New Year Conference

Mighty Sirius

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

December 30, 1984

Hail Blessed stalwart spirits whose Light and Service blends so easily with that of Sirius. Hail to you where the Star of Sanat Kumara is so evident in your aura, for your impersonal service to this planet. And hail to you where the words 'Candidate for the Ascension' are emblazoned so clearly upon your etheric vehicles.  

Let us put our attention together upon the Star in the heavens, the great Star Sirius, whose name "I AM" privileged to represent to the planet Earth. This magnificent star in the heavens as seen from Earth appears so close and this is for good reason. Not only, in the terms of astronomy, is it close in space, but the vibration of the Will of God for these two orbiting stars, the Earth and Sirius, allows a certain highway of Light to be open and along that highway of Light are the Light-Waves which make our star so evident to the planet Earth. And why have these Cosmic Highways been opened?  

Long ago when the call went forth to help save this planet at its lowest ebb in evolution, the Great White Brotherhood and the Spiritual Hierarchy on Sirius were evolving a race of beings somewhat similar to the original Divine Plan for the planet Earth. And so, the Spiritual Hierarchy on Sirius has a certain momentum, a certain understanding, a certain expertise, if you will, of evolving such a race and we offered the momentum of our strengths to beloved Sanat Kumara. And ever since that time, the Highway of Light between these two stars has widened and grown ever stronger.

Before coming to Earth, I had to await the time when the Earth's Victory was assured by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet who had evolved through the Earth plane. And that keynote of assurance was sounded only a short time ago. Thus, I came. For it is now allowed through Cosmic Law that those who work with the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet Earth do not have to go through the rigors of embodiment to anchor certain Light. So we might now come to work with those such as your dear selves already in embodiment and use you as our spokesmen, our anchorages, our radiators of Light.

Now we approach the end of the year when I have had the deep privilege of being the Enfolding Spirit of nineteen hundred and eighty-four. When I first approached this planet, I asked our beloved Lord Gautama, the Karmic Board and our God-Parents of this system, Helios and Vesta, that I might spend a certain time in deep communion with this planet and its evolutions and especially with the chelas of the Great White Brotherhood in embodiment. Little did I know at that time that I would be asked to be the Enfolding Spirit of this past year. And grateful I was for it has allowed me, quicker than I ever thought, to feel my own energies interwoven into the very fabric of this planet. For, as you know, I also accepted the Chohanship of the First Ray, an office that oversees the Will of God into the minds of humanity, into the evolutions of this planet. And it has allowed that Service, as well, to go forth unimpeded. For a Spirit, you see, meets with very little resistance because the outer mind cannot see it and, therefore does not resist it. And over this past year with your assistance, I have been able to interweave my Light, my momentum and the momentum of the Star and the Spiritual Hierarchy that I humbly represent into this planet and her evolutions.  

Let us think of the moment of the midnight hour when I shall be able to give this Shining Torch, upholding this Earth in Its sweet embrace for an entire year, over to the Great Cosmic Being, the Amida Buddha. At that midnight hour, welcoming in the dawn of nineteen hundred and eighty-five, under the auspices of Our God-Parents, Helios and Vesta, there shall be a tremendous aligning of the Seven Planets of their Sun because of the work accomplished through 1984... where the Will of God has been uppermost in the minds and in the hearts of the chelas. This is why I can say to you the Star of Sanat Kumara blazes so brightly in your auras and 'Candidate for the Ascension' is indelibly imprinted in Light for your service.  

Think for a moment of the bridge from myself to Amida Buddha, spanning from the First Ray over to the Seventh Ray. All that occurs inbetween shall instantaneously come forth in a mighty Flash of Light across the entire Seven Spheres at the midnight hour, when the change is made. And you see, the New Year's cycle of the planet Earth is of import to the entire solar system, for all the Seven Planets under Helios and Vesta, yea all the planets under Alpha and Omega await only the Earth's response that she is ready for the mighty Cosmic Inbreath that shall align all planets which will come in due time. So yes, all eyes are upon the planet Earth and upon the service that each is giving to this planet, ascended and unascended, raising the evolutions, raising all three kingdoms, raising the vibration of this planet until its keynote signifies that all is in readiness.  

And speaking of that keynote, "I AM" sure you feel and hear, on the Inner, the purified keynote of the planet Earth resounding joyfully through the Universe. All ears are toward the planet Earth welcoming in the song of 1985. I also ask you to contemplate, that because the year when Sirius was the Enfolding Spirit is drawing to a close it does not signify the end of my work but rather the opposite. It signifies the true beginning of my work on this planet for now my energies are interwoven and are ONE with this planet, in the fabric of the minds of men, women and children, through the Elemental and Angelic Kingdoms, into the feeling nature of humankind. The Will of God shall remain evident in all aspects of life on this planet. And "I AM" so grateful for your assistance this year and I ask, now, that I might depend upon your continued assistance until this Earth is free in her own Ascension in the Light when the vibration of this planet is Pure Holy Will... the original Divine Plan of beloved Helios and Vesta for a Shining Star, shining as brightly as you see my own Star, Sirius.

I leave you now in the embrace of the Court of Sirius who shall remain stationed in this Sanctuary through the ending of New Year's Ceremonies. They will see that the Will of God is anchored through Shamballa through this Sacred Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit and through each of you, like a rod of Cosmic Blue Lightning down your spine which says to the Universe "here, the Will of God is made manifest". Thank you and God bless you!




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