Wesak Festival

May 1, 1969

When Lord Gautama completed his Mission on the Earth, he was granted permission by the Cosmic Law to return once in every twelve-month cycle to bless the people of Earth. This yearly Visitation has become known as the Wesak Festival and takes place on the evening of the full moon in the mystic month of May each year. 

While this Festival takes place in India, the pilgrims of Earth are not apprised of its specific location, but are guided by the Light within their hearts until they come into the radius of the Light of the Buddha. However, a Dispensation was later granted whereby the chelas who are cognizant of this outpouring of Light are now permitted to attend in their etheric garments by asking, upon retiring, that their Sponsor of the month takes them to this Sacred Ritual to receive of its glorious Blessing. 

In 1966, the Beloved Gautama appeared in the atmosphere at the Festival in his glorious Ascended Master Body, and directly below him, Lord Divino, the present Buddha, received the Power and Love which Beloved Gautama formerly dispensed to the pilgrims. Since that evening, it has been the privilege of Lord Divino to appear in his Luminous Presence in the Wesak Valley to re-enact the activities of this yearly Festival. 

The Radiation continues through the 24-hour period and wise is the chela who, through the heart pull of Pure Love, waking or sleeping, tunes in to this Holy Ceremony. Like the pilgrims of India, the Light within each one's heart is the magnet which will make them cognizant of the actual Ceremony when it is at its zenith. 



Rays of Spiritual Illumination

by Beloved Saint Germain 


Beloved and blessed ladies and gentlemen who have loved me long and served me well, it is my joy; it is my honor; and it is my privilege to again cross the Bridge from the Realm of Divinity into the world of form to give you my Love and implicit Faith in your capacity to be constant in our Service until the Permanent Golden Age is established upon this Earth. Then shall every man, woman and child know the glory of wearing 'Freedom's Robes'. Then shall every imprisoned Elemental be free to live in its God-Estate, and every imprisoned Angel presently embodied here know the Harmony and Joy of again living with the Angelic Kingdom, even though these souls may be presently sacrificing for a time the fullness of their Ascension. 

Thus shall the three Kingdoms be eternally united on 'Freedom's Holy Star', and in this way does my Vision of the Ages become physically manifest through the loving, conscious co-operation of those who have believed in my Reality; those who have accepted my Life, my Light, and my humble endeavors to instruct them, and who have, in return, given to me their Fidelity! Now as we begin to intensify the activities of the New Era, others will reap where these have sown', and in years to come this Earth will show a great harvest from their earnest endeavors. 

As I have mentioned to you several times before, again I say to you concerning those who are to follow you in service, PREPARE NOW for your successor among the lovely younger generation. In the Name and Authority of your own Beloved "I AM" Presence, call to us daily to raise up those Ascended Master youth who will be interested in the expansion of our Cause and who can be trained as you have been. They will be the ones to whom you will be able to pass the 'torch' when your journey here is done; when you, in dignity, enter your own Electronic "I AM" Presence and thus become a Divine Ascended Being. When this does take place, I pray to God that each one of you will have prepared at least one chela to take your place. Let us not allow it to be said that even a single one neglected to prepare another hand to be ready in time to take from him the 'torch'! 

Let there not be a repetition of what has happened century after century in the past - that of letting the 'Bridge of Light' from the Divine Realms into yours disintegrate because the generation which drew it forth passed on to well earned rest - leaving a younger generation which was not sufficiently grounded in the instruction to be able to sustain that Bridge of Consciousness unbroken. 

The Great Cosmic Law demands that, as we invest our Life, Light and Love in some chela who loves us and declares himself ready to serve our cause, that that chela, in turn, must give the assistance to others as he has received it. The spiritually awakened Oriental mind knows this Truth well for it applies also to those who study with unascended Masters and Gurus. For every bit of Light (Instruction, Illumination, etc.) a chela receives, that one must balance his account with the Cosmic Law by giving such assistance to someone else whom the chela must find, interest, and instruct. 

In the busy Western world, the chelas are inclined to forget their obligations to the future generations - to those younger lifestreams who are already here as well as those who are yet to come - forgetting that teachers must be provided for the immediate as well as for the more distant future. We know that sometimes the good chelas weary a bit of hearing about their responsibilities to make application upon this and that, and we are quite aware of the diversity of application which must be made. There are decrees to be made for those yet to be born; for those who have been born; for the families in which they live while they are here; for assistance to be given to those souls who are finished with the Earth life; and then for incoming souls preparing for embodiment again upon the Earth. Oh, dear hearts, I have been around that circle with each one of you - many times. Now it is your turn to take that circle of application through for your fellowman. I know that you will find it interesting and most rewarding. 

