Our Cosmic Library

"Responsibility of the Hierarchy in Releasing Instruction"

All of the energy in this universe is constantly emitting radiation and the quality of the radiation really represents the whole problem of human redemption, as far as the Ascended Masters‘ service to humanity is concerned. There is not an electron in interstellar space that is static or immovable and the so-called "inanimate" objects of the physical world are in constant state of motion as the scientists have discovered.

The degree of evolution of each self-conscious individual determines the intensity and the length of the rays of radiation that pass from him. The higher the lifestream goes upon the spiritual ladder the greater is the area covered by his out-going energy waves and the more life, power and love directed to such an one by the Ascended Brotherhood, the greater is his responsibility in the solar system to which he belongs because of the ever-increasing circumference of his electronic circle.

That is why the responsibility for spiritual knowledge and unfoldment is far greater than is comprehended by the student who is so eagerly desirous of knowledge, of powers and the full use of the activities of the Sacred Fire. As in the physical world greater responsibility rests upon the shoulders of those in positions of trust and authority, so does all spiritual knowledge carry with it an obligation to serve life selflessly and the far more important obligation to control and pour out through the radiation of such an one's being only those qualities which will enrich the universe through the greater scope of the increased aura.

If people could see what the unfoldment of spiritual knowledge did to their auras and how much greater was their personal ability to affect the entire universal scheme, some would hesitate (on account of the personal responsibility involved) before accepting this outpouring.

When individuals have been under the direction of the Ascended Host as you have been, dear ones, for several years now, every time One of Us has come to present the Law, countless tons of energy has flowed into each one of your auras, remaining a part of your lifestreams and greatly enlarging the sphere of influence of all the Seven Rays.

It is, therefore, expedient that you begin to incorporate into your very beings the Ascended Masters‘ Peace, Poise, Serenity, Kindliness, Tolerance, Understanding,  Love and Gentleness because the repercussions for the slightest imperfection upon the Law of Harmony are much greater when the aura is expanded to such a large extent, for the reason that it affects a greater part of life.

The activity of anchoring the Ascended Masters‘ energy into your own bodies to set up new patterns of thought and feeling, coupled with our own conscious endeavor to hold your lower bodies within a harmonious expression, will do much to assist you. when your outer consciousness is constantly aware that its most essential duty is to maintain an undisturbed state of harmonious radiation in the full knowledge of the effect it will have on the lives of others ¾ your consciousness will become like a sun and your sphere of influence can be used cosmically to set up a like energy pattern in the lives of all those whom the Masters will see fit to draw into your environment, besides the beneficial effect it will have on every expression of life, plant, animal and elemental being that it touches.

Watch your thoughts and feelings, beloved ones, because these affect your radiation and tend to diminish your usefulness in the Ascended Masters‘ present endeavors to raise and redeem a planet and its people.


There is a sea of Godliness which has no centre and no periphery, which extends from eternity to eternity and within which are merged the individual consciousness of all awakened Beings. This Godliness enfolds Us within Itself. Within It is Our Breath. It is Our Being. It is Our environment and It is Our Cause, and yet each one of Us, in some strange inexplicable way is the Heart Centre of that Sea, and to the aspiring soul who would attain happiness We can but say that it is an awareness, and awakening, and unfoldment.

In the tightly closed bud, the heart centre of the flower knows nought of the world around it and finds the close confines of the enwrapped Petals as the outer periphery of its world. But as the forces from within itself push forth in its progressive stages of growth, and as the forces from without play upon the unfolding flower, the heart centre or consciousness of the bloom becomes aware of the great world around it, that always was, and which enfolds and surrounds it.

So it is with humanity today who stands with clenched fist and tight-shut eyelids within the narrow periphery of his own world, which is the effect of the thoughts and feelings of his imaginings. When, however, the heart centre of his Being begins to awaken and push forth the Divine Plan, coupled with the pressure of the Cosmic Moment from without, then gradually the narrowed eyelids are forced to open and the bands to relax, and so the Godly impulse of his Being causes him to unfold until he finds himself a flowering bloom in the World of Light far beyond that of his own wild and corrupt imagining.

We who tend the Garden of Life, see the possibilities in each tightly closed bud, and can, with happiness and peace go about the task of encouraging the unfoldment, both by love and cooperation of the Natural Forces of Nature provided in the 'incubator' or' Cosmic Hot House’, which is established 'because the cycle endeth', and the Altar of all Life demands that all Blooms shall adorn the Most High on the Final Cosmic Day of Worship.

