Shamballa, Long Island, New York

Djwal Khul

May 1986

It has been my opportunity through the years to dispense into the consciousness of the chelas some understanding of the Spiritual Hierarchy. I would like to talk today about 'Offices' in the Spiritual Hierarchy, for this topic captures a necessary understanding the chelas must have in their service with us.  

A magnificent Being like Beloved Micah has served in various offices, dispensing various Energies into the planet. Each time he fills a position, he leaves a permanent gift of his Light in that office, whether as the Chohan of the Sixth Ray, the Cosmic Christ or as the Angel of Unity. You may ask, "Is the Angel of Unity an office or Lord Micah's true identity?" Consider for a moment that both are true. For Lord Micah only became the fullness of himself by fulfilling a need for specific spiritual Energies on this planet, in its quest for Freedom from its particular set of circumstances. This need created an 'office' in the Spiritual Hierarchy. He unfolded this particular aspect of his full God potential only through association with a planet steeped in the consciousness of separateness.  

No doubt Lord Micah will discover even greater Light and Consciousness in service to other planets and stars as he continues his journey through Infinity. But imagine as well a time after your Ascension in the Light, when you discover more of your God Potential by giving service to a particular race or planet. That is what all the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy are discovering in Service to the Earth, the most challenging experience in this Universe. In that sense, it is an honor and a Divine Opportunity to serve in the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet Earth, for the experience promises tremendous Spiritual growth. This also is true of the chelas, while engaged in their (embodied) service to the planet. Even now you are building the foundations of your Cosmic service. Could we consider the office - of "chela of the Spiritual Hierarchy"? Perhaps this is what El Morya meant by "chela - probationary and accepted".*  (mouse over star - asterisk) Either way you are presently discovering more of your own God Being while serving this planet and in this Divine Process of Self-discovery through service, you and the Spiritual Hierarchy are aligned and One in Consciousness.

The great Beings who have served as the Lord of the World, the Buddha, the Lord Maha Chohan, the Lord Manus, etc., have all left a legacy of their Light within the fabric of this planet, as you do now as well. Eventually, the Light of the God Presence of all ten billion Souls belonging to the Earth, will be all that makes up the fabric of this planet. At that point of its evolution, the Earth will be ready to be re-absorbed into the blazing Light of its God Parents...  completing the great Solar Day of its existence as an evolving planet.

The Lord of the World has a responsibility to the God parents to keep the planet on that course of Divine Completion. Like an artist who uses color and form to create a magnificent final product, the Planetary Logos uses Ascended and Cosmic Energies to create the perfect Spiritual Aura around and within a planet. As the developmental needs of the planet and its race change and grow, so does the various Ascended Energies that the Planetary Logos uses... as would a painter, as if his mural was ever changing, fill the spaces with different colors and patterns. In the evolution of a planet, its Spiritual Aura is made up of the Offices of the Spiritual Hierarchy, which could be thought of as Energy Forcefields blending their various Colors, Qualities, Vibrations and Radiations to form the desired Spiritual Canopy around the planet, as directed by the Lord of the World. Through these various Forcefields comes specific Cosmic Energies, only available to the planet through these "offices", allowing assistance from various points in the Universe, forwarding the evolution of the planet.  

There have been considerably more changes in the Great Beings who fill the Offices of the Spiritual Hierarchy in the past several decades than at most other times. This reflects a rapidly developing Forcefield around the planet, assisting the Earth through its 'sped up changes' as it throws off the yoke of darkness of the long ages past and enters into permanent Light. Rejoice in these accelerated changes, for progress is occurring.

This planetary progress also reveals that the Ascended Ones who serve in these offices are moving rapidly upon their own paths of evolution into greater Cosmic Light and Service. Remember, the further along the Path of Life, the more rapid the Spiritual growth, and this is true for the chela as well, because "as above so below". From what I have related today, the chela must realize that the offices of the Spiritual Hierarchy may not remain constant, for it depends on the needs of the race and the level of development of the planet. And it also follows that the offices of the Spiritual Hierarchy are not the same on every planet (but I will tell you that the planets under Helios and Vesta have essentially the same basic Spiritual Hierarchy).  

In the Ascended Master Teaching of this Activity, we have given the chela a clear description of the various offices, their purpose and their part in the evolution of this Planet. Rejoice in the Celestial Tapestry of Cosmic Energies within the Offices of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Come to know each one in your service to the Earth, as we also come to know the fullness of your Light in your service to us, our chelas of the Spiritual Hierarchy.  

I remain ever in the Service of your God Illumination,

Dwjal Khul



The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period  

Beloved Vista -- July 1st through July 22nd

All the Power of Concentration and Power of Consecration  

Beloved Apollo -- July 23rd through August 22nd

Temple of Royalty, of Courtesy, of Dignity and of Princely Charm 

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July 21st, Monday                              Asala Festival



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