Vaivasvata Manu

Shamballa. Long Island, New York

March 15, 1983

Beloved Chelas of the Spiritual Hierarchy I AM here this morning to re-introduce to the enlightened souls of this planet our Beloved Vaisasvata Manu. Perhaps too little attention comes to this Great Being who works so closely with myself and the beloved Silent Watcher Immaculata in the guidance of the Race of Man on this planet. In your love for me, please acknowledge the importance of this discourse and the service of this Great Being. Thank you dear ones for your sincere impersonal love of the race evolving on Earth.

Lord Gautama, Lord of the World


Vaivasvata Manu

Beloved Ones, I AM Lord Manu of the Fifth Root Race.

I AM responsible for the greater amount of energies of the Race of Man currently embodied on the planet Earth. It is therefore auspicious that I have contact with you at this time and important that this contact continue. And I AM grateful for this avenue into the world of unascended beings under the auspices of our Beloved Lord of the World, Gautama.

Let me begin our association with a review of the history of this Planet and of my part in it. You are all aware of the "fall from grace" during the Fourth Root Race when the evolution of the Human Kingdom was under the direction of my beloved brother, Lord Himalaya. This gracious Manu, along with the Lord of the World at that time, was extremely patient and loving with the Fourth Root Race. However with the passage of certain cycles of time and the amount of Light required from a star to legitimize its existence, it was decided to etherealize the Earth. In response to this probability, I, as the next manifest Manu, had already begun preparations with our God Parents to evolve my race elsewhere than on the Planet Earth.

Then our beloved Sanat Kumara set about on his self-exile... an initiation of Love as has not been known before or since, even in the galaxies superior to Alpha and Omega. Also at that time beloved Himalaya himself had made certain plans to evolve his Fourth Root Race elsewhere and separate them from the contagion of the laggards. He felt that although they had considerably fallen in vibration and evolutionary consciousness, they would be more easily restored on a virgin planet, as the First, Second and Third Root Race had known on the virgin planet Earth. And, as stated, I too had plans to evolve my Root Race elsewhere.

Imagine then, dear students, that beloved Sanat Kumara had to "win us over" to his plan of saving the Earth, for we knew (Himalaya, myself, as well as the future Manus of yet unborn Races, Beloved God Meru and Lord Saithrhu) that our own evolution as well as our Root Races would have gone much quicker had we abandoned Earth, allowed her to be dissolved, and fostered our children elsewhere. As you know by the evidence the Great Lord of Love, Sanat Kumara, won our Hearts and we agreed to use the Earth as our school and platform for evolution. It is important you realize the God Parents allowed us our freewill choice in this matter and freed us from the original plan, for they too saw the Cosmic Clock would yet turn very slowly on the Earth. But as Sanat Kumara had done before us, in consultation with our Loved Ones whom this would also affect, we agreed to stay on.

When Sanat Kumara was fully anchored at the City of Light of Shamballa in the Gobi Sea, his immediate work was with beloved Himalaya in releasing the Fourth Root Race from its downward trend in consciousness which they had established. After certain plans and projects were in place and countless years had passed (principally the founding of the Great White Brotherhood and the sealing-off of certain etheric scars and emotional tears in the fabric of the Planet following the great fall) this Lord of Love then turned his attention to me, as we had been given a mandate from Beloved Helios and Vesta to allow the Fifth Root Race to begin embodiment.

In what has been one of the greatest highlights of my own evolution, Beloved Sanat Kumara and I prayed together to the Great Source of All Wisdom and Truth as to how best to introduce a virgin Race into a corrupt Planet. My heart overflowed with compassion when I looked upon my Holy Innocents, the children of my Heart and the vibrational difference of the Inner Garden of Light within my protecting folds and that of Beloved Immaculata, and the outer home they were now to populate on the planet. We prayed and prayed together in His personal Sanctuary at Shamballa until we received our answer, again an event that will forever blaze in my memory.

At one heightened point during our Meditation, a glorious Light formed between us and through that Light stepped the Shining Sun God Krishna, God Parent to the Planet Venus. Beloved Sanat Kumara and I dropped to our knees in gratitude for we knew he had brought the gift we required to assure Victory for my Root Race and the Planet. And so he did, for hearing our prayers he created the Original God Idea of "The Christ", a Mediator between God and Man... an idea that was heretofore unnecessary because the separateness in consciousness that had evolved on Earth was unknown anywhere else in the galaxy to which we all belong.

The Beloved Sun God Krishna offered me the opportunity to evolve a plan through which the Christ Principal could be introduced to the Planet and so carry the Fourth and Fifth Root Race back into the Glory of God. With the help of Beloved Sanat Kumara, I found a magnificent volunteer from Venus who could be used as "The Vehicle for the Manu". This volunteer would have to be able to carry the energies of myself as Manu, as well as the energies of Beloved Sun God Krishna as channeled through Beloved Sanat Kumara. We so honored the Sun God by naming this Christed Avatar, Krishna "The Anointed One".

There were a succession or a lineage of Krishna embodiments. As yet, the Vedas (the Divine Writings of the Hindus) come closest to recording accurately these ancient Krishna Teachings, culminating in the embodiment recognized as "The Krishna" to that religion. In the Hindu Trinity, Vishnu (The All-Pervader — The Father Principal) was supposed to have embodied as Krishna. This allegorically refers to my "embodiment" as the Father of the Root Race through "my vehicle" - the original succession of Krishna’s. Krishna the Avatar was just that... and early Avatarship anchored through a series of evolved souls. The Sun God, of course, did not embody.

