Loving Counsel

Beloved El Morya

May 7, 1970

Greetings from the Heart of Darjeeling, where we live to LOVE LIFE FREE! 

There are two courses open before every man, while his feet still carry the dust of Earth upon them... action and resignation. The East has built into the consciousness of many a bright and shining Spirit that resignation which has been falsely labeled "the Will of God", and clothed in the cloak of such lethargy the spirit pines for the opportunity to unfold its wings and walk forth DOING the Will of God. 

Better far that the soul - bogged down by the creations of the ages - arise and ACT, even in error, than to sleep away the Cosmic Moment when all the voluntary energies of the Guardian Spirits are required to LIGHT THE WORLD. 

Circumstance will never yield to resignation; duty is never to the chains of karma. The man who loves the God of the Universe, seizes upon his karma, knows it is for the shadows of his own weaving, and utilizing the Powers of the Sacred Fire, removes obstruction from his Path. He makes himself a Power for God. An ACTIVE POWER for all Good! 

Look upon the course of your years. It is not persons who have taken your freedom... it is an attitude of consciousness. For where life has removed one limiting individual, another has arisen in its place and even though everyone presently connected with your outer self should be removed, others would rise UNTIL YOU DETERMINE WITHIN YOURSELF that your Light shall serve the World. Not in the foolish zeal of the unbalanced, but in the inner conviction that so long as a lifestream is incarnate there will be obstacles; obstacles are not GOD'S WILL, but merely incidents that give the soul opportunity to rise.

Sins of commission of evil are written on the Books of Life but sins of omission, no matter how clothed in self-righteousness are written by their side. You are in an HOUR OF OPPORTUNITY... Avail yourself of it! Spoken from the Heart of a Friend. 

El Morya

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Dear Morya embodies it all;

His Kindness - his Love

Which he gives in abundance,

We return to him straight from our hearts. 

O, Morya, dear Morya, we vow

To serve thee with all of our hearts;

We acknowledge thy Wisdom -

God's Will which thou art;

From thee never let us depart. 

Dear Morya, right down through the years,

Thou hast kindled the Flame in our hearts;

And stirred us to want to

Do God's Will - not our will;

O, Morya dear, bless thy sweet heart.


Melody: Blest be the tie that binds





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