The Retreat at Fujiyama

The Mystic Focus of Beloved Kamakura pulsates in the Etheric Realm over the Holy Mount Fuji, in the beautiful land of Japan, often called "The Land of the Rising Sun." 

Wending our way in consciousness to the Holy Focus in the Etheric Realm, we travel along a Path through magnificent gardens of Beauty and delicacy of design of the Oriental consciousness, and come upon what appears to be a "tea house". We rest for a moment as we are greeted by two lovely Ladies (Sisters of this Brotherhood) who beckon us to pause for a while and enjoy the view of the surrounding gardens. Then we realize that one is being prepared, through Spiritual Anointing, to proceed further into the accelerated Radiation of the Retreat. 

There are many groups of chelas, and at a signal from our guide (one of the Members of the Retreat) we know it is time to continue on our Spiritual Journey. As we proceed we realize that we are constantly ascending, as upon a mountain, reminiscent of the pilgrimage that individuals make in the world of form up the Holy Mountain of Fujiyama, the difference being that there is green verdure at frequent intervals. 

Several rest periods follow, after which we experience a gloriously exalted state of being, and we come upon the magnificent gardens surrounding the Temple itself. 

Rising in seven tiers is the Focus of Beloved Kamakura. The Temple is constructed of a material similar to alabaster, and each tier has the designation, with the corners upturned, like unto a Japanese Temple Roof. You all have seen this type of architecture in the outer Temples upon the landed surface of the Earth. At the apex of the Temple is a Flaming Focus of the Sacred Fire, which to the naked eye is like a Sun. The chelas actually do not view this for their vehicles could not stand the Power of this Light, and there is an outer ring of soft White Light, like unto the vapor rising over a lake in early morn. 

As we approach the entrance of the Temple we remove our shoes, and don the foot covering provided by an attendant, even as is done in the world of form. There is no shuffling or sound in this procedure. It is all accomplished through the rhythmic grace which is the way of life of the true Oriental. 

We now wend our way through the corridor in company of one of the Hostesses of this Retreat, our earlier Guide through the Gardens has retraced his steps to assist other pilgrims (chelas) to the Temple. Should the thought occur to you about the size of the Temple and whether it will accommodate the chelas from all over the Planet, the answer is "most certainly". The peoples in the Orient have always been imbued with what might be termed religious fervor, and the landed surface of the Earth welcomed many thousands of pilgrims. 

We proceed through a series of rooms as we ascend a spiraling stairway, and in graded order, according to the expansion of their Light the chelas proceed and are assigned to various levels. Some are permitted to go to the level below the Apex, in which is the Temple Room, Wherein Beloved Kamakura presides during special Ceremonies. The levels are so constructed that the Activities can be viewed, through stepped down Radiation by all those attending. 

This is the Activity which shall take place on September 20, 1969, when the chelas will participate in the Transmission of the Flame Ceremony, when the actual Breathing Ceremonies will send the Flame around the Planet. I believe this will enable you to enter more deeply and with greater feeling into the Transmission of the Breath in your local Sanctuaries and homes. 

You will see the Beloved Kamakura and our Lord and King, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, whose principal Focus this is for the Planet Earth, smile graciously as they are seated upon their throne chairs, and looking upon the countenance of Beloved Kamakura, we see the Wisdom of his eyes, and that there is great expectancy in his Being. Both Saint Germain and Beloved Kamakura now stand, as the Beloved Holy Ĉolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit, who inaugurated the Transmission of the Flame Ceremonies, enters the Temple and takes the place of honor. The Beloved Holy Ĉolus will say a few words of Greeting and Blessing and will then stand aside, as this is his express wish, so that the Beloved Saint Germain and Beloved Kamakura may both breathe upon the Flame, after the preliminary ritual and the rendition of the exquisite music symbolic of this Focus. 

You are aware of the fact that this is the Temple of Wisdom, and it is the prerogative of the Hierarch, which privilege he has exercised at this time, to offer the Momentum or Power of the Light of the Retreat to the Presiding Director of the Current Dispensation in this instance, the Beloved Saint Germain. 

You will note that the color of the Flame is Violet and Gold, indicating the Great Wisdom of the Divine Consciousness and the necessary Violet Transmuting Flame to attain that Estate by all who are proceeding along the Path to their ultimate Victory in the Light. 

Let us now reverently hear the delicate tones of bells as the Members assigned to this phase of the Ceremony, prepare the consciousness for the Sacred Activity which is to take place. We see Beloved Saint Germain and Kamakura, both with arms folded over the breast in Oriental fashion, stand before the Flame, and the benevolent Holy Ĉolus stands slightly behind them, and they form a triangle, and then breathing in unison upon the Flame, it expands and spirals through the co-operative Breath of those here assembled, the Transmission of the Flame takes place. 

The Altar and Platform of three tiers is circular, and is so arranged that the celebrants thereon may stand on the level of the actual Flame, for it is the Flame representative of the specific activity of this Retreat which is the Central Focus. At the time of the Ceremonies, the Celebrant, or Celebrants, may rise to its level, depending upon which Activity will engage their energies. 

I trust you have all had an illuminating and interesting "tour" to this Sacred Focus and I consider it a wonderful privilege to have been your Commentator, for the Orient is so very dear to my Heart, and we shall most heartily welcome you as you add your energies all during this period when the Focus at Fujiyama is Host to the chelas throughout the Planet...       

Kwan Yin






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