Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

September 1988


Etheric Realm over Lake Louise, Banff, Canada

ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Archangel Michael's Sword of Blue Flame (pointing upward) upon whose Blade is emblazoned the Word "FAITH" in Living Light (symbolizing the upreaching of humankind's Faith in the Will of God.)

Archangel Michael:

"I AM" Michael Divine Protector and Defender of the Spiritual Light within the hearts of humanity. By the graciousness of the Sun of this System, I have been given opportunity to serve as the Prince of the Angelic Hosts and, in regard to the Archangels and the Angelic Hosts who serve with them, this is exactly the same office as that held by the Lord Maha Chohan with regard to the Chohans of the Rays.

Now, as the Protector and Defender of the Faith of humanity in God and the sustaining of that very spirit of Faith within the Immortal Three-fold Flame within the heart of every human being, I have gained a reputation for being a rather fierce and warrior-like Angel! I would like to repeat some of my words of a short time ago when I said: "My service is to restore to Heaven every lifestream who, through self-conscious use of God's pure energy, has removed himself from a state of Divine harmony and grace." Some of the legends which have sprung up through the centuries about my service to life have some basis in Truth.

I repeat: "I AM" the Divine Protector of the Faith in God of the people of Earth and it is at least part of my task to prepare for entrance to those Realms where only harmony and peace abide, the consciousness who, of their own free-will, have not chosen to generate and sustain the harmony which allows them entrance into the Divine Realms. Together with other members of the Angelic Kingdom and Ascended Host, it is my endeavor to train lifestreams who have lost conscious control of their thought and feeling centers, to a point where they are again in God-control of those centers. It is also the activity of the Protecting and Defending Angels to keep within the compass of Earth's atmosphere and radiation which is not qualified with the Divine Love and Peace which fills interstellar space.

Beloved ones, you are now a part of a great Cosmic "change" which is little known and less understood by the minds of the billions of people who belong to the evolutions of this Planet. Perhaps it is well that, for the most part, the outer minds of the people are not cognizant of such a "change" because of the tremendous fear which practically dominates many lifestreams. "I AM" eternally grateful for your calls to have the cause and core of all fear removed from yourselves, all humanity and the Elemental Kingdom as well and I do ask that you continue and increase those calls until each of you has become an absolutely FEARLESS ONE! Then you will stand in your own place, wheresoever your own God of Light desires you to be, with the Blue Ray of Faith in the supremacy of Almighty God and his power over all this Ray directed through your own spinal column, animating your aura and flashing forth into the atmosphere around you as a power of positive energy which can raise into confidence and faith the quality of fear for an entire city, a nation or the Planet itself.

Now, in your daily endeavors as you move upon a comparatively peaceful course of living, you have opportunity hourly (by use of the Violet Fire) to practice raising the quality of unhappily qualified energy of fear and other discordant feelings, whenever you see such energies acting that are less than the Virtues of God. This can and should really be a joy instead of a tedious task if you will realize that through this practice you are arising into individual mastery. Again and again the Ascended Masters have said: "Try not to personalize energy". If that energy is shadowed, depressive, inharmonious or unhappy in any way, that energy needs forgiveness, purification and redemption. Be not concerned with the faucet (personality) through which that "soiled" energy flows. If it is discordant, it is some of God's beautiful life which temporarily has been imprisoned in discord and is now calling for freedom.

Please do not become so concerned in your attention upon the form through which the "soiled" energy is flowing that you actually add your own resentful feelings to it and thus increase the riptides of those distresses, which riptides sweep constantly back and forth through the Earth's atmosphere. In the Name of God! Let us recognize the fact that, wherever there is a sharp word, a depressed feeling, an impatient gesture wherever you sense heaviness, lethargy, discouragement or any of the negative qualities, try to realize that that energy is really beautiful God-light-part of the body of the glorious Helios and Vesta (or some other Solar Lord if the lifestream is a Guardian Spirit and has come here from another Planet). This life has been imprisoned temporarily through discordant thought and feeling by those who really know not what they do. The opportunity of the wise, then, is the immediate use of the Violet Transmuting Flame and other purifying Flames of the Sacred Fire to raise and redeem that discordantly qualified energy, thus not only freeing the energy but gaining personal mastery by the practice of the use of the Sacred Fire as well.

One need not audibly call forth this Sacred Fire if he is in the presence of individuals who need assistance who are not cognizant of the Ascended Masters and their ability to help them. However, through the power vested in you by the Presence of the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth anchored within your beating heart, you can silently call forth an all-powerful focus of the Violet Transmuting Flame which will instantly go into action to control and purify that destructively qualified energy. You can raise the quality of energy in yourselves as well as in an inanimate object by the use of that Flame.

Our Beloved Saint Germain long ago promised you assistance in the use of the Violet Transmuting Flame, in through and around your homes, if you will just believe in its reality, efficacy and immediacy of action for you, self-sustained and ever-expanding. So command it to be! If you feel you have not enough faith in its willingness and ability to serve you, ask me to give you MY FEELING OF THAT FAITH WHICH YOU REQUIRE. I live but to express the reality and power of Almighty God as the Supreme Source of this Universe and, remember THE CREATOR IS ALWAYS GREATER THAN HIS CREATION! Therefore, whenever your destructive use of free-will has satiated your feelings with the distressing experiences of the outer world, the everlasting love and mercy within the heart of the Eternal Father is not only willing but able to allow you to come "Home", there to live in invincible, eternal harmony and peace and "go out no more".

I stood before the Throne of your God and mine long, long ages ago in the beginning of the habitation of this Planet. I stood there then and I stand here today as a Servant of that God and of the Light within your hearts. I have no other reason for staying in the lower atmosphere of Earth twenty-two hours out of every twenty-four except My very love for your life and my very determination to convey through my radiating into your world my feeling of conviction in the ultimate destiny of each of you, as God-beings and the ultimate destiny of the Planet Earth and its evolutions as Freedom's Star.

In these days of such opportunity for complete and eternal purification, the Mighty Astrea comes instantly at your conscious call with her Circle and Sword of Blue Flame to remove the causes and cores of all human distresses; "I AM" here with my sword of Blue Flame; and all of the activities from above which the Ascended Host and Cosmic Beings are and have all these are available to you . JUST LET US INTO YOUR WORLDS!

0 God of Life and Light! In Thy Mighty Name "I AM", I call to you for assistance in opening the consciousness of Earth's people to the reality of the Angelic Host to the place where they will allow the Angels into their worlds, to abide there as Divine Friends and Fellow-servers of the Light, until the completion of this task of purifying the Earth and her evolutions. Because I know that you always answer every call IT IS DONE RIGHT NOW!

Archangel Michael

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period;

Beloved Virgo - Sept 1st through September 22nd

Balance of Virgo, The Solidity, The Assurance and the Confidence

Beloved Goddess of Liberty - September 23rd through October 22nd

A Focus of Liberty and Freedom to this Earth.

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September 8th - Tuesday             Birthday of Master Jesus

September 24th - Thursday              Lady Mercedes’ Feast Day

September 29th - Tuesday                 Lord Michael's Feast Day

September 30th - Wednesday                          Angelic Harvest


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