Summer Conference

Serapis Bey

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

July 11, 1984

Peace be unto you!

With all the power that has been anchored in your beings, it is necessary that you remain in a peaceful state of harmony. The harmony of your true being shall manifest! This is a tremendous day for this planet. This wayward star who has been away from the home of its parents for a long, long time, is returning, and there is great rejoicing in the entire system as we see her raising her vibration toward The Father’s Home, taking her rightful place. And how has this been accomplished? By the radiation of blessed people all over this planet in this, and other activities, calling for PEACE, for LOVE, and the WISDOM to use Love and Power in PERFECT BALANCE.

As you walk this planet for the remaining days that you shall be here, remember always that you carry within the very heart of your being "I AM", the Ascension Flame. The Ascension Flame is a process of raising and transmuting, and that is what the Sacred Fire is. The Sacred Fire raises all that is less than perfection into a higher vibration. Do you not think that Freedom, our Great Sun of Freedom, is very joyful this day? He is shining brightly. The Light of His Being is upon everybody on this planet, every part of this planet, because the dross is being removed. The Light is going forward to ALL NATIONS!

Is it not wonderful to know that you have been a contributing factor, not only today, but through the years, to this accomplishment?

As We go forward, know that your final accomplishment shall be VICTORY IN THE LIGHT! VICTORY is accomplishment, and that is through ascension.

Ascending your vibratory action and that of all life into perfection as ordained in the beginning. All the Angels we have called forth have responded, because they do rejoice in service and they will endeavor, and I know shall succeed, to give that feeling that SERVICE IS PARAMOUNT in restoring this planet to its full perfection. We are getting there!

One never knows when the final step shall be taken. One cannot set a time upon such things, for many changes take place as the Cosmic Law gives forth an Edict. It depends upon those serving on this planet, whether or not it shall be fulfilled. We are very, very grateful by the accomplishment of this year. We said it was going to be a year of great endeavor.

The way one proceeds in the Light is to know from the very heart center "I AM" and the ecstasy that you send forth is just a little whisper, and all life receives a gentle blessing. It is not from you individually, but from the Universal Source "I AM". When you can say, with all the feelings that you can muster, "I AM THAT I AM"

“I AM” God in Action, "I AM" the All Mighty One sending forth a blessing to all life, then you will truly KNOW. It is so beautiful to dwell in the realm of "I AM" consciousness at all times. We understand fully, for most of Us have walked the way before you, and We are encouraged by the tenacity of your determination to make the grade.

The Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great Central Sun, and all the planets in this dear System, are rejoicing because they know that their sister planet is coming home. Coming HOME! COMING HOME to her rightful place, enabling this entire galaxy to attain and remain in a state of perfection through all Eternity. And remember now...... eternity is a word that is used very loosely. The important thing to remember is NOW! NOW IS THE TIME.... THE ETERNAL PRESENT MOMENT! NOW and NOW and NOW. BE HERE NOW!

Remain in the Christ Consciousness feeling the Holy Spirit of Life, that peaceful radiation of life, flow through you to all life. Feel it, My dear ones, and as one simple server in this great overall plan, I bless you with the great love which I personally enjoy for all life, and that is loving all life free. And one day the time will come when a tremendous activity of the Ascension Flame will raise this dear planet, and it shall raise to greater heights.

Remember always that the peoples of this planet are ascending, ascending at all times, the vibratory action. Is that not a beautiful feeling for Me to have? We know that any edict which We have given forth has slowly but finally entered into the hearts of those walking this planet. Great JOY does reign in Heaven’s Realms and I should like to say that the Permanent Focus of the Ascension Flame at Long Island is a PERMANENT ACTIVITY.

Everything must constantly ascend, ascend, ascend, merely changing the vibratory action into perfection. LIVING LIFE AS ORDAINED! As We continue, We shall go into the Golden Age. The Permanent Golden Age. That is a tremendous word of which you can have no concept........ PERMANENT....... and it shall be because there are those on this planet Earth who have ears to hear and have listened, and have taken our words into their hearts and are now, and shall continue to be, radiating centers of The Ascension Flame, which is LOVE, which is WISDOM and which is POWER, in perfect balance ........ The Will of God made manifest.


Serapis Bey






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