New Year Conference

Serapis Bey

January 4th, 1987

I greet you in deep gratitude for the wonderful energy which has been released this week. Would that you could see with the physical sight the Glorious Angelic Kingdom who are around this Focus today and shall remain. As you know they have traveled many legions to the far corners of the Earth and they will continue to circle this Earth so long as you give your attention to this Activity which is taking place. All effort on any part of the human, Angelic or any Kingdom of Heaven must have some energy from the people of Earth I know your dedicated hearts will give it.

Many, many great things have been accomplished this week due to your efforts , your Love, and your Light. I am sure that you feel the Love of the Hierarchy in your being which flows to you constantly and in gratitude - we are so grateful, We are so grateful. And now I believe I have a little surprise for you Beloved Sanat Kumara will speak!

Sanat Kumara

Children of Love, of Love Divine fill these children with the Essence of the very Heart Center of Love. “I AM” so grateful to have this opportunity to tell you again how very, very grateful "I AM". There are no worded expressions that can tell you, but you must feel - feel in the very depths of your being the Love that is flowing forth to you as the result of your attention your desire to serve will course through your beings and know that one of my special Legions from Venus will be with you at all times. All that is required is your attention and your gratitude for their presence.

When we say - as you say in the physical world - "when things get rough" - "the going is rough" know it is just an illusion. Think as the Angels do. Think as all of you should, that there is only one Presence acting and that is God within - the Christ "I AM"

Feel that blazing, blazing Light of the Christ expand through every cell of your being. Feel your flesh vibrate with Light, with Love and that is part of the Ascension Flame the Activity of raising all Life! You all have that power within your being you know that. Use the Ascension Flame - use the Ascension Flame because it is buoyant, it is Love at all times. The Ascension Flame, the Masters, and the Brotherhood always, always answer the call. You have but to call to the Mighty Serapis and anyone at the Ascension Flame - any of the Brotherhood and they will respond and help you - giving you the buoyant feeling which is required.

There should be no depression in your feelings for all is Light. All is Love and you shall go forward in this Glorious Year of 1987 - you shall go forward in the Light beyond your fondest dreams. You shall truly become a Cathedral - a Cathedral of Living Light and the Chalice of your being within that Cathedral shall go forth with its essence of Light to bless all whom you contact" everywhere any place in the Universe.

Light is all there is - Light is Love and Love is "I AM" and in "I AM" Consciousness you shall go forth. I bless you with all the Love of the Spiritual Hierarchy - all the Love of my individual Being and I know this shall be the most successful year the year of Peace shall begin to manifest maybe just a little at a time, but you will see Peace manifest upon this Earth

Love is Peace

Love is Comfort

Love is ALL there IS

God Bless you -

Thank You 

    * * * 


Some of Nature's envoys, like the rain, or hail with pellets round,

And thunder, their accompaniment... reveal themselves with sound,

But the soft, still snow that gently heaps in magic drift and mound

Spreads its whiteness quietly in silence, o'er the ground.

The morning sun finds stones and ruts with glistening turbans wound.

So, silently, Truth comes to dwell where deepest needs abound

In quiet moments has the soul transforming power found.

Great Lessons may be learned from the Forces of the Elementals by the chela who is wise enough to consider himself ONE with all life. Contemplate the foregoing words of Wisdom and reap your harvest, as does Nature through obedience to God's Most Holy Will.





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