The Evolution of Spirit

Beloved Jesus

October 5, 1970

Beloved Friends, come with me into the glorious consciousness of the CHRIST; permit that Christ to take over your four lower vehicles; feel that beautiful, rhythmic pulsation which is God in Action! 

Every man, woman and child has God within and those who allow the God Principle to flow through them express the Christ which, of course you know, is not the individual's outer consciousness, but refers to him, not as a separate entity, but rather expresses that part of life which allows the Godhead to flow forth freely in active expression. The expression of the Christ in the world of man is the Holy Spirit, which all must one day become. 

I became aware of the God within me when I was scarce two years of age, because in all my outer actions there seemed to be an impelling force apart from my conscious self that directed my actions along constructive lines. Knowing that this Living Presence that dwelt within me was yet apart from my personal identity, I began, as soon as the Earth Law would permit, to seek the understanding of this propelling power. 

Every man, woman and child must one day cultivate and draw forth this impelling force, although the average man lives so constantly in the little self consciousness that the Christ Power is dormant and exerts no influence on the outer actions of the individual. The more awakened the lifestream through previous embodiments, the more alive is this Inner Presence and the greater is its influence on the outer consciousness. 

There comes a long, painful period during which the Inner Powers strain for ascendancy as the outer consciousness retains its hold upon the Temple. He who carries the awakened, breathing Christ within his breast and has not yet learned the secret of surrender is the unhappy of mortals. I know what it means for I carried this pulsating God Power through every known channel of learning, hoping that its thirst might there be quenched and leave me in peace, and that I might be given some magic manner in which the outer man would be subdued. 

It was in a Retreat in Arabia that I learned of the evolution of the Spirit. I had known of the evolution of the body, but had not been taught of the expanding, evolving Christ. Then became clear to me the words of John, called the Baptist - "I must decrease that thou might increase." I knew then that the words referred to the personal self in relation to the Divine Identity, and when my mind and heart were set at peace from the thought that I might be obsessed by evil, I began in earnest the cultivation of the Christ and in the growth of its Ascending Power, It began like a warm cloak to expand from my breast through my limbs and head. I shall never forget the day when, sitting in a cave in Tibet, the Christ took full command of the flesh form and the struggle was over. 

Such a battle is in progress today in the world enmasse - the more awakened the Christ, the stronger the pain but let it here be understood that self surrender and comprehension are akin to Peace. Our Beloved Saint Germain has said repeatedly "there are only two activities of Life - if the Inner does not govern according to its Divine Plan, the outer must." Thus the more you permit the Christ to expand by dwelling within the Higher Consciousness through the surrender of the little self, the more will that Christ grow to full stature and you will then be the Christ in action at all times. 

When you serve the human of yourself and others, you give strength to the opposition, and in either choice no man may say you nay. Mastery is not for weaklings but for the strong! 

During my Ministry, in the embodiment of Jesus, I came to bring 'Grace' to the peoples and they received me not. So it has been from time immemorial - and those who carry the Grace from the Higher Octaves find their gifts unhonored and unsung, - yet now - some two thousand years after my Earth Ministry, the sweet essence of the Grace I brought, still covers the Earth, and with each passing season grows stronger and more potent in the Loving Charity intermittently expressed through the hearts of man. Thus it is with the Heavenly Gifts, they grow in power and sweetness through the years, and so will it be in your experience, my beloved ones. Remember always, the joys of Earth are fleeting, but the Treasures stored up in your Heavenly Consciousness endure and expand for eternity. 

A Blessed Christmas Season and may your hearts know the inner meaning of the Grace of the Holy Spirit which is alive within you, wait­ing always for expression through your lower vehicles to enrich the consciousness and lives of all that abide on this sweet Earth. 


Jesus, the Christ





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