The Consciousness of Divinity

Beloved Saint Germain

February 2, 1969

My dear Friends, when the Flame of Pure Divine Love rises from your hearts to any Being in Heaven's Realms, that One immediately feels the Flame of Gratitude well up within his own Being, and he returns that Love in amplified activity. You have raised your consciousness to me with such deep sincere Love that you have brought me into your midst today! 

Now what shall I talk about? Oh, there are so many aspects of the Spiritual Law upon which I could discourse but I have decided upon what you are today, the sum total of your thoughts and feelings - your consciousness! 

This subject has been brought to your attention over and over again, but I shall endeavor to give you some of the principles which may assist you. They can and will if you apply the instruction given. 

It has been said, and truly, that 'a house divided cannot stand'. The Truth within this statement is that an individual who separates himself from the Divinity of his being cannot proceed into his Eternal Freedom until the lower self, which has 'divided itself' from the Christ Presence, decides that he has had enough of this separated way of living and, in humility, sets about the blending of his lower vehicles into the vibratory action of the Indwelling Christ. While the consciousness entertains both good and evil at alternate times, neither the positive nor the negative is fully expressed. No mastery can be attained while the house is divided, for the entertainment of imperfection, at any time, provides an open door through which more negation can enter and express itself. 

Now I wish to assure you that I am greatly encouraged by the advancement of your consciousness, for you have applied yourself to one of the principles by which you may attain, the Perfection of your individualized "I AM" Presence, and that is in the opening of your consciousness to the acceptance of the Ascended and Cosmic Hosts as a REALITY and have, to a large degree, followed the Instructions which we have been privileged to present to you. 

Since you have provided the Cup of your Consciousness and raised it to us, Cosmic Law demands that we fill that Vessel with as much as you can understand and absorb. Ofttimes, chelas who have a great mental accretion in their consciousness entertain the thought: "Oh, I wish they would give us something new!" Ah, grasp that intruder quickly and get it out of your world immediately. When you lapse into that frame of mind, it is proof that you do not know or understand the Spiritual Law which has been presented to you. The privileged chelas of THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM have reams and reams of Spiritual Instruction which, if applied, would assure them of their ultimate Victory in the Light. 

The Library of your consciousness is filled with instruction which heretofore was given only to initiates in the physical Retreats of the Ascended Masters but which now, because of the acceleration of the Planet necessitated by the Seventh Ray Dispensation becoming more prominent, is presented to you in simple language in an endeavor to reach your consciousness and become a part thereof as quickly as possible. 

In the process of inviting the Ascended and Cosmic Host to fill your consciousness with the Truth which is a part of their individual Consciousness - the momentum of a special Virtue or Virtues which they have elected to ensoul for the enrichment of the Consciousness of the whole - you have all raised your consciousness to the degree where there are tremendous possibilities within your reach. As you permeate your worlds with the ability to accept those God Virtues, they become a part of your beings, and as a result, you have the capacity to wield the Sacred Fire and increase the Perfection of the Universe. 

Through the Divine Alchemy of the Sacred Fire, where conditions of a negative nature are manifesting, by directing the Ray of Transmutation into the imperfection, it can be replaced immediately by any of the God Virtues which you have drawn into and stored within your Causal Body. Do you not realize that every time you do this, you EXPAND the Borders of God's Kingdom that Kingdom being the Consciousness of the Cosmos, without any limited periphery - expanding - expanding - on and on until everywhere it touches, the Beauty and Perfume of God's Love anoints all? 

Through the process of inviting the Consciousness of the Heavenly Ones abiding forever in God's Perfection, you more quickly attain the Consciousness of the At-one-ment to which all chelas aspire. In so doing, one must realize that he enters different states of Consciousness each carrying their own 'wave length' or vibratory action. One often 'discovers' the Ray to which he belongs in this manner and that explains why his consciousness differs from another chela on the Path. However, when the chela has advanced sufficiently and entered deeply into the Cosmic Consciousness, he has become conversant with or attuned to, the rates of vibration on all the Rays, and his fellow-travelers do not disturb him by other vibratory actions. 

"I AM" speaking of the Consciousness of Perfection which is enjoyed by the Perfected Ones and not what is referred to as the "mass consciousness" which is made up of the concepts and actions of the human way of thinking built through eons of time, and which presently forms the effluvia which enshrouds the Planet. 

My so-loved Friends, I offer you the Cup of my Consciousness and I invite you to drink deeply of the Elixir of Divinity. Every time you so desire its Essence, I shall so gratefully fill your Cup, so long as you remember that all life is ONE, and that it is your responsibility to share your consciousness, through radiation and otherwise, with your fellow traveler upon the Planet Earth until his cup runneth over also! 

Humbly, "I AM" your friend

Ascended Master Saint Germain







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