
God Principa

Long Island, New York 

April 30, 1985

When an individual sets out to accomplish a· Purpose, he is determined he will succeed in his endeavors and in so doing he dons a Mantle of Faith which propels him onward, for his conviction is filled with the desire and expectation of accomplishment.

As we witness our chelas going forward in the Light, l would like to state that during this Retreat Cycle when the Retreat over the Vatican is open it is a propitious time for all to avail themselves of the mighty Reservoir of Faith, from which all of that Quality they require to accomplish the purpose we know is the goal of our selfless, dedicated co-servers... the Purification of this Planet... raising her to the vibratory level necessary for the Age of Freedom, when all evolutions will reach and sustain the higher vibration of sustained Perfection.

Divine Order is the necessary process of the hour and I assure you l shall give you every assistance to accomplish the Purpose to which you have dedicated your efforts. CALL ON ME AND I SHALL ANSWER.



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Beloved El Morya

Long Island, New York

June 3rd, 1985


I have come to point out a very important fact in the evolution of humanity specifically in the life of the chelas in the Group Avatar.

It is imperative that you govern the power of your attention, for "Heaven" ("I AM" CONSCIOUSNESS) is consciously maintained by the wise chelas who accepts nothing of an imperfect nature.

For the chela to remain in the center of "I AM" he must not permit any negative thoughts to intrude. Your attention must be drawn to a THING BEFORE YOU BECOME AWARE OF IT.

Center your thoughts on Perfection at all times and emulate the Consciousness of the Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy who are repeatedly raising your attention ON HIGH.

Treat your fellow traveler as a Cell in "I AM" Consciousness and remember your Radiation is a mirror which reflects that which you entertain.

I HAVE SPOKEN - to give you assistance in evolving to a HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS AND BRINGING PERFECTION TO THIS planet. Remember I have watched over and guided you through the years, and believe that "a word to the wise is sufficient."

El Morya






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