Mother Mary's Ascension Day

August 15, 1978


Finally, within about nine years before the close of My embodiment, I said to Peter: "If you will build Me now a small house and chapel apart from the community, by the edge of the stream, I shall cloister Myself and prepare to meet My Maker."

This was done and there I lived the rest of My life. Mary of Bethany and other beloved friends would bring flowers, candles and fresh fruit. I spent those years in contemplation of My Lord; in reminiscence of the early days of My life; My first Christmas and all the years with Joseph; the parting while Jesus went into India so soon after His Father had left the Earth; His triumphant return; the Resurrection and His Own Ascension.

It became physically difficult for Me to climb the Hill of Bethany and John kept the vigil for Me. I began to enter more into the world of the "beyond" than the world of the "here". Finally, in May right after the Pentecost, I said to John: "Call the disciples and apostles home, for before August closes Her radiation, I shall have joined My Son."

You know, it took a great deal of time -- sometimes months to reach individuals who were in faraway places like Greece. They all came home, but in the meantime, I had asked that a small chapel be built on the top of Bethany's Hill, just a very simple one. On the 10th of August I walked up that hill, having asked that I might be alone on this occasion. I placed My feet in the shining footprints of My Son as I ascended that hill. For three days and three nights, I remained there in the chapel fasting and praying. By then, all of the disciples and apostles were home and they came up to the hill for Me. I descended from the hill with them into My Own home and there I spoke to them, the original disciples particularly, I told them that I would leave this world and that on the 15th of August My Ascension would be completed .


On this Holy Day let us all send our Gratitude to Beloved Mary for the Love, Protection and Strength She gave to the disciples and apostles which enabled The Christian Dispensation to be firmly established, and that which She continues to give to all humankind and all the evolutions upon this Earth.





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