
Beloved Lady Venus

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

December 9, 1982

I welcome this opportunity to speak to the Children of Earth.

Attention is given to the Planet Venus and that is about how far it goes. When we give you special exercises or information which will help the Planet Earth fulfill its Divine Plan — being a little planet but a great part in the Eternal Design — even as each of us, you and I, are one part of the Great Plan. But the manner in which you accept the opportunity depends on your dedication, your love, to carry out your own individual service. Beloved ones, for several years now you have had your attention on channeling the Light from Venus, Uranus, and Mars. You use that exercise — but not whole-heartedly.

It is something that you do once in a while. Oh, children, lose not the opportunity to assist us in anchoring, re-anchoring and strengthening those Beams of Light pouring into the Earth. As you well know, we can do just so much as you will allow us. Of course, we know our responsibility and do hold the Rays of Light and nourish the Planet Earth. But we can only go, as we have told you time and time again, as far in EXPANDING that energy as your attention — your cooperation —  will allow. We have told you many times, several years ago, about the glorious Angels from Venus who are traversing the Earth, outpouring their Light. They do not expect anything from you not even your acknowledgment that they are giving this service.

No one, as you well know, should expect any acknowledgment of service. You do the work as it is deemed, and you must not think that anyone should give you credit. ALL CREDIT belongs to God.

So, dear ones, I just bring this to your attention because really our glorious Angels could do so much more for you individually if you could just give them a thought. Let them embrace you, and I assure you they can greatly expand the Love — the Love which is so necessary, as the saying goes, "to make the world go round."

I refer to something as happening, that has taken place, when it was inaugurated: "The Angels from Venus" — but remember always the importance is not to recognize TIME. Think of NOW. For so-called yesterday you cannot recapture. You are HERE and NOW, and always shall be, in the Present. Tomorrow never comes, for when we reach that cycle of time it is today, it is NOW. This is a very important lesson, which the chelas should learn. Once in a while they think of it, but NOW, this very moment, feel the Presence of your own individual Reality. That cell in the Great Cosmos, pulsating.

And know that you do not have to travel — etherically or any other way — to Venus, Mercury, to any place — because according to your consciousness you can reach that place NOW by just staying where you are! Feel the great reservoir — feel the timelessness, the agelessness of that ever-pulsating Sea of Light. As you send forth your harmonious radiation, meaning of course that the outer is not recognized and does not exist except for your attention. It is a garment of reality which is necessary for you to function on this Planet Earth.

So, let us enter deeply in the Reality of Love of all Life, and according to the harmony of your being, a Cosmic Tone is struck — a very important tone, for you are a necessary ingredient of ENTIRETY.

And in that Great and Beautiful State of Bliss feel the LOVE of ALL from the Higher Spheres. All Love is ever-present. Love.....

And in so doing, when you wear the garment of Love, you give a Blessing to all Life, in whatever realm you care to direct your attention, whether it be some specific place of Being on the physical plane, or wherever your heart desires. The entire Universe is available to any individual cell who wishes to draw from the Great Reservoir.

Know that in Pure Light... Pure Light... Pure Crystalline Light... color it as you will, and as you so do you will be blessed indeed.

But the more you can remain in this State of Bliss, which truly it is, the more will your consciousness expand. In this year approaching, 1983, you are going to be required — you ARE required to function from the Higher Consciousness of Divinity. If you desire to walk with us, to be obedient to the Law of this Universe, you must be prepared to accept the Directive which we are going to give you.

Be prepared to have a flexible consciousness because as we rise into higher vibratory action you could easily, if you permit your consciousness to do so, operate from the human. If you permit the consciousness to anchor from the human you might have difficulty in accepting some of the Higher Truths which shall come forth.

Humanity, through the ages, has had concept after concept — all with a seed of Truth. TRUTH, which always shall be, but which is given in the manner in which that period could accept.

Man used to have his transportation on the physical plane by, firstly, the motivation of moving one foot after the other. Traveling where he wished on foot. And truly, that was a wonderful method because those in a State of Grace could accept the vibration of the Blessed Earth. And then he went on conveyance after conveyance, and now man is entering into space travel. But you know, dear ones, in the ages that have passed space travel was evident. Humankind could travel anywhere he wanted through consciousness — meditating, levitating — and then as the density of the human became greater and greater and the imprisoned Christus remained silenced as far as the outer consciousness was concerned, man knew there must be some principle that guided him and there developed a Being called "GOD".

But just what is God? Oh, many, many people and very illumined ones, have scoffed at the idea of an individual God to whom we are responsible. And those holding to the orthodox method of teaching — with a God in the Heavens who created them and only through their allegiance to that God could they be saved... thinking in the majority of instances only of their individual soul.

I AM giving you these simple examples to let you think, or counsel you to think, of where you are going, what are you doing for your fellow traveler. Oh yes, it is well and good that those who fall on their physical knees and say, "Oh God, Save me", when that Savior is right within you. Think on that! Feel the pulse beat of the Eternal.

You are in, as it is called, "Heaven". Of course, you know by now that it is just the attainment of the consciousness of the Real Indwelling. Listen to the music of the spheres! You can, you know.

Hear the blessed tones. If you happen to be thinking of even a single little Angel with love, then you may think of any of us, any Ascended Master. As you do so, you know by now, that you are blessed with the quality and virtue, the gift, which we have developed and have been given to expand and to make the Light of the Universe greater.

It is time now that the blessed chelas under our direction BELIEVE what we give you. If there is some block in your etheric consciousness you know the power of Divine Transmutation. You have been told again and again the method to purify yourself and in so doing raise all humanity and all other evolutions. Children, children, the opportunity is SO GREAT. It is offered to you. You sometimes say of another, "You have been given the gifts of Life on a silver platter"... Ah, ah children, that gift, no matter what, has been earned. You each have a cup of your consciousness and it is up to you to fill it to overflowing to bless all Life. The cup is yours to use.

Drink of the elixir itself, and only as you do does it flow from you to all Life. I AM not speaking to you in a profound manner, I AM talking to you as a fellow traveler in this Great Universe.... and with the Divine Principle of my life, the Mother Principle, which I AM privileged to dispense.

I see such a Great Plan for you. Accept my Love. Feel it always and know that I AM one simple cell in the Great Reservoir of All. I desire to serve you, and when you come to the point where you can accept that Love — not just for the moment — but know that when Love is present that which your outer now calls "God" is there.

Anointing you with all the Love of my Being and all of us who serve at the moment from the Planet Venus -- giving that radiation of Love, you will receive the Elixir of Life -- Life which is the pulse beat of each one of us. Remember, as I conclude this little visit with you - NOW is the time - NOW. You know not what tomorrow as you call it, will bring. In the ETERNAL NOW I leave you. Feel the radiation of that State of BEING.

Lady Venus




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