The Resurrection Temple

In the Near East, shining in the pulsating ethers over the Holy Land, stands the Temple of the Resurrection, whose Immortal Flame of Restoration and Resuscitation are guarded and protected by the Hierarchs of that Retreat, Beloved Raphael and Mother Mary.

The Flame of the Resurrection is the Hope of Redemption of the entire human race. by which the diseased, distorted and disintegrating substance that has been generated by human thought and feeling and imposed upon the God- energy, may be purified, transmuted and restored to its natural, perfect God-nature.

The Action of the Resurrection Flame is the quickening of the vibratory action of the Light of Life within the cells of the body, enabling the Inner Light to throw off the appearance of limitation and stand revealed in the "Glory it had with the Father, before the world was." The substance of the Resurrection Flame flows through the inner bodies of those who invite it, as well as through the actual flesh structure.

The vibratory action of the Resurrection Flame is controlled by those Brothers and Sisters who abide within the Resurrecting Temple and direct that Flame through the physical, mental, etheric and emotional bodies of the neophytes in answer to their individual invocations for its tremendous Power to be loosed through them and others at their call.

The Temple of the Resurrection is circular in design, the Courts, like great cylindrical corridors, circle round the Central Flame Room where the Heart of the Sacred Fire of the Resurrection is focused.

The degree of Mastery and Light achieved by each Brother and Sister belonging to this Temple determine how near they may draw to the Central Sanctuary, the Holy of Holies, because the power of this Flame is such that only Ascended Beings can stand in its Presence. However, many chelas occupy the outer Chambers, and gradually, through proximity and through individual application, prepare themselves to approach closer and closer to the Heart Centre where the focused Flame abides.

The Resurrection Flame was first drawn into the atmosphere of the Earth Planet by the Great Krishna, who, seeing the shadow of human thought and feeling taking form in the consciousness of humanity, knew that the fruit of that seed would be disease, disintegration and decay, and knew further that some means of restoration of these fallen Sons of God would have to be provided for, in case they desired to return to their natural God Estate.

More about the Resurrection Temple April 1988

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April 19th, Sunday                   Resurrection Day (Easter)




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