The Feast of the Ascension

Beloved Master Jesus

May 4, 1978

Dear Children, My Brothers and Sisters in the great Universal Family of the Father-Mother God, I greet you in deep and abiding Love on this Holy Day commemorating the Ascension of My lifestream into the Heavenly Realms for all Eternity. The Ascension -- the Attainment of that State of Consciousness which all life must reach. . . Hallowed be that magnificent Procedure!

Millions of people all over this dear Planet have turned their attention to the single Feat of My Personal Ascension -- and that brings to My Consciousness the Power of the attention. Where your attention is there you are!

I wish to inform you that yesterday as thousands of individuals in these United States were turning their attention to the Sun in celebration of "Sun" Day; truly was there a tremendous release of Light from the Mighty Helios and Vesta.

While wearing a physical garment humanity cannot truly cognize what a glorious opportunity this provided the Spiritual Hierarchy, for not only were the Sun Gods, Helios and Vesta, releasing greater and greater Light to the Earth, but the Suns of your Beings, in the Heavenly Realms, were expanding Their Light to infiltrate all Life, and through these currents humanity, at least temporarily, felt the Love, the Buoyancy, the Sunshine of Their Beings flowing through them.

Many of you upon arising yesterday had the feeling of "what a beautiful day this is" and surely here on Long Island it was clearly evident that the upliftment of feeling was of expanded magnitude.

Through the years We have repeatedly referred to "The power of the attention". And We shall continue to do so until that Truth is put into action in your individual worlds. May I again strongly impress upon your consciousness that so important statement. The Radiation of your being can be of inestimable value in raising the vibratory action of this Planet. In the short space of a minute of so-called time, just by raising your consciousness from a negative thought to any one of the God Qualities simply thinking in a positive manner, you can add to the Reservoir of Light so required for this blessed Earth.

I would like to now direct your attention to Class Service...I wish to impress the fact that when you tune into the raising activity of a Class... When you actually become part of the Service being rendered, how much better you feel. . . for you have turned your attention away from something that might have been of the human or of a different vibratory action, you have joined your energy in the cooperative service with that of the Leader.

Ah. . .you can then see how important it is for the Leader to unreservedly dedicate and purify himself before stepping upon the podium.

Every Leader should spend a considerable amount of time in preparation for the Service which he has the sacred privilege of giving. Then those of Us Who have been specifically called into service of the hour can join Our Energies with The Christ Consciousness which is your true Being.

I refer not only to Class or Group Directors, naturally that is of great importance for they have been given the authority of setting the pattern and holding the attention of those in attendance, but the fact that you are permitted to attend Classes places a responsibility upon you to release constructive energy in combined service.

Too, I wish to indelibly imprint upon your consciousness the importance of being a Center for Good in your daily, hourly living, by the release of harmonious radiation at all times and adding to the Fount of Light required for this dear Earth. I repeat.. it is your bounden responsibility to do so by reason of the fact that We of the Spiritual Hierarchy release The Way, The Means of attaining Christhood!

On this Holy Feast Day, the "Sun" of Heaven is giving you an unparalleled opportunity to assist this Earth and all Her evolutions. When you receive this Message, if you are in a state of Grace, so-called wonders and marvels are possible of attainment.

I have presented a simple statement of Truth, on this fifth day of the week, when the release of the activity of the Fifth Ray is accelerated... on the anniversary of the day when I had the honor of My Permanent Ascension into the Christ Consciousness, into the Vibratory action of All Truth, the Truth of My Being, and yours... that of all Light, reaching The Christ Consciousness and remaining in that exalted and natural God intended State for all Eternity.

Before concluding I would like to remind all chelas that you have the sacred privilege of being under the specific guidance of the Spiritual Hierarchy. . .under the Spiritual Canopy of Light which is directly over this Holy Isle. . . an opportunity without precedence! Oh lovely ones, join with Us in the Heavenly Realms of Consciousness to expand that Protection of Light!

I would like to cite the simple Example of the culmination of My Mission on this Earth. . . .through the attention of humankind upon My Presence, through the expedient of their attention, and of yours, I have this day been raised into a Higher Vibratory Action, the ecstasy of which is indescribable. . . Yes, through the Power of your attention. . . and as a result I have been given tremendous amounts of Energy which I may release in uniting the peoples of this Earth, in My privileged Service as Micah, Angel of Unity. . .thereby uniting every man, woman and child with His God Self ¾ according, of course, to the time of their acceptance of the Radiation of Truth which is and will be released.

One more pertinent statement ¾ not since the day of My actual Ascension into the Garden of True Being has there been such a release of Light on this Feast Day as there has been on this Holy Ascension Thursday, by reason of the fact that the Ascension Flame Focus, the Radiating Center of that Activity has been permanently anchored in and over Long Island. . .the Light of this Holy Isle this day is so resplendent, and will continue so as you direct your attention to Shamballa, the Central Focus of the Spiritual Hierarchy. . .and that Light will be ever-expanding through the Love of chelas who are truly dedicated to the service of restoring this Planet to Her rightful Estate. . .beginning first with this White Island!

Enfolding you now in the Love of The Father-Mother God, the Supreme Source of all Light, flowing through My Being and into your blessed hearts. Send that Light, dear ones, in ever-increasing Love to all life... and join with Me in Holy Adoration to the Heart Center of Our Beings... as It flows into the Universal Stream of All Good, returning in ever-widening waves to bless life throughout all Infinity.

Humbly, I am your Brother Jesus.......




Jesus - Master Divine!

Jesus - sweet Brother mine;

Let Thy light through me shine -

Possess my world today!

Take Thou my hand - and hold it fast;

Let me express Thy peace at last;

Flood now my world with all Thou hast -


Jesus - Victor Supreme

Jesus - Thy whole lifestream

A God-Example's been

To all evolving here!

Help me the Christ in all to see-

Thy full Example, too, to be;

Help me express God-mastery

In all I do each day!





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