El Morya

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

September 14, 1983

Adversity is the food of the developing soul. Through the eyes of the Master those without adversity, those who appear to have such a pleasant, tranquil life are sometimes, possibly often, starving on the soul level - with stunted growth.

We of the Great White Brotherhood, your professed (by you) Gurus, do not concern ourselves a great deal with your ups and downs, changes of mood or circumstances, and many of us would rather not hear about them. The communication lines between chelas and their Ascended Masters are often too cluttered with the humdrum of recent “tests". These tests are very important for your growth but that is principally between you and your God Self. It is in that relationship that your soul growth is primarily focused.

Your relationship with us is to do our bidding, be the representatives of our work, plans and projects in the world of form.

Your importance to us is your long term commitment, your centuries of momentum, your permanent Causal Body of God Energies — not your day-to-day moods or month-to-month tests.

We have recently said your "rough times", where you feel less worthy or less connected to us do not in fact separate you from us or our work. It is the past centuries of association, in or out of embodiment, which is the crux of the matter for us and where we base our trustworthiness in the chelas. We of course do expect you to remain as consistently harmonious as possible. But again that should be a matter principally between you and your God-Self.

Speaking here at Lake Louise, may I suggest you learn the perspective on life of an Archangel . . . eternal service to God's Will through all challenges, opportunities and so-called adversities. Lord Michael is more than eager to teach and train you in this eternal view of life; everlasting service to the Giver of all Life and Light.

Guess where I learned!

Your Morya

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On the Three Lower Chakras

The Great Divine Director

September 27, 1983


The Ascended Masters have been, since the beginning of the century, trying to focus their chelas to function only from the so-called Upper Chakras (or physical/etheric Energy Forcefields). We have stated unequivocally that the God Free race in the New Age will function only from the Heart, Throat and Head Centers. You are our pioneers of this God Free race.

And yet at present the chela not only sees the world rampant with the negative qualities of the lower chakras, (of licentiousness, anger, bitterness, depression and oppressive fear); but has continually to deal with these forces trying to exert their nature through his own unascended vehicles.

My message today is simple. Between the three higher or Angelic Chakras and the three lower or animal chakras lies the Heart Center where Christ dwells and Christ is Love made manifest.

Draw both of these Energies, upper and lower, into the Unity of Christ in the Heart. In continually offering all Energy to the Christ, separateness between these two opposing forces ceases to be a struggle and Love will command all. Cease all judgment upon yourself or of the world.

Once all the forces of your personal life have been unified in the Heart of Christ... the Open Door which no man can shut... then will your Father, the glorious "I AM" Presence draw up that Unity into "I AM" Consciousness, leaving forever all memory of separateness and evil.

Call to beloved Micah to help Unify and Love Free the world's rampant energies within the Heart of the Cosmic Christ for the planet, then to be drawn up into the Realm of Light as an Eternally God Free Planet in "I AM" Consciousness. The more you can do this for yourself, the closer beloved Micah is in accomplishing it for the planet. Together we work as a brotherhood. Together we are One unfailing Force.

In love of your Spiritual efforts

"I AM" a Representative of the Father and a Director of his Light




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