Summer Conference Address

Beloved Kenich Ahan

July 9, 1965

Hail, thou Children of Light, "I AM" come from the Heart of the Sun of this System, bringing you the greetings of the Beloved Helios and Vesta and the Benediction of their Love and Light! 

Oh thou Holy Light of God, infiltrate the consciousness and beings of these blessed followers on the Spiritual Path, who have dedicated their lives and beings to serving the Omnipotent First Cause, for the externalization of the Divine Plan on this Planet Earth! 

Cosmic and important were the Plans which were under consideration by the Representatives of all the Planets under the direction of Helios and Vesta. Obedience is the first order, and when the Cosmic Law lays a Plan before the beings who are immediately responsible for the activities which will take place when the Inbreath by Beloved Helios and Vesta absorbs the Planet Mercury into their Hearts, then the forward progression of all the Planets in this chain takes place. 

And, obedience to the Law of Harmony is the specific request which I present to you today, so that you will not in any way retard for one iota the great Cosmic Over-all Plan, which has been set into motion. 

I give you this information, not to stir up the negative quality of fear in your consciousness, but with the knowing feeling that you are all now sufficiently 'grounded' in the Teachings of the Cosmic Law that you will recognize the requirement for keeping the harmony at all times through the constant purification of your vehicles, in order that you will be in a state of Listening Grace, alert, ready and willing to follow any Directives which we may set before you for carrying out the Plans of the Spiritual Hierarchy. 

This preparation is not the matter of a moment, and has been taking place for many years, in particular this year of Nineteen Hundred Sixty five when the Cosmic Law set into motion the intensified activity of Purification. 

YOU are our Representatives - the Light Bearers for this Planet - who must be in readiness when the Cosmic Move takes place, the hour you know not! Like the Generals in the Forces protecting the various constructive Governments who have their legions well trained for the resultant activity of Victory, so are we responsible to the Spiritual Law for the training, the preparation, the ultimate fulfillment of this Cosmic Edict. 

We require humble, dedicated, harmonious lifestreams who are willing to serve as ONE, knowing that in that ONENESS is the PRESENCE OF GOD, "I AM", which is the Directing Intelligence in all their actions! 

You have been apprised by Beloved Maha Chohan that Micah, the Angel of Unity, is the Being ensouling the Bridge Activity. Do you not see the importance of his voluntary Service! Send your love and gratitude to him daily, for tremendous is the Mission of this Beloved One! 

I trust you now realize to a degree why Shamballa, the Heart Center for the Spiritual Hierarchy responsible for this Planet Earth, is so important and why this is a required Focus on the Earth, which must be freed of worldly ties through financial obligations ensuing from a mortgage on its blessed bosom. 

One opportunity has been passed up by the students, notice I say ‘students’ for had they been true chelas they would have felt in their hearts the necessity of relieving any Pressure upon this property by outer obligation. Blessed indeed are they who have heard the call and have so generously responded. 

The time is rapidly approaching when all activities of a Spiritual Nature will be more firmly aligned to this Heart Center. They are in a minor way so connected at present, but due to certain obstruction in the consciousness of their Leaders a limited flow of energy can take place. I in no way infer that they do not serve as individual entities, but to receive of the full benefit of the Light and Energy which should flow from the Heart Center of the Spiritual Hierarchy into their specific service, they should recognize in their hearts what SHAMBALLA means. 

As a simile, the individual States in these United States have their own local government, but all are subject to the Central Government of your Nation, in Washington, D.C., or the subjects of a reigning King or Queen, or other person in Central Authority, in any Country. You have been told on many occasions, that the heart of the Planet is these United States, and the Heart Center of the Spiritual Hierarchy was necessarily moved to this location. 

It is only in separateness that the consciousness does not accept this fact, for those who are coming closer and closer to the full acceptance that GOD IS ALL, GOD IS EVERYWHERE, there is the true belief in their feelings that the Universe IS the Body of the Cosmic "I AM", Presence, or by whatever name they so designate the Omnipotent, Omniscient First Cause, the Divine Principle of Life, everywhere! 

