Summer Conference

Lady Mercedes

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

July 14, 1983

I come representing the Divine, Supreme Mother. Imagine, if you will, the infinite Spiritual Womb embracing all time and space. Imagine the Womb of the present great Solar Day. Feel the growing, expanding manifestations of Light giving birth to solar systems, stars, planets, races of Gods and Goddesses.

Imagine the Womb of the great Solar Night resting in quiet, unformed, primordial Light. Imagine the greatest Feminine Aspect of the Deity with whom you presently communicate, presenting herself before a feminine Consciousness far greater than even herself, feeling she has approached the ultimate, and from that far greater feminine Being she hears the words: "My Child, I too am only an infinitesimal part of the great, spiritual Womb of Life."

Imagine, if you will, every member of the growing Group Avatar, with the Feminine Aspect of their Being, also as a cell in the spiritual Womb of this planet. For I AM the Royal Mother, expectant with such Light. In order for this Birth to be done perfectly it needs Guardians in the physical realm; and I see the Group Avatar as countless attendants to this perfect Birth!

From my Light Body shall be born a race of Gods given into your hands. Your protection of this growing perfection follows the example I came two thousand years ago to manifest; that even standing up to all the forces of imperfection, the Immaculate Concept can be held.

The beautiful children that you presently see are but the first example of the perfection that is expected and so close to birth from the Consciousness of my humble self. Yet I AM one facet of the shining Supreme Mother. You are aware that two thousand years ago I came to represent one aspect of this Jewel, and I have come again to mother a race of "I AM" Consciousness. When you know me as Lady Mercedes, you know me as the Mother of the Seventh Root Race; but as I stand before you today, One with the infinite Mother of all Life, all my sisters of the Feminine Aspect of Divinity are here as well... for we are One.

We balance the great, expanding, projecting Light of the Masculine Aspect of Divinity that expands the Kingdom of Heaven as far as we stretch our Love and our ability to hold the Immaculate Concept. May I say on behalf of the Feminine Ray currently in embodiment, that through the success of the Group Avatar in holding the Immaculate Concept for a perfect Birth, the New Age of Perfection shall manifest.

Feel the infinite strength upon which I call and which I now dispense into your hearts... the Power of the great Mother Principle from Lady Omega and above. It is all One. I have been, as Mother Mary, an expression of feminine strength to this race in the past two thousand years. So much greater can I be as a source of strength to the feminine nature in each of you as together we prepare the birth of a race of God Beings on this planet.

This morning I bring the Blessing of the Goddess Meru, Lady Kwan Yin, Lady Meta and the countless other Feminine Aspects of Divinity. We present ourselves to you today as One glimmering Jewel of Light so you will think of us as One, representing the Supreme, Divine Mother. This is the source of our Strength. Let it be the source of your Strength in holding the Immaculate Concept of this race of Perfection.

During the Consecration this morning, countless children from various continents were so graced with the same Blessing.

FEEL the extreme benefit that you are to this planet when you gather in such Conferences. I have presented to you through my years in this Activity the homely side of my nature. Now I invite you to discover the fullness which "I AM" in representing the Divine Mother... such arms of security holding you as you have never before experienced. Your greatest assistance to me is to feel the Feminine Aspect of Divinity as you become a cell in the actual Spiritual Womb which shall give Birth to the Age of Perfection. For this, the Divine Mother of us all is eternally grateful.

God Bless you, my children!

Lady Mercedes



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