I might say, dear ones, that the student body as a whole, have made great strides in the unfolding of their petals. This tenacity of Spirit We are counting upon. As the Lotus unfolds you will see a tremendous whole where there are seemingly many component parts. Remember always that the Divine Plan as presented in the written word of the Masters (or as presented to your own inner sight which is constantly being developed) is not to be interfered with by any outer minds.

To carry the Lotus Blossom through a herd of stampeding elephants and arrive safely at the farther end of the field, still carrying the blossom intact, is a simple matter as against receiving a Divine Idea for Perfection and passing through the mass of human opinion, thought, and the general mass opposition to anything that is good, and arrive at the fulfillment of your design containing any semblance of divine order.

Let me add here, little children, that many of you, in fact, I might say the whole student body, feel that they are tremendously wise people, but a great part of that wisdom is the constant playing of Our Consciousness, like a searchlight, through the cloak of your aura, and the brightness about you is as much the sustaining power of the Masters as the unfoldment of each one's spirit. The test is at the time of the withdrawal of the Masters’ presence how strong may be each lifestream when placed on his own to pass through initiations.

There is a way that all Masters have learned of remaining calm, having no part in any opposition and have no recoil, remorse, or self-pity, but after the waves of emotions have settled, or the numerous oppositions have been brought forth, in the Heart of the Silence, and in perfect peace, just as the Sun regulates His planets, then can one proceed to the fulfillment of his design.

My love and My faith is ever enfolding you, each one.


Humility and Grace

Humility and Grace are both of Spirit alone. Neither can be brought under control by the outer senses of humankind, for each quality is given through humanity by Breath of the Spirit of Life.

Humility is an inner reverence letting the Power of Life express or flow through the Cup of one‘ s consciousness with no effort of the outer senses. In this way, Humility, like the Sun from the Heart of Helios, flows forth in quiet gentle streams of life a blessing and an anointing on all life.

Grace of the Spirit is the beauteous, joyous, effervescing Happiness of Life that, from within the hidden inner depths of humanity's hearts, makes each of them a delightful companion to all everywhere -- be it in Heaven or on Earth. The Grace of Spirit shines forth from him who knows his oneness with all life; who is willing to join himself with other forms -- no matter where -- thus making a greater, firmer bond of Spirit whereby humankind shall know himself as Spirit -- not flesh.

Dearly beloved hearts of Mine, I offer to each of you the Gift of My own Humility and Grace of Life. It may be for you, each one, a living, breathing, pulsating, eternal Reality with each breath you breathe if you so desire. It needs only your acceptance, and then sustained consciousness of that oneness with Me. This does not mean that your thoughts must constantly be on Me, but each one of you must learn to live where "I AM". This means, dear children, away deep ¾ much deeper within your hearts than most of you have yet gone "I AM"; and THERE is the loving Gift and the Consciousness of all that "I AM" and what it means.

Within the Secret Place of your own Heart you will contact your own Divine Identity, and there, also, may be found the Gifts of all Who are of the Heavenly Consciousness. Again we see the meaning of the Master Jesus' words; "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven (your own Christ Identity) and all other Gifts of Consciousness shall be added unto you." So often has humanity heard the words ‘man is but consciousness’, and they remain but 'words' for him.

Raise your own consciousness, by an effort of will, from the human or outer man's thinking, and fasten it to the mind of your own Higher Self within. In this way, your creative faculties will be raised, and you will find yourself thinking and feeling like unto your own Christ Self.

Beloved ones, you are known by and express your form of consciousness each moment that you breathe. Humankind expresses mostly from the outer consciousness of himself, yet if he will identify himself with his True Identity, then in Truth will he express the Consciousness of Heaven itself.

"The Kingdom of Heaven is within"; also "the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" are words spoken so many centuries ago, and yet man has not learned to BE this beautiful Being which is his TRUE IDENTITY.

Enter deep, deep, deep within until you find the "I" of you; then kneel, in spirit, and be enfolded in its Divine Embrace and absorbed into its way of thinking and feeling. Beloved Ones, I welcome you, this day, into the Inner Consciousness of Spirit, and ere this year has flown, there shall be those of you who shall move wholly and eternally free as Spirit upon this Earth and also in the Higher Octaves of Light where your Ascension is assured.

Holy Æolus





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