The Activity of Fire

Beloved Zarathustra

May 13, 1970

Fire is the all-encompassing activity of God. The Godhead always appears clothed in Robes of Flame. It is the highest manifestation of visible, tangible substance. 

Light is an emanation of the Flame - the Cosmic Effect and the Fire of Creation is the Cosmic Cause. 

The Fire Element is the Supreme Governing Authority both in the Forces of the Elements, in the life of man and in the Solar System. There is a nameless, unseen, indescribable FORCE within the Fire, which is its heart center, but for man, the highest that his brain can comprehend as the manifestation of God is Fire. 

The Fire of Creation is the individual, Eternal Identity of every human being. It is dual in its purpose, for it constantly creates manifestations of itself, and may be called on to transmute imperfect expressions. This twofold action of Fire is the Gift of God to his Creation. 

The worship of the Fire is the most ancient of spiritual customs of the peoples of this planet and other planets as well. The activity of our Beloved Saint Germain is an Activity of Fire, as the Violet Transmuting Flame is obviously one of the manifold expressions of this Fire of God. 

In your physical world, the elements of water, air and earth are provided for man without self-conscious effort on his part and given as gifts for his use, but to enjoy the fourth element, which is by its name an element of the Fourth Dimension, one must exert conscious effort and through certain processes draw forth the Fire. This is true not only in your ordinary physical activity, but also in your spiritual. 

It was my great privilege many centuries ago to bring the physical knowledge of the Fire Element to the outer minds of man that they might use it for heat, light and, in its transmuting activity, to remove debris. 

"I AM" tremendously interested in the activity of Beloved Saint Germain because, of course, it is my natural element and I shall now take a more active part in the kindling of this Spiritual Fire in the hearts and minds of his chelas. 










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