The Activity of the Composite God Presence is made up of what you designate as Heart, Throat and Head, the Flames of Pink, Pure Divine Love, the Blue Flame of Power (the Will of God) and the Golden Flame of Divine Illumination. These Centers are necessary for the externalization of all Good, the Precipitation Force, and all other components in the Cosmic Body are the adjuncts under the direction of these three activities. So you see, the Heart Center, or Shamballa, which is the throbbing, pulsating Center of the Immortal Victorious Three-Fold Flame for this Planet should be permitted an interrupted flow of energy into all activities of a Spiritual Nature. 

You will remember many years ago, and which has been repeated since, that the Beloved Æolus, then the reigning Maha Chohan for this Earth, told the chelas that Long Island was such a supercharged Spiritual location that only those chelas who had raised their vibratory action to a very high degree could in safety set foot on this Sacred Isle. The day is approaching when this will again be the case, all outer manifestations to the contrary notwithstanding. And the immediate outer Forcefield of Shamballa is to be so charged with Spiritual Currents that only those chelas who have actually and wholeheartedly accepted the Focus of the Hierarchy as being here present, and have so purified their vehicles as to be privileged to set foot on the hallowed ground, will be permitted to do so. 

The momentum of God-Power is ever-increasing on Long Island, as well as etherically in Manhattan, and the Plan held in the Hearts of Beloved Clove and Beloved Aurora, the respective Silent Watchers, shall externalize in the not too distant future. This is the Cosmic Edict, and so it shall be! 

Now a word about our Retreat at Yucatan. I wish to tell you that we of that Brotherhood are most pleased that you gravitate to our Focus of Light and Illumination, and through these etheric visits your consciousness is much more receptive to Truth. Through this acceptance and use of the information which you receive, are you truly becoming Light Bearers, serving under the Banner of the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, our King, and his lovely lady, the mighty Portia. 

Blessed ones, surely you feel the hallowed privilege which is yours and the resultant buoyancy in your beings, to be under the direct supervision of the great Gautama, Lord of the World! As the chelas so accept his Presence in the Etheric Focus of Shamballa, this Illumined One will more often be in contact with you, through more frequent Releases of his Cosmic Wisdom.

 (Audience Rises) 

I present this to you, for upon contemplation of Beloved Gautama you will remember that it was he who emphasized, and still does, the Wisdom of the Middle Way, the fine line, of Balance, without a trace of fanaticism. We wish to counsel you that Balance is of the utmost importance, and that no true chela engages in any activity in an extreme manner, which might cause the yet-to-be illumined lifestreams on this Earth to wonder at any unseemly word or action. Be natural, and in so doing, those chelas who live but to serve, shall be the Expressions of God-in-action, for that which is natural in its true sense, is the outpicturing of the Divinity within, pure unadulterated Truth as released by the Directing Intelligence of one's being. 

You will remember, Beloved Saithrhu referred to the Presence of God within, as your Individualized great Divine Director. Remember that always! And give obeisance and obedience to the God Intelligence at all times, fully convinced, that you are walking the Path of Righteousness, releasing the Perfection which will be manifest in its fullness in the Golden Age coming to fruition for this Planet. 

Before I bring this Release to a close, will you please center yourselves completely within the Immortal Victorious Three-Fold Flame in your hearts, and remain in meditation, as we request that the Song to Beloved Helios be played on the organ, and while you are in this state of Listening Grace, we shall have the opportunity of releasing an accelerated activity of Light into and through your beings, and as a result bathing the whole Student Body, and all life in the Light of the Sun. 

(Silence - while Music is played) 

Thank you, great hearts of Light, and now I shall just say that you are carrying the Sacred Essence of Divinity in the Chalice of your hearts, and he who is wise will guard his consciousness accordingly. 

And now please stand and raise your voices in song to the great Helios, who has signified he will address you, following the rendition.

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