New Year Conference

Serapis Bey

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

December 29, 1984

Welcome into the embrace of Eynhallow, this holy ground. "I AM" very grateful to each and every one of you, who have come from near and far. I see the Light shining from your beings, radiating and blending with the glorious Sun of this system. It is a beautiful, beautiful state of Being. As we are coming to a close of this yearly cycle, we are deeply grateful that you have prepared yourself for the incoming year, which I assure you will be a very, very fruitful one for you and for all your fellows traveling this planet Earth.  

Be still for a moment and enter as deeply as you can into the presence of God, "I AM", within your heart. Feel it blending with all Life and giving a tremendous blessing; a blessing which is so required for this dear planet. Feel the Holy Light travel all through your being, touching every atom, cell and electron and the rays of Light reaching afar. Discipline is Love. When one follows the path of Love, one is always in a state of Grace. How many times have we said. "Love is in all Light". In the Heart of God was this system born, and in the Heart of God, "I AM", shall it remain for all eternity, raising and raising and raising all vibratory action into the omnipotent Presence of Light. Continue to live in Light for Beings of Light you truly are. Wear the Pink radiation of pure Divine Love, and you will fulfill the plan for which you came to earth. And as we have recently said, that plan has been to prepare the way for the children of the New Age of Perfection. They will show you and all humankind what it really means to live the way of truth.  

What an example the great Lord of the World, Gautama, has been through the ages. An example of Compassionate Love. He always awaits you with open arms, understanding the way of earth.  

The Holy Triumvirate here at Shamballa are always grateful when you make an effort to come to our conferences, knowing that they can then bless each of you in a manner that will most benefit you. I feel the gratitude in your hearts. Welcome, welcome, welcome. I welcome all Life on this planet into the embrace of Eynhallow. Eynhallow, Sacred Focus of the Spiritual Hierarchy.  

The ethers are filled with mighty Beings who have come to participate in this Conference. Prepare well for the New Year, for the sacred ceremony of New Year's Eve when you will be greatly blessed. I know you are aware of this. A tremendous blessing is coming forth this year. Meditate upon the mighty Sponsors and all the Beings who will grace us with the blessing of their particular foci. They bow their heads in deep humility for the privilege of helping those who are still walking the earth. Emulate them. Know that all purifying radiation is a blessing to life. This too, will be a beautiful conference and every day will be a raising activity of the vibratory action of your beings. Know that I, One Cell in the Great Heart of God, thank you and Bless you for your Light.

Serapis Bey




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