Easter Class

Beloved Mother Mary

Shamballa - Long Island

April 10, 1982

Dearly beloved children of the garden of my heart, I love you.

My heart includes all of this Sanctuary, all of your four vehicles - all so attuned to this tremendous momentum of Light you have built this morning. Would you kindly be seated.

Cosmic Law has allowed me this morning to come and be with you in my Ascended Master Light vehicles and I bring with me the momentum that I held for our beloved Jesus. On this day many years ago his physical body was entombed and it was part of my Divine Plan to hold the Immaculate Concept for the full Resurrection and the Life of his risen Divinity.

And precious ones, if I could do that for my son, whilst still struggling with my own mastery (yet unascended), how much more can I hold for you from my Ascended Master Consciousness within my Ascended Light vehicles - the power of the Immaculate Concept for your Risen Divinity out of the tomb of your four lower vehicles?

"I AM" here this morning in my momentum as a mother and "I AM" privileged in the Hierarchy, because of my role in the unfolding Christian drama. Many know my name and "I AM" invoked by many. And, yet, there are many Beings in Heaven's Realms with Light greater than mine, much greater than mine, whose sacred names have yet to be uttered on this Planet and who yet await your calls for their tremendous momentum that shall grace this New Age.

And as "I AM" here as a mother this day I carry also the radiation of the Mother of this Universe, beloved Lady Vesta. And as a mother I want to give you the gift of myself in taking each of your four lower vehicles into the embrace of my heart and into the embrace of the heart of the great Lady Vesta. Somehow from the human consciousness it is easy to envision Mother Mary as a soft motherly figure and for that "I AM" grateful.

But, dear ones, I have modeled myself after the great motherly Love of beloved Lady Vesta, and although she carries the full power of the Sun, she carries the love indescribable for the children of her own Heart, especially upon this Planet. And she has asked me this morning if I would officiate in allowing your four lower vehicles and all who are attuned to this class to be brought into full embrace of her motherly Healing - and I shall do it through my own Light Vehicles.

Precious ones you know that when we visit with you, on occasions such as this, much more than our words, our real gift is our Radiation. And I want to take each of your four lower vehicles and enfold them within my own vehicles which are of Light, my own Ascended Master Fire vehicles: and so, I reach out to you now and I ask you to still your feeling world and I draw in the feeling world from each of you and I enfold it with the feeling world of my Ascended Master vehicles - as "I AM" doing this I would ask you to reverberate through your consciousness - "I AM" Mother Mary's Ascended Mastery in my feelings.

 "I AM" Mother Mary's Ascended Mastery in my feelings." ...Feel also the momentum of Lady Vesta... Mostly it is your feeling worlds, dear children, that have the open wounds - that have the great sores - and to whom do you take these vehicles but your mother... feel my Mastery!

I reach out now and I take up your mental vehicles and I draw them in and enfold them within my own Light Vehicles and reverberating through your consciousness - "I AM" Mother Mary's Ascended Mastery in my mind. Feel the gift of our Radiation.

I reach out and take up your memories, your etheric vehicles and I draw them close into the Fiery Essence of my own Causal Body. Oh, feel it enveloped within my own Soul as warmly and as securely as you have ever been held by a mother.

And now I reach out and take up your flesh vehicles into which you have deposited all the effects of the other three vehicles and I hold them up to my breast where my heart beats strong with the Light of my own mother, Lady Vesta... And in so doing I have drawn in the physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles of the Group Avatar and all who are aligned by the ties of Light to the reappearance of Christ Consciousness on this Planet, for believe me dear children that I drew the body of my own son close to me for the trials of this week-end, many years ago.

And I said to him, "Dear son, know that although I will not be with you physically in the tomb, I shall be holding the Immaculate Concept and the full Victory of that Immaculate Concept will resurrect on Easter Morn." And so, dear children, shall it be with you, according to your faith. Feel the vibration! Feel the gift of my Radiation and that of Lady Vesta.

This Easter Celebration is progressing wonderfully and I had the privilege of sojourning with the beloved Lord of the World, Gautama, this morning before entering this Sanctuary and he made me aware and asked me if I would let you know that there was a QUANTUM LEAP IN CONSCIOUSNESS yesterday morning with Beloved Serapis and again this morning, in the consciousness of those privileged to be within this Sanctuary and, extrapolating out to The New Age Church of The Christ, to all who are aligned by the ties of Light to this radiation and vibration.

Children, you know from the experience of your lives that life goes on in cycles; you know the beginning of cycles, the middle of cycles and the end of cycles. And when we from the Ascended Realms view your evolution we see those as spirals, circles upon circles upon circles of life's experiences, but each one on a higher vibration than the next. And to use your "electrical parlance" yesterday and today there has been a "jump" in consciousness along several rungs of that spiral. And precious ones, you therefore do not know what you did not have to "live through" on several of those cycles.

That is the Grace of God. That is how grateful God is for your service and your momentum of expanding the Christ Light on this Planet and allowing us to anchor so much of Christ Light through the centripetal force here at Shamballa. You are our anchorage of a great influx of Light this Easter weekend into the Planet, particularly those who have come to the physical Ashram here at Shamballa, but again all who are tied to the same vibratory level of Light around the Planet. You know, dear children, how useful you are to us...

I wish I could tell you. Let me use an allegory - some number of years ago I was allowed to put into embodiment a dear child, who came to fruition in France and through that child, by working with her through the years of her development, when she was a young woman, I was able to reach her consciousness; the consciousness of a shining unencumbered harmonious soul.

And through her I was able to establish the Focus known as "Lourdes" and that is what can be done through one humble lifestream who was willing to attune herself to an Ascended Master. Are you aware, dear children, that more people now visit Lourdes looking for a healing than visit Jerusalem, than visit Rome, than even visit Mecca... the seat of the so-called great religions? And yet, more people these days visit Lourdes looking for a healing.

And what greater healing can we offer this Planet - you and I together - than to re-prove what I proved through that beloved Saint? Dear children, give me one... one unencumbered harmonious soul who is willing to be a Cup and this very Easter we can prove the Resurrection and Perfection of Christ Light on this Planet and we can heal this Planet with Christ Light through souls such as yourselves, who have been prepared through the years for this embodiment.

And I shall be with you tomorrow working with my beloved son, working with the Great Holy Spirit, working towards what we have accomplished through the Saints before - the Saints now of the New Age.

And so, dear children, enfolding you in the Light and Love of my humble self and that of my glorious mother, Lady Vesta, I eagerly anticipate the rising vibration this day into the ascendency of the Risen Christ of Divinity Easter Morn... Good Morning!


Mother Mary


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