
Beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan

Shamballa, Long Island New York

May 18, 1986

Blessed and Beloved chelas here at Shamballa, I step out this morning from the Temple of the Cosmic Dove here at Shamballa... the ancient Focus of Holy Spirit, whose Love you have known so well through the ages.

You are aware that the physical Ashram of Shamballa is located in an area of the ancient Focus of the Holy Spirit and the original home of my father, Ĉolus, ages and ages ago. Its destiny is to become once again as it was before: a shining City of Light, on a White Island, on a Crystal Sea, between two major continents. We are proceeding along the Path, to that completion. From within the Temple of the Cosmic Dove here at Shamballa, beloved Holy Ĉolus and myself are radiating a Cosmic Breath of Divine Love around this planet. On this Holy Day, it is my honor to present myself to chelas, the Disciples of Holy Spirit, the co-servers of the Arisen Christ; just as the Holy Spirit appeared before the Disciples of the Ascended Jesus Christ, two thousand years ago.

I bring to you this morning the Breath of Re-awakening. It appears that the Spiritual Consciousness of many men is as seemingly "dead" as the bush in midwinter; or as the body of Lazareth in its tomb; or even of the great Master Jesus, when he was taken down from the Cross. Yet, the Holy Breath of Re-awakening has animated the bush into a flowering blaze of Divine Colors and Fragrance; it animated the body of Lazareth, when drawn through the Arisen Christ; and animated the lifeless body of the Master Jesus, whose vehicle received the Breath directly from the Angel of Holy Spirit, and who then proceeded to prove the Victory of Life over death, through Holy Spirit. And now, through the co- operation of our chelas, the breath of re-awakening shall enter into the Spiritual Consciousness of all men and re-awaken it, giving it full life... as instantaneously and miraculously as it re-awakened the bush from midwinter, re-awakened the body of Lazareth back to the living and revivified the inanimate body of Master Jesus into the full Ascension in the Light. You have sworn to be our Cup of Holy Breath into the Spiritual Consciousness of humanity, so it is to you the chelas I come now with the breath of re-awakening.

There was a major re-awakening on this planet two thousand years ago through the disciples of the Master Jesus. Through their Arisen Consciousness and with the Spirit of Love permeating their collective Cup, they eventually reached the entire known world at that time with the re-awakening breath of the Holy Spirit. So, too, shall the chelas, the present Disciples of Holy Spirit, reach all the known world. Then the Celestial Holy Spirit shall blaze through your collective Cup the Spirit of Re-awakening, giving life to the dead consciousness of humanity, drawing it forth into everlasting Life, in the Light of "I AM".

I recognize that just like two thousand years ago, the disciples who serve the Arisen Christ grow weary, sometimes disillusioned. This is what the Holy Spirit found on the first Pentecost. Just as then, I shall today anoint the souls of the co-servers of the Arisen Christ with the Fiery Breath, the Tongues of Flame that are now interpenetrating and weaving through your souls, expanding through your mind, enlightening your heart, radiating through your seven chakras and igniting the Fires of Love in every fiber of your Being, until never again do you sink into the illusion spun by human consciousness, but rather vibrate above it, untouched. It is the same feeling of fear and separateness that the Disciples two thousand years ago had to overcome when the Master Jesus was suddenly removed from their midst. Even yet, the human illusion seems to remove the Christ from your midst and periodically you grow disillusioned... dear chelas, the Christ has Arisen! Every Easter the Christ has Arisen! Every Pentecost I present myself to you as Tongues of Flame of Re-awakening, the Breath of Divine Love. I ask the chelas to forever accept this Breath of Re-awakening, of the fullness of their own Divine Nature, so that never again can the illusion spun out of human consciousness separate you from my Light, my breath, my Body of Flame... the One Consciousness of Divine Love... Holy Spirit.

I come also to encourage and enhance the message delivered by Beloved El Morya at the Easter Conference. If you choose to live in the world where the Will of God is the only directing intelligence, there would be Eternal Comfort. Humanity is still wont to live in the world of illusion and so there is pain and distress. I come to re-awaken your vows to beloved El Morya; to live in the world where the Will of God is the only directing intelligence, where your home is your Heart Flame. Then you too shall come to know the Comfort and Security that the Disciples knew two thousand years ago. In their service, they faced every fear and overcame by the Power of Divine Love. This power now radiates from every fiber of your Being, as an Arisen Christ, baptized in the Flame of Holy Spirit... accept it. Become it.

Wander no longer along the thorny paths of pain in the world of illusion. Come, come into the Temple of Holy Spirit in the Heart Flame where "I AM", radiating as a Sun, giving forth the Rays of Re-awakening, the Breath of Holy Life. As you have been raised up into a pure feeling world with the Mother Principle this month*  (mouse over star - asterisk), proving the Power of the Violet Fire, I now fill these Arisen Cups of Pure Feeling with the Feminine Nature of Life, which is the Holy Spirit... Love made manifest in the world of man! Through you the Seven Rays come into full blossom, like the beautiful bush that looked so dead in midwinter, but is so alive now, having accepted the Breath of Re-awakening. Breathe ye now my Breath of the Re-awakening of Divinity. Expand and project it through you and into the world of humanity. For the ensuing twenty-four hours, Holy Spirit shall radiate out from the Cosmic Dove here at Shamballa and fill every cell, atom and electron belonging to this planet Earth, with the Fiery Nature of Divine Love. Together we shall re-awaken this planet and see her through her transition year of 1986, into the fullness of the Peace that awaits her.  

To you precious co-servers in this Activity, again I say, walk in the Path of Light! Remove yourselves from the illusion spun from human consciousness and together we can reawaken humanity. As instantaneously and miraculously as Lazareth was drawn forth from the dead, so shall we reanimate the Spiritual Consciousness of a planet. From my celestial vantage point, the chelas are in place around this planet. The Group Avatar breathes the Breath of Light and so we are ready to take this planet through its Transition. You and I and all life are One... One Breath of Divine Love, reawakening now in all humankind.

I leave you now in the Feminine Nature of Divinity within the loving embrace of the great Mother Principle, so active this mystic month of May. I love you...

Good Morning,

Paul, the Maha Chohan






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