Summer Conference

Lord Maitreya

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

July 14, 1984

Good Morning, Children of the Heart of Love I greet you with the full blessings of Shamballa.

Whenever I present Myself before humanity it is My desire to give forth some aspect of the Love nature of God. Firstly, let Me say that you have proven this week to the Spiritual Hierarchy that you know well how to love, impersonally, this planet. What occurred yesterday was certainly of cosmic import, and I wish you to appreciate the tremendous love the cosmic law has for this dear planet, through seeing the length and breadth of the plans that have gone into motion so long ago, that we might come to this point in the Earth's evolution, where the full freedom of "I AM"  consciousness can reappear one this planet. I would love you to feel, dear ones, the impersonal force and power of this love that drew the great Amida Buddha so long ago to this planet, and drew among Him the vibrations of Spiritual Freedom from the very heart of God. It might have taken aeons and aeons and aeons of time to manifest..... and yet here We are..... ON THE VERGE OF THAT MANIFESTATION.

The Lord Gautama embodied a certain aspect of the great compassionate love of the Amida Buddha on this planet. I myself have trained with the great Amida Buddha that I might learn the freedom nature contained within the Christus and the freedom nature of the Love, through mercy and forgiveness, that I, as the Cosmic Christ have tried to embody on this planet through those who have served with Me. And since "I AM" now responsible for blending the Buddhic and Christed energies of this planet I work so closely with Amida Buddha. Possibly, dear ones, you now realize why, through the years, each and every member of the Spiritual Hierarchy has addressed Our Beloved Saint Germain as our Great Lord and King.

We choose Our words wisely. We can see the full reality of this Being that is now only dawning upon your consciousness, and that His nature contains all the freedom that every human being, embodied or between embodiment, requires..... individually and personally. With the outer awareness of His individualization as Amida Buddha, individualizing that force of freedom from beyond the beyond, it will now be allowed by cosmic law that more of the perfect Buddhas from out of the heart of the Supreme Mother find embodiment through sixth and seventh root race vehicles.

That is the nature of the perfection that began yesterday. And grateful We are at Shamballa that the Will of God is marching forward on this planet. Oh, dear ones, love this Being as you have personally loved the Beloved Saint Germain. As we have said, the Beloved Saint Germain remains ever so close. But as you must realize, the time came when He must acknowledge His rightful place in the outer consciousness of humankind. So great was His compassionate love that before long it would have burst the bounds of the Seventh Sphere and spilled over onto the planet, just from the building-pressure of LOVE DIVINE. But all in heaven follows Divine Order. And it is a Conference such as this that create the spiritual forcefield required for this cosmic work to go forward. As has been said before, God is in His Heaven and all is unfolding perfectly.

I leave you with the gift of My Own Love nature, and I expand and project It into your physical bodies.... I expand and project it into your etheric bodies....... I expand and project It into your mental vehicles..... I expand and project It into your emotional vehicles ......the fullness of the LOVE of the Cosmic Christ ¾ the IMPERSONAL FORCE OF LOVE DIVINE.







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