Temple of Mercy

The Cosmic Focus of God's Mercy and Forgiveness is located not too far from the City of Peiping in China. Here, many ages ago, the Goddess of Mercy, Kwan Yin, magnetized, through her invocative powers, a concentrated Flame of Mercy and Forgiveness. It remains to this day a radiating sun of these qualities through the mental and feeling worlds of mankind and all life presently abiding in and around the atmosphere of Earth. 

Around this focus of the Mercy Flame there was built a beautiful Chinese Temple wherein the Brothers and Sisters dedicated to sustaining the Presence of that Flame in the atmosphere of Earth could increase its pressure by their rhythmic devotions. In time, there were built around this Central Temple other magnificent Temples of Light whose domes all inclined slightly toward the central Temple in gentle reverence and homage to the Flame of Mercy which inspired the presence and activity of the Divine Purifying Activity which has played such an important part in removing pressures of evil from the Earth and its peoples. 

The Brothers and Sisters of the Temple of Mercy are dedicated to consciously drawing an intensification of, the quality of Mercy into the lower atmospheres in which mankind abide. These blessed individuals connect their lifestreams with the Source of Mercy in the Aura of the Sun through their thoughts, visualizations, invocations and rituals. They magnetize the already God-qualified energy of Mercy from the Higher Realms into the beautiful Violet Flame to which they have dedicated their lives. These streams and currents of Mercy feed the established focus of the Mercy Flame and Ray which ever increases the size of its sphere of influence through the added life of even one person cognizant of its Presence and loving its Power. 

While the Great White Brotherhood are within the spiritual aura of the Mercy Flame and Ray, the full strength and light of each one's own full-gathered momentum intensifies its Power to act for the blessing of life. 

It would be wise and expedient for the chelas to not only utilize its already gathered momentum for their own purification, add to its Power and efficacy by magnetizing it into their homes and group endeavors, but also each chela is recommended to consciously attempt to create in his own feeling world during this thirty day period, the Ascended Masters' feeling of Mercy and Forgiveness toward all life, toward all whom the individual consciously remembers as having injured him, and then the great impersonal life that each one has affected through the ages in which they have lived previous to this embodiment. 


Gods are made of those who use the gales of opposition as winds - to fill their sails as they set their course 'Full Speed Ahead'!



Reason can bring one to the Gates of Heaven, but Love and Faith alone can cause the individual to leap the chasm and become united with The Source.





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