The Feast of Pentecost

Beloved Maha Chohan

May 17, 1970

Blessed Children of Light, I bring you the Peace of the Holy Comforter and I invite you to come with me into the Heart of the Father-Mother God and receive the loving Benediction of the Holy Spirit, that Spirit which you can and will become when you have loosened the chains of the human consciousness, when you can say in true humility and dedicated feeling - the Father and I are ONE! 

That holy affirmation comes when the outer self, on bended knee, realizes its day is done and the way of the outer consciousness is no more and you accept the truth that the only way to fully express God's Will is by permitting the Christ within to take the soul into itself then the two are merged into ONE.

Beloved of my Heart, feel the Holy Spirit in Tongues of Flame expand within you let this Flaming Essence permeate every atom and cell of your four lower vehicles. Year after year, the activity of the Descent of the Holy Spirit with its enfolding radiation takes place and since the time recorded in the text of the Bible, the momentum has expanded, yet few individuals on this Earth have taken advantage of this outpouring. 

A magnificent opportunity is presented to you this morning, for I have come to tell you that it is possible for you, each dear one, to relinquish the power which the little self has enjoyed through the centuries and to become the Christ Self in action at all times that sacred Transfiguration can take place this very day! All that is required of you is to LET GO, AND LET GOD! As you humbly accept the truth that God, the Supreme Source is Spirit, you will find the body consciousness fading into the Light which you truly are. 

Naturally, to be our true representatives on Earth it is necessary that you have garments of flesh, but when your consciousness is blended with the Christ within, the lower vehicles function as servants of the Christ. 

We, who are Spirit, can manifest in the God form we desire to accomplish a specific purpose. That is why so many individuals who have had the privilege of seeing or visualizing a God Being differ in their opinions as to what a certain Cosmic Being or Ascended Master looks like. In India, China, Africa, Italy, the United States and so on, the person who contemplates or 'sees' the Master does not receive the same image. The color tone of our externalization is not always fair of skin, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Indeed not! This Spirit is White Light, which contains within itself all the colors of the spectrum. Please disassociate yourself from the fact that all Concepts should agree with the one you hold, let us say, of the Master Jesus. 

There are no two individuals whose concept of the Beloved Jesus is identical. You have an example of this in the various paintings or representations which have come forth of the Master. While the artist who drew the Image forth, in many instances would 'see' Jesus, all did not receive the same concept, for in order to fulfill the heart desire and have the beholder accept the picture in his mind's eye or otherwise, Beloved Jesus took on the form as close as possible to that held in the individual's consciousness. 

You realize, of course, that men have trod this planet Earth far too many times for me to enumerate here, and in the various countries in which they have embodied that through all the Images presented by the various religions to which they were in rapport, a divergence of ideas was born. 

In the New Age now dawning when mankind will see the Master and the Angels, and walk and talk with them, it is necessary that you let go of your specific idea as to what you think Beloved Jesus should look like, and until such time as he does appear, please accept the various pictures and statues which have come forth be they of bronzed skin, black or white pigment and as I stated before, Spirit is Light, and Light contains all colors! 

There are many who will hear or read these words who will see the Master Jesus with the physical sight in the not too distant future!! I pray that your consciousness and vehicles will be so cleansed that you will be able to recognize him in the midst of his resplendent Light! 

We have previously stated that representations of any God Being are of tremendous value; for instance the glorious statues of the Buddha have drawn the attention of pilgrims from all over the world to specific locations, and these Shrines have a gathered momentum of prayer-force and blessing and they form a magnet which has drawn and still draws the searching souls of men. The same is true, of course, of other God Beings - the Holy Mother Mary, Jesus, Saint Francis and many, many more. 

While there are many of you who do not require the visible form, be grateful for that advancement in the Light and I humbly counsel you not to expect your fellow traveler who is in a different stage or ray of development to adjust his consciousness to yours. There are many of these chelas who have volunteered to energize and hold the visible concepts which have come forth to keep the momentum alive for those who are to follow. 

Mind you, I say enter into the Flaming Essence of the Holy Spirit and give up the great struggle which ensues when the individual aspiring to godliness still accepts the fallacy of separateness. "I AM" the Fire Breath of the Almighty and this Holy Breath flows through you constantly to sustain your vehicles on this plane of Earth. He who dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High abides in peace of heart and Spirit, and in this one-pointedness does he move forward in the Grace of the Holy Spirit which he has become. 

On this Whitsuntide, "I AM" qualifying the Breath which "I AM" privileged to release to you with the PEACE of the Holy Spirit. Feel that soothing essence of Peace flowing through your vehicles. Now, on every inbreath accept and know that the Flame of Peace is entering your vehicles. Will you not, my dear chelas, so qualify the Breath that on the outgoing wave of energy this Essence will bless all life upon this Planet? If you would do this all through this holy day, the Spiritual Hierarchy would amplify this energy and saturate God's Life, in whatever form manifesting on this Earth, with this so necessary Virtue! 

Contemplate the expansion of. Peace which would saturate the evolutions of this Planet if you would endeavor to qualify the Holy Breath in this manner for a week! At the end of that time, I assure you that the rhythm of Peace would be a song unto your hearts! I humbly counsel you to try this exercise, for the results will be most gratifying to you, personally. 

While the heads of Governments and Nations are endeavoring to find a way which will bring Peace to Nations and their peoples, you could lay the groundwork for the acceptance of Peace. When I look at the searching souls of men and feel the pain within their hearts as they attempt to find a solution to bring Peace, I think what miracles and marvels could be wrought if the chelas would really understand what it means to be a Peace-Commanding Presence to have the privilege of assisting in the establishment of true Peace for all mankind. If you will assist in this project which is receiving prime attention from the Spiritual Hierarchy, you will be, accepting the Goddess of Opportunity into your hearts, where she will bless you without limit. 

PEACE must and SHALL come - not only the freedom from the conflict of physical battle, but the conflict raging in the hearts of men and nations, everywhere. 

The Angelic Legions of Peace are in attendance this Sacred Day and they will amplify the peaceful energy which you send forth, and if the heart desire is sufficient, several of the Angels of Peace will remain in your aura indefinitely to assist you to hold sustained Peace. Countless Legions of the Angelic Host are waiting to give this service to you and to all life. Invite them into your auras, homes, communities and nations. 

Do, I implore you, dedicate at least the remaining hours of this day to sustaining Peace within your own vehicles, and those who truly desire to serve with the Holy Spirit will bathe in the ecstasy of radiating that Virtue for the enrichment of all life, everywhere. 

Now, my beloved chelas, feel the Love of the Cosmic Holy Spirit Ĉolus and of my humble self as we endeavor to take you into the Flaming Presence of Spirit, the Christ Self, and as you imbibe its Sacred Essence permit us to saturate your feelings, through your acceptance, that from this day forward you will know that "The Father and I are ONE," within every fiber of your beings. 

In deep humility, I bow to the Supreme Source as I conclude this Message and anticipate an accepted dwelling place within your hearts from this moment forward. 

Paul, the Maha Chohan







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