Assimilation and Expansion Class

Lord Saithrhu

July 5, 1987

Good Morning! As the Light of the spiritual Sun of Helios and Vesta sends its rays all over this planet I invoke you I ask you dear chelas that the light of your being join with that Light to embrace all life.

Accept the blessing which is flowing to you this day and to all Life from our temples at Santo Domingo and Machu Picchu. Oh how grateful we are for this opportunity to make humankind aware of what is taking place and join their energies with ours. What a blessing - what a blessing. You have been told before to travel on the Rainbow Bridge from Latin America, to Shamballa, the Tetons, to Hawaii and to Mount Fiji. Feel that return current come to you with all its blessings and feel that Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame expand and expand, until you also in your concerted endeavors enfold the Earth in the embrace of the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame which flows so beautifully at all times from this Holy Temple. Pause a moment and give gratitude for your being in embodiment at this hour.

Oh children, children - children of the Light I invoke you to pray for and direct your attention to the children at Machu Picchu and also at Santo Domingo. Our Retreat at Machu Picchu is in the Etheric Realm over twin mountains. The two mountains are joined by a walk way which the chelas may use as they visit one temple then in pursuit of another as they advance in the Light. That is the same with you, dear ones, as you enter the Temple of your own beings the Temple of Light the Crystal Cathedral which you are feeling this year. The Crystal Cathedral of Living Light and know how privileged you are, as are we to have such cooperation.

Some of the chelas are trained at Machu Picchu... I mean that some of the incoming souls are given instruction in my individual Temple and others at Lady Mercedes Temple both in the etheric realm. We exchange chelas back and forth, when any chela in my Temple needs the Gift of Mother Love that chela is transferred to Santo Domingo and the same takes place when a child awaiting embodiment in Santo Domingo needs more of the masculine power. So you see it is a blending, a blending of life to have perfect beings spiritually conscious when they come into embodiment.

This is an hour which is so important in the evolution of this planet for we need youth in embodiment who are well grounded in the Light. And they shall come forth as time goes on all over the planet bringing forth the New Age Teaching. The New Age Teaching which will remain a permanent part of the instruction for the New Age.                

Does it not make you feel wonderful oh so wonderful to think that you have the opportunity I say opportunity to be of assistance? I can see the Light in your heart just expand and expand until the glorious rays of Light entirely surround your being. Realize the privilege of serving with the Spiritual Hierarchy, all the cosmic and Ascended Beings at this hour, when the requirement for Love is so great. And Love and Peace are synonymous, because you have to be peaceful to know the meaning of real Love. What a Golden Opportunity. Feel the Angels blessing you ― enfolding you and standing with you. And they shall be with you all through this Retreat Cycle as long as you remember that you are serving from the center of your being. Oh how grateful we are.

Help your fellow traveler by expanding the Light within your being so that all Earth and her evolutions will be surrounded with Love, with Peace and all the God qualities. All you have to do is to turn your attention to any one of the Ascended Hierarchy, we wish to help you. We are so deeply oh so deeply grateful for your cooperation. I thank you and I bless you and know that I will be there among the great Ascended Host of Light who are going to grace us with their Presence at the Summer Conference. They always grace you with their Presence, but you will knowingly think of the Great Ones who will give their Messages to All Life. Be grateful and know that we love you oh so deeply and we protect you with our Light.

Thank you.

Lord Saithrhu 


It has oft been repeated that 'the family who prays together, stays together', and that simple affirmation can be expanded to mean "as God's children serve together, they become one in the Unity of Spirit", the Oneness to which all strive.

Lady Hope














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