The Feast of Pentecost

Beloved Mother Mary

May 14, 1978

Blessed children of Light, members of the Universe, that Great Cosmic Heart of The Father-Mother God. I have come today at the request of Holy Æolus and I hope that I may be able to impress upon your consciousness the feeling of Love which is within the Heart of the Mother of this Universe. Each of you have been mothers at some time in the long journey upon this planet Earth and I salute that Love which burns within each of you.

I wish you now to turn your attention to the Diamond Heart of God - that Diamond Heart which is high in the atmosphere over this Sanctuary today . . . and above it the Dove of the Holy Spirit Coming forth from this blessed Thought Form is a glorious radiance of deep pink of Divine Love.

Keep your attention focused upon that Divine Love, My blessed ones, and when this service is concluded today may the Love from your beings so energize that Thought Form that it completely encompasses the Earth.

Now many times you have heard "O Love that will not let me go".... and it is true that the Love of The Father-Mother God never leaves you, it is always pulsating within your hearts. And I shall endeavor today to melt any feeling of animosity that any part of life may have toward another Expression of God. You know not in what embodiment you may have had a feeling of antagonism toward another part of life, and your etheric body may still be carrying that record. I am speaking to all life, not to anyone individually, but I am speaking of the Great Principle of Love, that Love which the Holy Spirit embodies in such great measure that Beloved Holy Spirit that feeling which He is sending you at all times, because the Breath of the Holy Spirit enabled you to have embodiment at this time.

And I wish you, each one, to think now upon Holy Æolus, the Mighty Holy Spirit of Life and of Our Beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan . . . . .just turn your attention and feel that Love form a Mantle about each of you . . . . . Thank You, children of Light, for Love sustains all manifestation. You were born from the Heart of God in Love.

I pause so that you can feel that enfolding grace...........

You also realize that the Third Ray of the Holy Spirit is Love and has a great compatibility to the emotional world. . . and We are endeavoring to fill your emotional world, and those of all humankind, and all the Kingdoms shall receive that Love today, so that the Lion may lie down with the Lamb.

As I look upon your auras now and I see that glorious Light of Love Divine shining forth. You will remember that on the First Pentecost, We, the Disciples and Myself were gathered in the Upper Chambers of Our own Beings. . .Our Consciousness raised on High, and the Holy Spirit did come to bring Comfort to those who felt a great loss when Jesus, Our Master, had left the physical plane. And as We remained in that Consciousness the great Tongues of Fire of the Holy Spirit came upon Us... and you, My children, are receiving even a greater activity of the Holy Spirit today, for two thousand years have passed, with each yearly cycle as humanity turned their attention to Whitsuntide that Blessing was amplified.

And no one knows when you will have your individual Whitsuntide as the Holy Spiritthe Spirit of The Christ blazes forth from you and you remain that Consciousness for the rest of your embodiment and then going to the Realms of Light for all Eternity...Holy Spirits Members Components which comprise the Heart of God.

We call forth Blessings upon every mother in embodiment -- those, to be -- and feel that glorious Love, the Pink Essence flowing from your beings to add to Ours, as this entire planet is filled with Love. I love you and I know that you do love Me.

Call to Me often and even if you just say "Mary, full of Grace, teach Me as You did Your Beloved Son Jesus, the Christ." I believe a simple statement like that would assist you become that Christ, for it is indeed My responsibility and privilege to hold the Immaculate Concept for each of you, and all life.

And now please rise as the Cosmic Holy Spirit will give you His Blessing..........

Beloved Holy Æolus speaks:

How can one add to the Love of that gracious and magnificent Lady of Heaven! (please be seated for a moment).

Dear Disciples of My Heart, I have had the privilege through the years of coming to you from time to time and you have the privilege of receiving the words the Message of My Beloved Son Paul, the Maha Chohan as you read your BULLETIN each week. I have just one request to make that as you raise that Pink Sheet to read it -- put it aside for a moment after you have read it give gratitude to the Maha Chohan for keeping you in His Embrace at all times, for dear ones, He looks upon you each week to see what you require most and should there be something particular in that letter that you feel applies to you as counsel, receive it graciously because it comes forth to assist you.

And I have the honor of releasing to you a Message every three months. When I consider it a privilege to give you the word which issues from the Heart of the Cosmic Source, know that it is your privilege to receive it. Take the Lesson given herein and bless all life through your loving radiation.

O lovely ones, there has been a tremendous release of Light and expansion of Light from your beings since a year has passed and I am very happy to tell you that is commendable, bringing you closer to the Expression of the Christ within.

Many years ago I said in a Message that it is beautiful to see the chelas' expression of Love which comes from their beings when they are in Our direct Radiation ¾ when you are consciously aware of Our Radiation and you know that it is Our responsibility to see if Our words have fallen on fertile ground, for We look again upon you when twenty-four hours have elapsed.

And I hope in closing when Mother Mary, Paul and I look upon you specifically when twenty-four hours have passed that you will still be giving forth Our Radiation.

Now the Blessing of The Father-Mother God of all the Sons and Daughters of Heaven be upon you this day and may that Blessing coming forth from the Highest of the High enfolds you and all life this day.........Thank You






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