Beloved Mother Mary

Hail Children of Light, I, Mary, come to you to express my feeling of mother Love for each and everyone of you and all your brothers and sisters upon this Planet Earth.

When I say "all your brothers and sisters", I, of course, mean all life in every Kingdom, for the closer you come to the Heart of God the more will you realize the importance of blessing all life. Know you the beautiful elements imprisoned within your garments are the brothers and sisters of all the elements in every manifest and unmanifest form.

You are beginning to acquaint yourselves with the glorious Angel of Restoration... that is good. In order that he may render the great service to the evolutions of this Planet for which he has volunteered, it is necessary for the chelas to engage in the purification of the elements in the Kingdom of Earth, Air, Water and Fire. You are aware that this purification is essential, but I am merely setting these facts before you to impress upon your consciousness the necessity of lending your energy in this progress of Restoration, for which this mighty Angel has volunteered.

You also are aware that before an individual takes embodiment he is given the 'blueprint' of what is to be accomplished during that particular span, his lifestream having been carefully reviewed by the Karmic Council to see the amount of karma he is to transmute. In the freedom of the Inner Realms where he is not encumbered by the pressure of the fleshly garment, with high hopes and enthusiasm he anxiously awaits the opportunity of doing the Will of God through transmuting the karma which he has accumulated through the centuries.

Blessed, beautiful individualizations of the Father-Mother God may the veil which you must wear about your eyes be quickly removed as you journey forth on your given purpose. My Heart Prayer is that you will proceed through life in humility and grace.

I deem it a glorious privilege to serve in the Sacred Heart Temple, to lend the assistance of my Lifestream. No man could envision what is required in the preparation of the lifestreams selected for embodiment during a given year.

The most perfect elements which bear the Pattern identifying each lifestream are chosen so that the physical garment will be as harmonious and symmetrical as possible, for it is but the reflection of the inner bodies.

Yes, you have thought upon and turned your attention to the Activities of the Sacred Heart Temple and many have read what transpires therein. However, we shall reprint a portion of the activities for those not yet acquainted with this necessary preparation.* It is not just the selection of the purest elements, but the specific training which is given for each and every lifestream who is to take embodiment.

Witness how all in this System are collaborating in raising the vibratory action of this Planet. There are seven volunteers coming from Uranus, One for each of the Rays. They are Beings who have served in the Temple Worship under the direction of the beautiful Lady Esthesia and Beloved Hanuvah.

One has but to be in the presence of a young child these days to be aware of the maturity of the little babes who have recently come to Earth. This should prove to the illumined that the physical garment but encases highly developed lifestreams who have been trained at Inner Levels to assist the Earth to achieve the goal of Perfection which is ordained for her.

You have been aware through the years that Ceremonial Worship is part of the Service of the Seventh Ray. The time has arrived when Ceremonial Worship is coming to the fore and you will soon see this manifest. This is requisite that you may be ready to present this magnificent phase of service in order that Beloved Saint Germain's Seventh Ray shall manifest in all its exquisite beauty and the resultant expansion of consciousness.

Ritual in the Christian Dispensation was part of the Sixth Ray under the direction of the Master Jesus. With the Golden Age now dawning, Ritual is to be the predominant service of the Seventh Ray, and will include portions of various Rituals through the spectrum of the other six Rays.

They will be brought forth for your edification and illumination at a specific time, according to a glorious Design held in the Heart of the mighty Silent Watcher Immaculata. Our Lord and King Saint Germain will be the Guiding Presence of these magnificent ceremonies.

The pristine beauty of this Earth MUST manifest - and QUICKLY - and this will be accomplished through purification of all kingdoms. Then Light Eternal shall manifest in, on and around the Earth as she takes her place in the Cosmic Plan of the Almighty.

Some of you may remember a statement given in the Christian Church which goes "Let perpetual Light shine upon them". When that affirmation was made, little was it understood. By following the Pattern of the Year, you can see that that TRUTH shall manifest - and perpetual Light shall shine upon all.

Beloved of my Being, accept my kindly counsel, as I enfold you in my 'perpetual' embrace.

* As Beloved Mother Mary desires that you review the Service that is accomplished in the Sacred Heart Temple, we reprint for your absorption Excerpts from an address by Mother Mary.


The Sacred Heart Temple

This is the month of the visitation of the incoming lifestreams to the Sacred Heart Temple, created and sustained by my humble self. Why do we have such a Temple? Well, we have it for the same reason that you have a roof over your heads. Remember, on the Other Shore all are not Divine Beings. There are some who live in the lesser Heavens, some have been in the Sleepers Realm. Then there are some laggards who have come from the former compound, and they all live in various strata on the Other Side of what the Earth calls 'death'.

It is situated in the very center of fields that are indescribable. The grass is almost knee deep and is wheat colored, sometimes changing. That is the magnificence of being able to consciously qualify through your thoughts and feelings your precipitation.

Beloved Nada, Meta and Kwan Yin receive with me those souls who are to embody during the year.

Some of them come from other Stars and Systems so shining and brilliant in their Glory that could an Ascended Being weep, I should weep for them to enter into this world of Earth.

Therefore, when these magnificent beings who have no taint of sin or karma come for love of Earth and the people upon it and they kneel before us as we stand there, I cannot help but think of Jesus. Of course, many of them do not secure permission, but the Divine Ones come first.

They stand before us, and those who are to receive embodiment I touch with my Wand of Light, and they kneel, and those other beautiful Divine Ones, thank God, return to their own Solar Systems. The Divine Ones who are to take embodiment are divested of the magnificent garments and shining robes, which is symbolic of humility.

Their golden hair is cut and placed carefully in the Heart of my Temple so I may have a bond with them through all the years of their embodiment.

Then they are taken and prepared to be bound round with the bands of forgetfulness. From the Divine Beings to the laggards, the process does not change except in the case of the Divine Ones. I myself place the silvery cloak around the eyes and bend to kiss the forehead of such Ones, and breathing into their consciousness as a last remembrance which I know will carry through into their Earth estate, "You are God's Children, going to fulfill his Purpose on this Planet". This I know they shall remember when first they emerge from the cocoon of their parents' vehicles, and when they first hear the song of the birds and the Light of the Sun becomes visible to them.

Before the pressures of the human creation, they KNOW THEY ARE GOD'S CHILDREN.

Mother Mary




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