Beloved Lady Angelica

Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic

February 13, 1983

Beloved hearts of Light I greet you with all the Love of the Universe. Kindly be seated.

As you are aware, Love can be powerful and Love can be gentle. You may be surprised to know from the tone of my voice that I AM come from a powerful Activity. Some find it strange to hear the Ladies of Heaven speak in a powerful manner. Be assured, dear ones, that this Love is gentle also. I commend you for the tremendous momentum of Love Divine and I AM so grateful every time you say, "LOVE DESCEND", for that glorious Essence of the Almighty rushes to your reservoir and immediately that amplified Essence goes all over the planet for like does attract like and I will say, "Light attracts Light". We do not exclude any part of Life on this planet because there is Love somewhere within. Take, for instance, a beautiful orange or a tangerine or whatever you wish. You take the flesh covering and remove it to receive the essence of the fruit.

Now, we shall take, say, a pineapple. It is more difficult to remove the outer covering. But within all Life there is a sacred essence of Love. It is the same way with human beings. Sometimes the outer covering (the flesh) is very receptive and refined and it is easier to drink of the Elixir within. Now, if an individual has a strong shell of the pineapple, if one knows how to proceed, he may slice it very gently and partake of that beautiful substance within. It is the skill with which you use the Light or the knife as the case may be. It is up to you to use the beautiful essence for your nourishment.

Remember the blessed Elementals have given their all to give you a perfect fruit. I give you this simple explanation to impress upon your consciousness that Life, the Light Essence is everywhere. Truth is always simple. It is a flowering of adoration given to simple messages of Truth, which is imperative you understand.

I AM deeply, deeply grateful, for the instruction which comes forth from this Sanctuary raising you from one level to another level, ever higher, but within every level of consciousness there is Light and there is Love — ONE and the SAME! I, at present, serve on the Ray of Divine Love. But, don't you see, I serve on every Ray because the Ever-Presence of God is Love. Think a moment... Let the radiation of the Love of your being enfold all of you in this room as you did so beautifully in the joining of hands.

Surely you each felt that Presence, that beautiful Essence traveling through, showing you the Oneness of Being.

The Heavens are filled with the Angels of the Pink Ray and some of you have noticed with your physical eyes that the sky does show the Pink Light of Divine Love in the evening. And how has this been built? ...through the activity of the Violet Fire of Transmutation! And when the vehicles of all have been cleansed of the effluvia of the ages, truly will your fellow traveler, in whatever avenue he chooses to walk, feel the enfolding Love of your Beings.

Dear ones, please remember that I AM a Being of Love whether I send it forth in a gentle manner or in a forceful way. This is just to illustrate that LOVE IS ALL POWERFUL! I want you to know I embrace you... I hold you close to my Heart as I do the Human Family and all the Kingdoms. I thank you for your attention.

Lady Angelica




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