The Permanent Focus on Long Island

Beloved Lord Gautama

September 6, 1964

Blessed and sanctified children of the One Supreme Source of all Life, I, Gautama, Lord of the World, greet you today in loving humility and deep, deep gratitude for your cooperation with the Spiritual Hierarchy in establishing the Permanent Focus for the Brotherhood on Long Island. 

Think what this means to all of us, and my humble self, in particular, to have chelas who have the Faith, the knowing feeling in the integrity of the Instruction which we release to you! You are blessed beyond your present comprehension. 

It has been a magnificent sight for us to witness the Builders of Form carefully, oh so carefully, following the Directives of the Seven Mighty Elohim, and that Great Cosmic Architect, Serapis Bey of Luxor, erect the glorious Temple which is now pulsating in the ethers over Long Island. This specific activity of bringing the seat of the Spiritual Government for the Planet Earth into etheric manifestation has been such a wonderful opportunity for Beloved Serapis, under whose direction the first Shamballa was erected, to again express his Cosmic talents in duplicating the Temple which was originally on this site on Long Island, and which was the Focus of the Holy Spirit. 

The Cosmic Holy Spirit

How we all love the Beloved and Holy Æolus (whom you have previously known as the Maha Chohan). Æolus was the name given by the Ancient Greeks to the "God of the Winds", and was an Activity of the Breath through the Offices of the Holy Spirit. Now the Beloved One in his Activity of the Cosmic Holy Spirit will use his name - Æolus - in the expanded Service of the Breath which is now his. Revere… bless each breath as it passes through your vehicles, knowing that it is the Breath which Holy Æolus is channeling to the Present Maha Chohan (formerly Paul, the Venetian) and he in turn, through your vehicles. 

You have the unprecedented opportunity of having been under the direct Radiation of Beloved Æolus these many years, and because of his Love for you, and you for him, he will continue the pulsation which has entwined you in Cosmic Service, One with the other - every breath that you breathe will carry the Essence of his Being, and will raise you more quickly into the vibratory action which is necessary and befitting the Members of Shamballa, the outer court, so to speak. 

Mankind's Harvest at Shamballa

"I AM" anticipating with sincere Love and Gratitude meeting you when you present your sheaves, along with the rest of mankind - your harvest of works well done in the name of the Father of us all, when you visit the Central Focus of the Spiritual Brotherhood, on November 30th of this year, in the Etheric Realm over Long Island. In the majority, you can be assured your Blessing will be great as this presentation takes place and you receive the Benediction of the entire Hierarchy. 

Enfolding you in my Flame of Illumination, Peace and Balance of "The Middle Way", "I AM"

Lord Gautama






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