Summer Conference

Lady Hygeia

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

July 14, 1983

On this day dedicated to the Green Ray of Truth, of Healing and Consecration, we shall discourse a little on the various aspects of Healing.

Individuals have many ideas as to what healing means and I dare say there are many here who have diverse opinions. Healing is the sister activity of Restoration. If you heal, you change imperfection to perfection. You restore an individual or a group to the perfect harmonious state of their individual Presence.

I AM truly grateful for the magnificent music which preceded this activity. It is well in any activity to be harmonious and in a collective activity such as this, the manner of expression of harmony is quite essential. In your own field of individual healing the most important factor is to be centered in "I AM", and there bathe all your vehicles in the harmony which is your True Reality.

You know that there are many people who frown upon the orthodox medical profession, and say that we must have natural healing only, and there are many who say "I must do it through the Christ within." Well, then, these people do not believe in the service of the Master Hilarion who works hand in hand with the medical profession. Humanity fell to such a state of degradation that other methods had to come forth to change them into beings who would be more receptive to natural healing. So... the great doctors and practitioners of the medical profession should be honored, accepted, and acknowledged.

There are many great souls in embodiment this hour who have taken major positions in the medical profession, and they have practiced throughout the centuries, and they have brought with them the true knowledge of how to heal. So I plead with you respect the judgment of your fellow traveler and to learn the art of discrimination and discernment.

We must respect all life because in so doing we are sending forth the love, the wisdom and the power which we have mentally thought of as the Three-fold Flame of Balance. There is only one Flame and that is the Light within your Being, but as you can change the colors in the theater by pressing a button, or lighting a match to bring forth a flame, all is the same activity. Within the pure Light within your being is a Flame which is healing, which is love, which is wisdom and which is Power.

Some believe in the laying-on of hands. Well, when I speak in that manner I mean perhaps a gentle touch on the shoulder, on the hand, or the forehead of individual beings, and there flows a Light, the healing power of "I AM". There is no need for fanaticism in this activity - none whatsoever. And if you still entertain such thoughts, please do not voice them. Put them into the Sacred Fire and ask for healing of your individual consciousness.

Music! Oh, music plays such a great part in healing. The great symphonies where all the members are in attunement - following their Director. And that Conductor knows just what is required for a perfect performance. Surely, by now, you know that your Director of your individual symphony is "I AM". "I AM".

Pause for a moment now and enter deep within the Flame "I AM" ...and as you do so you will blend your consciousness with the Great Light of this Universe. Do you not feel a beautiful soothing Light Essence as a Mantle about you?

I would like to clarify one point in the consciousness of some of the chelas. The Ray of our Focus at Epidaurus, and that includes our entire complex, is Cypress Green. The Individual Flame which I have the privilege of energizing in my service is a delicate Peach color with a radiance of Silver. Should you care to direct your attention to my retreat at any time, think upon me not as an individualized Being, but a Light Being composed of the Essence of Divinity, just One Cell in the Great Heart of the Almighty.

When we say 'heart' that means the heart center of all life. Without a beating heart, there is no life. So, referring to the Commandment which you have heard many times, and still do hear - "THOU SHALT NOT KILL". Thou shalt not kill the life in any form. You may eat the substance of the vegetable, or whatever is necessary for your being at your particular stage of development, but you do not kill it. As that elemental life flows through you, it blesses your vehicles, and when you bless one part of Life, you bless all.

We have heard today the beautiful tones of the birds. (At this point in the discourse a mocking bird outside the window started to sing beautifully). See how they responded! They are tuned in to harmonious activity. If a little bird can do so, how about what we, call the 'higher intelligence' of the puny little human? I in no way mean to cast aspersions on any individual one of you, but I AM speaking generally of human life. Many of you have come to this Conference with great sacrifices paid on your part, but it was the pull, the motivating Power of "I AM" which drew you all here this day. No individual is here by accident. Come to me, little children, and I shall feed you. And blessed are they who thirst after righteousness.

I AM very grateful to tell you that the Activity of Healing which shall take place in a moment or so, is one of the greatest forms that has come forth on this planet Earth. It is the Service which is rendered at the Temple of Mighty Hilarion. And, according to your faith, shall you be healed. It does not mean instantaneous healing. Sometimes that takes place, and many there shall be, but it is usually a step up in vibration, and every step higher raises one into their True Divinity. Respect, oh respect this Healing Service, because it is a true form of healing, especially when rendered in a collective form as it is this day.

I hope you understand that I LOVE YOU. Why Am I here? Love has drawn me, and I shall be with you for Eternity as will all in Heaven's Realms because, repeating the statement we give so often:


I thank you.



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