns of the parents become overwhelming, because they have less and less control over the decisions and actions of their children. If, in the role of parents, you continue to set the best example of spiritual maturity that you can, having faith in the qualities which you have instilled within your children and displayed within your family life, you will find it much easier to express confidence in their strength and courage to face the future. It does, after all, lie in their hands!

When you see your child, now having reached physical maturity, experiencing life on his own, and forming new relationships, it is important for you to hold fast to your confidence in the power of God in him, even when he is having difficulty. It is this power which will bring all situations to successful conclusions.

Having provided the best foundation you could, you now stand at the threshold of a new relationship with your child. This will far surpass any vision you may have held previously, forhaving survived many tests, you are becoming true friends. In a true friendship, if even one of the partners is able to grant liberty to the other, it will be possible for both.

Liberty cannot be reserved for one's self, but must be given to all people freely. Until this takes place the New Age of Spiritual Freedom will not manifest for the children of Earth. Humanity has taken great strides toward this goal in the past decade, and we of the Ascended realm are grateful that Our lessons are being taken to heart.

Liberty and Freedom are an integral part of your beings and "I AM" so happy when my essence is allowed to pour forth through your thoughts, words, and deeds. Continue in your efforts, Beloved Ones. Send your Light out into the world to break down all the barriers that have been built in ignorance of the Truth.

Your Light shall triumph!

"I AM" Liberty




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