Service of the

Consecration of Children


In the Name, and by the Power of the Presence of God "I AM", Beloved Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary and Jesus, The Christ, I hereby Dedicate and Consecrate:



come to Earth to expand the Borders of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. 

I anoint thee with the Living Essence of Pure Light···· 

Thy forehead to receive the Divine

Directives of thy Holy Christ Self ···· 

Thy eyes to see only Perfection ...... 

Thy nostrils to breath the pure Prana

of the Holy Spirit 

Thy ears to hear and accept only that

which is good.... 

Thy lips to speak only words which

shall bless..... 

Thy hands to bless all life..... 

Thy feet to carry Thee on the Pathway

of Light.... 

..... and .....

I anoint all thy four lower vehicles with the Sacred Unction of the Holy Spirit, which will one day raise you to the Consciousness of a Disciple of the Holy Spirit!


Consecrated and Dedicated 

This ......... day of ........

in the year




(Place of Consecration)



Godparents in attendance:...............................



Summer Conference

Amida Buddha

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

July 13, 1984

I bow in deep gratitude and reverence to your Light, and to the Light in all Light.

This is a day of great rejoicing in the Spiritual Hierarchy, for the hour for which We have awaited has come. You have listened to Our advice through the centuries and have now accepted that which We give to you.

You have known Me in many aspects of My Being, and in many tones; You have known Me as Saint Germain, as Lord Saithrhu and now the fullness of My Being. "I AM" Amida Buddha — Manu of the Seventh Root Race.

Can you imagine what it means to have this Earth finally ready, through the assistance of those abiding here among you, to take her rightful place in this great Universe? And now We can send forth more of Our Children, beautiful Beings of LIGHT. Some have already come into embodiment, and others shall shortly be in your midst, all over this planet. They will hold the balance of Light of the Sacred Fire of Freedom's Love. The hour of freedom is at hand...... THE SEVENTH DISPENSATION .

We are so eternally grateful...... grateful beyond worded expression..... for all that has been done through the centuries. I was given the great privilege of receiving the Light from the Great Central Sun of this Universe, to bring the Violet Fire to this Earth. And long have I waited, waited, waited, and now, with the hour at hand, I can only give you My gratitude, through radiation, because words are inadequate to express the feeling of My Being.

Oh Love, Love expand, expand, expand Oh Love, and open the hearts of all chelas and all life. THE DOOR OF BOUNDLESS SPLENDOR AND INFINITE LIGHT IS AJAR. Take the journey inwards to that glorious land, and serve as chelas of the New Age of Freedom. Thus Suns of the System, of the entire Universe, are shining brightly for this particular moment.

When you have a child and you train the child through the years for a certain accomplishment, and then the hour arrives when they can fulfill that plan which you have placed before them....... the plan which is in their Being..... how you rejoice! Consider the rejoicing in the inner realms for what you individually have done!

I repeat Myself over and over, because gratitude fills the Universe; gratitude for the response and the acceptance of "I AM", "I AM" in Thee, Thou art in Me, from the tiny little blade of grass to the greatest Star in the Heavens. "I AM" so grateful, so very grateful, and as the love of your beings flows out, not only today, but for all time, this Earth shall truly be the Star of Freedom, her destiny fulfilled. Feel it, and know that you are accomplishing the mission for which you came to this little planet.

And lo, the love of Our hearts goes with God's Force, to the Blessed Little One in physical form. They are little in stature, BUT MIGHTY IN THE LIGHT, paving the way for generations to come who will abide on this dear Earth, HOLY FREEDOM STAR.

My heart is bursting with the Light and the Love of gratitude to you.... to you.... to you.... and to you.

Thank You





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