On a May day, as I took my leave of this sweet Earth and finally accepted the full Victory of my Ascension, I remember well experiencing the feeling one has when he is obliged to leave a task not quite completed. At that time, my 'Utopia' was only a book; my dreams written only into the lines of the Shakespearian plays and upon the hearts of a few faithful students. If it had not been that my Superiors thought it wise that I take my Ascension at that time, I think that I could not have left the earth in that hour with my Vision still unfulfilled. 

Grateful indeed am I to you, my faithful students, for taking that Vision into your own consciousness and making it real - tangible and practical in this world of form. The establishment of the reality of this Vision is taking place first right here in your beautiful United States of America. It shall expand and expand until it is worldwide - a great SPIRITUAL FREEDOM which has no regard for nationality, creed or color - having regard only for the Light within the hearts of all people - that Light which is endeavoring to illumine their souls. 

We are now coming into the day when World Brotherhood shall be completely understood as an activity which raises the soul to the place where the individualized Christus, of each one is externalized by the expansion of Immortal Three-fold Flame through that soul into outer manifestation. In this New Age into which we have entered, every lifestream, regardless of color, creed or individual status, shall externalize that Holy Christ Self. Oh, dear hearts, is not the bringing into manifestation of such a Vision worth all the loving, dedicated service that you can give - at least for the rest of this earth life? Many times all through the centuries, I have given my life for this Cause, and our Beloved El Morya has done the same. Now we must depend upon you to help us. To this end, we have invested our Life and Love so that you would be prepared to serve until those new lifestreams are raised up to carry forward the Light which you have guarded and expanded thus far. 

These are days of great acceleration as the Earth's axis is being permanently straightened and the Planet moves rapidly forward at the same time. The entire System is also rapidly moving forward which makes it necessary for the vibratory action of your own bodies to be stepped up a certain amount every twenty-four hours - just as much as you can comfortably stand. Here I would like to bring to your attention this important point! Because of this acceleration of the speed of your four lower bodies, you will often find a tendency to hurry, and hurry always brings distress of one kind or another. It is very necessary that the chela clearly understand this at the present time so that he will consciously control these feelings. Calling to any of the Ascended Host in the name of your own "I AM" Presence and asking us to charge your world with our feelings of Perfect Balance in all your activities, will enable you to always take the MIDDLE WAY! 

Such a conscious watchful control of your energies will enable you also to enjoy, in practical daily living, greater emotional stability, mental alertness, etheric clarity, and more physical strength and energy - all of which will allow you to hold the feelings of balanced poise, dignity and general self-control which are the God Qualities and real Nature of the Seventh Ray. Remember you now belong to the Royal House of Freedom! You are accepting my Life and Love, using my name, and representing me to the world. In this regard, to the very best of your individual and collective abilities, I know that you will always endeavor to represent me worthily! 

Let me speak for a moment concerning the question of 'place' which seems so important to unascended beings. In the Ascended Masters' Realm, we are all ONE in the desire to have the Divine Plan fulfilled all ways everywhere. Our desire is to always have made manifest the greatest good for the greatest number. Each of us has a certain gathered momentum of perfected Qualities which we offer in the Service of producing such Perfection, and each of you also has such gathered momentums of Perfection stored in your Causal Body. So you who are so vitally interested in our Cause and serve us well in these momentous days - consider not the importance of your particular place of serving. Just be grateful for opportunity to release the momentums of Good within your Causal Bodies to anchor and hold this Activity firm and immovable in the power and powers of Love Divine until we can reach the masses of the people, and until SPIRITUAL LIBERTY has been added to POLITICAL LIBERTY! Upon you I depend for this assistance in this day and hour! 

Before closing this Address today, may we lovingly request that all of you, individually and collectively, call to the Beloved Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Liberty and the Goddess of Light to release their mighty Light Rays into the causes and cores of all gossip and remove them, cause, effect, record and memory, forever! Beloved ones, I tell you that, as an unascended being, I suffered much from that human quality, but as an Ascended Being, I can truthfully say to you that gossip can do more harm than physical murder! However, as far as your worlds are concerned, and the worlds of all connected in any way with our Activity, let no one have anything more to do with this unfortunate human habit! 

You are my dearly beloved children! The PERMANENT GOLDEN AGE has already begun upon your Faith in us, and in your hands I place the protection and sustenance of the Seventh Ray and its glorious activities.