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Let us turn our attention to the Kingdom of Nature. In its real expression it gives us a lesson of the Truth of Life. The trunk of the tree represents the Spiritual "I AM" Presence, and the many branches are the lifestreams activities through the various spheres of life. The bud, the leaf, flower and fruit are representative of the personality of the lifestream in a certain season or incarnation.

An excellent example of the entire identity of humankind is the fruit of the tree. You will recall that the symbol of the Tree of Life was used in earlier times in the teaching of the Law of Life. The study of the rhythmic course of the season show that the bud, leaf, flower and fruit make a temporary appearance in the world of form, abide there for a time, and then disappear. Even the unawakened lifestream knows that the tree does not cease to be through the passing of its seasonal harvest.

Humanity, however, in the course of his entrance into the world of form in thousands of embodiments, places his interest, faith and consciousness in the 'bud' of one season. If, through natural manifestation or some other reason the flower does not bloom, humanity suffers unnecessary grief in seeing what he believes the extinction of a soul on Earth. In the Nature Kingdom he accepts the fact that an early bud is replaced by another, and no harm is done. The same is true in the world of humanity.

I bring this lesson to your attention to further imprint upon your consciousness that there is no death. We have just had the benefit of the magnificent radiation attendant to the Celebration of the Feast of Easter, at which time our Beloved Master Jesus sent such a powerful radiation into the Earth plane of the Resurrection and the Life.

My beloved chelas, through the Power of the Resurrection Flame, draw forth into expression in the world of form those dormant God Qualities which just await your acceptance for the benefaction of yourself and all humankind. Permit the 'buds' of your lifestream to come into full flower through recognition of the God Power within, and living in a State of Grace, through the harmonious control of your energy, God's Energy is so freely allotted to you.

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Today we will liken the Earth to a garden in which a loving Father-Mother God have planted beautiful seeds, expecting the coming forth of flowers and shrubs in various designs and colors.

Think on the multitudinous expressions in that Kingdom, the early crocus, the violet, the rose, on to the chrysanthemum, and others in the Autumn; some delicate in expression; others more sturdy and massive; for instance, the white birch trees and the giant redwood.

Even as the God-Parents have these expressions of Beauty in the Nature Kingdom, so do they have self-conscious individualizations of themselves in the Human Kingdom through the illumined chelas, and other constructive lifestreams who have the inner development.

In the Cosmic Forward Movement of the hour, we look upon the Garden of the Gods and see the great pulsating qualities which each chela represents, and we know that through the obedience of the chelas, we can count upon this or that pulsation of God-Good to carry out the Divine Plan as held in the Heart of the Silent Watcher for a particular locality, and the blending of the whole into the over-all Expression pulsating within the Heart of the Beloved Immaculata for the Planet.

I bring this to your attention so that you will not look upon yourselves as physical beings, but great pulsating centers of the Virtues of the Godhead, who can continue to follow the Plan as ordained for them individually, as well as cosmically, if they will remember always that when weeds crop up in their garden, they will immediately use the Divine Alchemy of the Sacred Fire to remove the offender once and for all.

As I look upon each of you today, I see beautiful flowers emitting a fragrance which is both pleasing and purifying in its radiation.

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The Light is rhythmically released into the Earth plane daily through a downward surge of Electronic Energy, and there is also daily an upward flow of Electronic Light which carries with it all the aspiration and all the upreaching and constructive consciousness of humankind.

The chela can consciously tune into this River of Ascending Energy and thus be drawn into the full gathered momentum of Godly directed Energy. This River of Light Energy is a requisite for that part of Life which has been bound by human thinking - in order to strengthen the aspiring God-Flame to a point where it can and is disconnected from the Earth pressure and thus flow freely in God Perfection.

Every Ascended Being who has achieved the Ascension, including Beloved Jesus, consciously tuned into the River of Ascending Light which the Universal "I AM" has provided as a conveyor of humanity's consciousness back to God. It is as though one stepped on a Cosmic Escalator and were carried by the Love of the "I AM" upward towards the goal which the heart desires.

The pressure of this surging Sea of Ascending Light is essential because the masse of humankind is constantly pouring forth energy in manner opposed to the Divine Plan. Unless humanity gets into the rhythmic pulsation of the Divine Plan as released by the Love and Light of the "I AM" he is still a part of the outer mind, hence the importance of daily meditation and application, individual and collective, rhythmically, and if possible at the same hour.

Here is where painters, for instance, with esoteric vision could learn to place on canvas the Beauty of these Cosmic Truths. Sometimes a painting can convey through the senses enough of Truth to awaken the sleeping soul. In the world and realm of the future, the Ascended Master Serapis and other Divine Beings will spread the Light through canvas, through sculpture and various other media, such as the dance, the song and melodious music.

When the Great Divine Plan for humankind and the Earth is so beautiful, it is a tragedy to see millions of people creating straw houses, built of their own human imaginings of what Life should be. The Elohim are the Cosmic Builders of the Planet, and Immaculata her Silent Watcher, Helios and Vesta supply the Light through the Universal "I AM" Presence surging through the consciousness of humanity as the upward arc. For centuries of time they have waited.

NOW is the hour of fulfillment, and with the speed of Hercules' Blue Lightning, and the calls of the awakened, humanity will be forced to look to the Divine Architect, and then build with the Forces of Nature according to the Divine Plan. So you can see, my beloved, how precious your calls are, and you truly have our blessing for your work towards the awakening of the race.

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Beautiful Music can and does bring Peace into the chela's life and feelings as no spoken work can give that so much required quality, that I suggest - that my chelas absorb as much Harmony through music as they can.

Every man was endowed with faculties by which he might earn the right to become a co-worker in the Kingdom of God here on Earth, and to expand the periphery of God's Design - which is humankind's reason for being. These faculties find expression as the power to see through the eyes, the power to touch through the hands, the power to think through the mind and brain activity, and the powers of the other senses.

Humanity, created of the One Father, equally endowed with the power to use these faculties, and the resulting use to which they are put, determine not only how much of that faculty they shall draw from the Universal, but the actual condition from the use of these faculties are placed at their disposal during each embodiment.

The faculty of sight, for instance, when used to enrich the consciousness by study, appreciation of the beauty in the world of form, and the capacity to see through false appearances into perfection does automatically refine the physical organism of the eye, and in a far greater sense allow the individual with such vision to reach into the Cosmic Peace, where he shall see and picturize God's Plan for the good of humanity, that might even be externalized by one who has lost the right to unite his God-given faculties with the Cosmos because of a temporary downward vision.

The veil which has shut out, temporarily, the beauty of the Angelic Kingdom and the Ascended Host is composed in part by the decadent vibratory action of the physical sight... which, through misuse through the centuries... can no longer vibrate at a rate which can pick up the pure radiation of the Fourth Sphere.

Individuals who are clairvoyant and clairaudient have, in the use of sight and hearing, remained to a great extent true to the Higher Activity in the use of these faculties. Thus they can perceive that which is yet invisible to the mass of humankind.

I say to my chelas, preserve Peace and Harmony, insofar as it is possible. Hold your vision HIGH!

Ĉolus, the Holy Spirit