Since that time there has been several major Avatars representing the original gift of Christ Consciousness to the Planet from Krishna the God Parent of Venus. This series of individual Avatars we hope to have climaxed with the perfect example of Jesus, the Nazarene. Now hopefully enough examples have been given to the Planet of the goal (One with the Christ then One with God Presence) so that, as the Sixth and Seventh Root Race begin early embodiment, we may now have many examples of this ONENESS THROUGH CHRIST to reverse forever the contagion of separateness and fear and begin an expansion of Love and Oneness with the God Presence.

The original plan, remember, never conceived of the possibility of separateness from the God Presence — "The Mighty I AM". And if all goes according to our plan now by the end of the two-thousand-year-cycle of Beloved Saint Germain, the necessity of The Christ, as the Mediator between Man and God will have etherealized and Man and God will be One forever. Into this Reality will all future Root Races be born.

Our Beloved Lord Maitreya was one of the original exponents of the Christ Nature and had qualified for this work under previous tutelage with Sanat Kumara and Beloved Krishna, the Sun God. He quickly grew in evolution to be allowed to represent these energies to the Planet as the Cosmic Christ. He still is the major force of these energies to the Planet. And even though Beloved Sanat Kumara relieved him of certain duties to expand his Love Nature to include the Office of Buddha, he has reclaimed most of these back, allowing Sanat Kumara more freedom to assist in the current preparation of his own Star, Venus.

My own Service to the Planet has been in the manifestation of God Truth through the Golden Ages as they have expressed on this Planet. The bulk of Truth (the so-called Mysteries) now known or available from secret writings on the Planet evolved through the Fifth Root Race evolution.

The earlier writings of the original Perfection and Truths of the Fourth Root Race (before, during and after the laggards) has been lost to the Planet until a time decreed by the Spiritual Hierarchy. This is for safety reasons. I washed clean the slate when I began my reign as Manu of the Principal Race evolving on the Planet and this has been written of in the ancient Scriptures as myself being the "Vedic Noah" — stories of a great, ancient deluge that swept the Planet with only myself surviving.

Well of course, it was only my truth surviving and all else being swept aside.

The removal or unavailability of the Fourth Root Race teachings of the Race accounts for why Beloved Himalaya secluded himself in the higher mountain reaches and released these teachings only to those who had proved themselves spiritually worthy through arduous disciplines. In the earlier Sub-races of the Fourth Root Race the teachings now found only in the hidden Retreats of the Ascended Masters, were available and taught far and wide through the culture and civilization. It is of course the plan that eventually in the coming Golden Age the Truth will again be known far and wide through the Race of Humanity evolving on this Planet.

There is a rhythm in the unfolding pattern of the Root Races. Beloved Himalaya was responsible for anchoring the masculine aspect of Wisdom and I was to expand that Light through the Race, in the manifestation of Truth. The same is true for the succeeding two Root Races, as Beloved God Meru is responsible for anchoring into the Planet the feminine Nature of Wisdom and Lord Saithrhu to expand and manifest that Glory.

You can see then that the characteristics of our Root Race Children will carry the principal quality of their Manu in either assimilation or expansion of the Light... and yet each soul will receive training in both aspects because of the overlapping of the Root Races. It may become more evident to you however not only the outer characteristics of Root Race Children but also their inner characteristics following the divine archetype of their Manu and the predominant nature of his inner and outer Service.

The Fourth Root Race were originally to be the Guardians of the physical Planet of Mother Earth. They were to become, as much as possible, One with the physical majesty of the Planet and master the greater forces of the Elemental Kingdom and the rhythm of life so evident through Mother Nature. Those of the Fourth Root Race who still have embodiment and are still aligned with the original intent are often found as the so-called "indigenous peoples" around this Planet... who work closely with Nature and often use her as their method of religion or understanding the forces of the Universe. Unfortunately, remnants of the destructive use of life subsequent to the great fall often are mixed into their heritage.

The Fifth Root Race was to build on the mastery of the physical plane an understanding of the subtler forms of energy in the planes adjacent to the physical, as the Planet was to evolve to a more etheric vibration. This was to manifest in many areas of life; science and technology (as for example electricity, inventions and space travel) healing and medicine, arts and music, philosophy and reason, etc. The "Golden Ages" of various cultures since Atlantis and Lemuria - China, India, Egypt, Greece, Europe and America have all been aspects of this evolution of the Fifth Root Race.

America now stands as the Bridge to the Sixth and Seventh Root Race evolutions. And if America accepts her Divine Plan through acceptance of the Christ Principal, she can become the "I AM RACE". As you know my beloved brother Manu, Lord Saithrhu the Great Divine Director, has much to do with this plan for America. All the very best of previous Golden Ages will flourish through America at the height of her Light, in the Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom.

It is my responsibility to have my race ready to embody the Christ Nature to make way for the Sixth and Seventh Root Race. I shall reveal more and more of the ancient Truths, long since gone into hidden libraries from Atlantis and Lemuria and other lost Golden Ages. But first I, speaking on behalf of the Spiritual Hierarchy, need the Love Nature of the Christ Vibration established through a critical number of souls embodied on the Planet, that the Hierarchy can unhesitatingly depend on, to protect those Truths... as the real Priesthood of Eternal Truth... guarded by Christ Conscious Souls who have no remnants of personal ego or ill motive. This is the need of the hour and your Service to the Planet at this time.

Call to me. The best way to connect with my Consciousness is to connect yourself with the Fifth Realm of Truth in the etheric planes of Heaven around this Planet. Hilarion guards the door to my Temple. He is a son in my Cosmic Family as an exponent of Truth serving on this Planet.

In anticipation of a deeper, more profound working relationship.

"I AM" Vaivasvata Manu




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